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В книге впервые вводятся в научный оборот материалы гробниц склепового могильника «Вербовский», изучавшегося в 80 – 90 гг. XX в. Публикуется описание строительных особенностей склепов и инвентаря 7-ми погребальных и культовых сооружений.... more
Ancient and medieval cultures of Central Asia (the formation, development and interaction of urbanized and cattle-breeding societies): Proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of... more
Статьи сборника, посвящены истории народов Северного Кавказа в археологическом, нумизматическом и культурном аспектах.
Издание рассчитано на научных работников, преподавателей, студентов, широкую аудиторию читателей.
Статьи сборника, посвящены истории народов Северного Кавказа в археологическом, этнографическом, культурологическом и краеведческом аспектах. Издание рассчитано на научных работников, преподавателей, студентов, широкую аудиторию... more
Статьи сборника, посвящены истории народов Северного Кавказа в археологическом, культурологическом, этнографическом и краеведческом аспектах. Издание рассчитано на научных работников, преподавателей, студентов, широкую аудиторию... more
Статьи сборника посвящены истории народов Северного Кавказа в археологическом, этнографическом, культурологическом и краеведческом аспектах. Издание рассчитано на научных работников, преподавателей, студентов, широкую аудиторию... more
A significant political influence of Sasanian Iran on Caucasian Albania gives reasons to consider the spread of Middle Persian language and writing among Albanian nobility and au￾thorities. This process contributed by the existence of... more
Статьи сборника посвящены истории народов Северного Кавказа в археологическом, этнографическом, культурологическом и краеведческом аспектах. Издание рассчитано на научных работников, преподавателей, студентов, широкую аудиторию... more
Статьи сборника посвящены истории народов Северного Кавказа в археологическом, этнографическом, культурологическом и краеведческом аспектах.
Издание рассчитано на научных работников, преподавателей, студентов, широкую аудиторию читателей.
This paper addresses the female costume of the East Germanic tradition which was widespread in the North Caucasus throughout the Great Migration period. It was characterised by one or two big two-plate brooches (measuring more than 10 cm... more
Abstract This article is based on the Chalcolithic evidence of our survey campaigns in the Lake Van basin. The material from previous and as well as current researches is discussed together. Investigations on the Chalcolithic period in... more
The article examines the iron head of the mace-sheshper found during archaeological research in Derbent. The find was made on the territory of a newly discovered Muslim burial ground dating from the last third of the 11th — 12th centuries... more
Volume II of this two-volume edition presents the results of a complex study of the materials of the Pashkovskaya 1 cemetery now absorbed by the city of Krasnodar. Grave goods, burial rites and chronology are examined against a broad... more
Derekutugun is an ancient mining site in the province of Corum, next to the small City Bayat located in Central Anatolia. Some 300 m southern of the ancient native copper mining galleries mainly dated to the Early Bronze Age the mining... more
Trialeti Culture of the Middle Bronze Age is represented with huge burial kurgans of “kings” and chiefs. The name of the culture originates from the study of archaeological sites from Trialeti plateau in Tsalka region. In connection with... more
В монографии содержится полная публикация материалов раннего железного века и эпохи раннего средневековья 5-ти курганных могильников (11 курганов) и одного отдельного кургана предгорной Чечни. На основе анализа археологических материалов... more
The article, on the basis of written sources and archaeological data, focuses on the Sasanian fortification construction activities in the territory of Caucasian Albania during the reign of Shahanshah Kavād I (488-531). This policy was... more
Jewellery manufacture by the Kura-Araxes and Bedeni cultures of the Late Chalcolithic– Early Bronze Age (mid 4th/3rd millennium BCE) in the southern Caucasus is defined through several analogies as well as differences. Kura-Araxes... more
Papers presented to Mehmet Özdogan to his 70th birthday. Index of the papers and authors with the foreword of Ünsal Yalcin
Nart Destanı, Kafkasya’da yaşayan halkların binlerce yıldan beri anlattığı ortak sözlü geleneğin bir yansımasıdır. Kafkasya halkları arasında destandaki kahramanların isimleri değişse de ana temaları korunmuştur. Nart Destanı’nın “Oset,... more
The article discusses the relationship between the Maskut kingdom of the western Caspian coast and the Huns in Late Antiquity. The author claims that the abandonment of several Lvov cemeteries and settlements in the Terek-Sulak... more
By Giorgi Bedianashvili, Claudia Sagona, Catherine Longford, Inga Martkoplishvili, with the assistance of Levan Losaberidze and Giorgi Kirkitadze Presented here is a preliminary account of excavations carried out at the site of Rabati... more
Azərbaycanın arxeoloji xəritəsinə yeni əlavə olunan daha bir abidə - daş qutu qəbirlərdən ibarət Gəgəli yaylağı nekropolu Şamaxı şəhərindən 35 kilometr şimaliqərbdə, dəniz səviyyəsindən təqribən 1800 metr yüksəklikdə, Dəmirçi kəndinin 5... more
The paper examines the results of the excavations of the Derbent settlement, carried out in the 2019 by the Derbent archaeological expedition, which had begun in 2012. The settlement preceded the construction of the Derbent defensive... more
Volume I of this two-volume edition is the first publication of K. F. Smirnov’s excavations of the Pashkovskaya 1 cemetery now absorbed by the city of Krasnodar that belonged to the Proto-Adyg population of the Lower Kuban valley in the... more
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have unearthed Neolithic levels dated to an early stage of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture, with a specific material culture and several inhumations among which a multiple burial. At that... more
The development of metallurgy from the later 6th millennium BC and throughout the Chalcolithic period took place in different places at different times and pace, depending on various factors such as the availability of raw materials and... more
Trialeti Culture of the Middle Bronze Age is represented with huge burial kurgans of “kings” and chiefs. Special attention must be paid to the unique, hitherto unknown and very precious materials, which were discovered in burial chambers... more