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This dissertation is about the tenets of spiritual development outlined in Thomas Merton’s writings. Merton (1915 – 1968) was a monk, scholar, author, spiritual practitioner, and mystical theologian. Beginning with the research question:... more
A personal memoir of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh (Anthony Bloom), with reflections on his teachings about interpersonal relationships and the art of seeing.
Accompanied by a new translation of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics X, this volume presents a hybrid between a traditional commentary and a scholarly monograph. Aristotle's text is divided into one hundred lemmata which not only explore... more
This paper presents a Platonist and Indo-hellenistic ascetic and renunciant view of sexual desire and sexuality and the necessity of celibacy on the spiritual path and concludes that for the many who won't be celibate contemplative... more
in New Theology Review vol. 18 (2005) 82-85. Founded on Fidelity to Reality and Conversion to God's Reign, Liberation spirituality (and theology) grow on five pillars. 1) Contemplative Vision 2) Preferential Option for Poverty 3)... more
It is well-established that the Jesus prayer basically takes form in early monasticism. Just a few scholars have very briefly suggested a possible connection with late antique philosophy. This article examines the early development of the... more
This is a review of my book written by David Lewin and my response to his insightful comments.
Excellent rational activity is central to happiness as outlined in the Nicomachean Ethics. This chapter argues that this activity is contemplation, but not practical activity in accordance with the virtues, because only the former... more
This essay refers to 'attributes' of the Absolute and shows how they are reflected in specific facets of contemplative asceticism and renunciation and that this is the way to embody the Absolute in this world. It attempts to establish... more
This essay shows and discusses that, exactly contrary to what the world thinks, worldly and bodily and sensual pleasures and desires and pursuits are actually pain and misery and deprivation, and celibate, vegetarian, teetotalling... more
My theme is ‘life-writing’, understood as the shaping of one's life through the contemplation of values, although this activity is mostly unreflective. To become an art so that one's life can be shaped in greater accord with clearly held... more
In her novella Holy the Firm, Annie Dillard draws from the deep tradition of Christian spirituality to probe the nature of human existence. The work chronicles the events of a three day period, yet as the poetic expression of Dillard’s... more
A Q. and A. on "the reason for asceticism". An inquiry I received about the rationale for asceticism from a Platonist perspective giving the questioner's tentative understanding and asking for my comments followed by my somewhat lengthy... more
D’après l’oracle d’Apollon, Plotin avait une capacité extraordinaire à ne jamais vraiment succomber au sommeil. Porphyre, dans le commentaire qu'il donne de cet oracle, introduit l’idée remarquable d’une double attention, tournée tout à... more
This is an article in the philosophy of happiness — but one with an untypical focus. It clarifies the claim of the phenomenologist Dietrich von Hildebrand that (H) high happiness comes especially from loving others, and compares it with... more
Announcement of the 2nd WORLD ENCOUNTER TERESIAN MYSTICISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE: Chan/Zen Buddhism and Carmelite Spirituality: ON LOVE AND COMPASSION (Ávila, Spain, July 26th to 30th of 2022).... more
DENIS the Carthusian affirms Mary as the summa contemplatrix, interpreting the plenitude of grace of Luke 1:28 to include the theological gift of wisdom. In Dionysian thought, the gift of wisdom equates to mystical theology, unitive... more
What is the relationship between friendship and human flourishing? This is a central topic in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and one to which Maimonides also returned throughout his career. Despite the relative neglect of this topic in... more
Christian asceticism assumes that human beings can profoundly transform themselves over years of systematic training, with divine aid. This contribution joins recent scholarship in stressing the therapeutic and transformative dimensions... more
This chapter offers analytical meta-reflection on the process of identifying, surveying and examining the current field of academic yoga and meditation studies. It discusses significant and ongoing shifts in this field of study, as well... more
This paper discusses the temporal experience of film viewing by analysing the peculiar case of watching slow cinema, a strand of films that foreground temporality through its radical attenuation of narrativity as well as its austere,... more
«Relegado al olvido en su patria durante siglos, en Miguel de Molinos (1628 - 1696) se cumple el aforismo “el tiempo no borra, ubica”. Y lo hace apenas desde principios del s. XIX en que comienzan a surgir estudios sobre su figura y... more
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
L’ouvrage de Pierre Hadot, "Plotin ou la simplicité du regard", dont nous nous apprêtons à faire la recension concerne sa dernière édition de 1997. Les changements qui sont intervenus dans la rédaction de cet essai aussi transportant que... more
This paper examines the phenomenon of 'spiritual' or 'imagined' pilgrimage in Medieval Europe. An analysis of the contemplative processes encountered in physical pilgrim travel precedes an examination of the culture of contemplation on... more
Thomas Merton (1915-1968) is considered to be one of the most important Catholic American authors of the twentieth century. In this book one can discover Merton not only as a contemplative writer and prophet, but also as a pastoral... more
The spiritual tradition of hesychasm is arguably one of the most distinguishable features of Athonite monasticism. This chapter explores hesychasm’s deep intertwining with Mount Athos, by following its historical unfolding from its... more
Almost two thousand years ago, the Indian sage Patañjali, an inheritor of several of these maps, and a noted master navigator of consciousness, composed an integrated set of aphorisms that describe in great detail the structure and... more
Amidst the rich panoply of Jewish Kabbalah, Abraham Abulafia (1240-1291) resonates the most with modern, philosophically minded seekers of direct mystical experience. Abulafia was unique amongst Jewish mystics in providing precise... more
This paper describes my experience of Chakrapani Ullal. Chakrapani was one of the great master's  of vedic astrology..
Timeless awareness is the essence of Dzogchen. Time experienced within timeless awareness is also an expression of the essence of Dzogchen. Dzogchen is an ancient form of Tibetan mystic humanism. Dzogchen makes the essential distinction... more
O fascínio pela verdade do olhar sobre as coisas conduziu a autora à questão essencial: “Sendo o desenho a forma primordial de expressão, ferramenta materializadora da ideia e do universo que nos rodeia, por que razão existe,... more
In the summer of 2013 at the Tibetan Center in Poolesville, Maryland the great Lama YangThang Rinpoche gave instruction on the practice of the great compassion, or as he described the practice, as being the practice of Absolute... more