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The end of the Early Bronze Age, in other words the EBA III, is one of the significant turning points in the cultural history of the Anatolian Peninsula. Metal objects that indicate social class differences, advancements in architecture,... more
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi çerçevesinde Türkiye sınırları içerisinde tespit edilmiş seramik fırınlarının hepsini ilk kez bir araya getirerek incelemek ve tipolojisini karşılaştırmalı olarak ele almaktır.... more
The main purpose of this article is to make a comparative interpretation of petroglyphs and rock paintings and to try to date them considering many criteria. Anatolian geography has always been the focal point with its historical culture... more
Монументальная архитектура древней Анатолии в исторической перспективе // Научно- аналитический журнал «Дом Бурганова. Пространство культуры». Вып. 3/2015 (48). – С. 83–97.
Oswald Spengler, a brilliant yet controversial philosopher of history, is probably best known for his seminal “Decline of the West”. In this book, Spengler boldly claimed to not only to contextualize world history, but also predict future... more
Aksaray is an important center for archaeological research. It has been visited by experts from different disciplines of archeology. Archaeological investigations are examined under two headings: excavations and surveys. Three sites are... more
The presence of imported and locally produced Mycenaean pottery in western Anatolia has long caught the attention of scholars and various explanatory models have been proposed to explain the apparent attractiveness of the pottery. In most... more
in: Barbara Horejs & Mathias Mehofer (ed.), Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-urbanisation in the 4th millennium BC? Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria, 21‒24 November,... more
"Anatolia" comes from the Greek word ἀνατολή , "sunrise", "East".Four genetic clusters define the uniqueness of Neolithic Anatolia. Autochthonous, associated with the "Dzuzuanna" cluster, theWHG cluster that came from Europe, as well as... more
İlk tunc dövründə Şimali Azərbaycanın şimal-qərbində, Kiçik Qafqaz sıra dağlarının şərq ətəyi boyunca quruluşca kamerası və dəfn ənənəsi ideyası özünəməxsus olan kurqanlar — Daşlıtəpə (Qəbələ), Daşlıtəpə (Daşkəsən), Borsunlu (Tərtər),... more
In the middle 1980's the Anatolian Kelim quite suddenly became the prime genre of oriental carpet to generate research and collector interest. The mechanics behind this have remained unknown to the public and even to many of the... more
A Neolithic structure was rebuilt three times at Çukuriçi Höyük, on the central Anatolian Aegean coast, despite its unfavourable location on unsettled fill. We draw upon this seemingly incongruous case to make inference about the siting... more
I am compiling resources on ancient Anatolia. If you have any suggestions or edits please let me know. This document will be updated regularly.
Simpson, E., ed. The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella. Leiden: Brill, 2018. The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella, edited by Elizabeth... more
The following is chapter 1 (text and plates) from my PhD dissertation on the analysis of social interaction in west and central Anatolia during the Early Bronze Age (EBA, c.3200-1950 BC). The dissertation aims at identifying potential... more
Auf Grundlage der stetigen Weiterentwicklung der Befestigungsanlagen zwischen ca. 5000 und 2000 v. Chr. in Südosteuropa und Kleinasien soll in diesem Buch exemplarisch ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Hintergründe und Mechanismen... more
NB: Paper updated 21 May 2021 This paper looks closely at the ancient genetics of one small lineage within a sub-branch of a people sometimes known as Semitic, with implications for Near Eastern history. Applying a combination of tools:... more
Sonsöz Kulağa önemsiz gelse de, kazı yapan herkes bilir, insan kemiklerini hayvan ke- miklerinden ilk anda ayırabilmek her zaman kolay bir iş değildir. Kırık ve kü- çük kemik parçaları kazılarda topraktan çıktığında toz, toprak... more
A scrutiny of the British prehistorian James Mellaart’s (1925-2012) estate in his former study in northern London, conducted on 24-27 February 2018, revealed evidence that the famous pioneer of Anatolian archaeology had fabricated... more
This paper provides an overview of our current knowledge about the transformation towards the Neolithic in western Anatolia and the Aegean, and offers a narrative for their interpretation. Within the longue durée perspective of the long... more
This is the manuscript version of the paper published in the volume. There are a few differences between the manuscript version and the published final version. Please send me an e-mail or a message on if you are interested... more
Basically Romeic Greek and Modern Greek Örfemes or Syntax Morphologies to Western Turan Anatolian Turk Language have been provided make light for further research. In this thesis format research, based on örfemes provided one can... more
This chapter employs the western Anatolian Early Bronze Age (c. 3200–1950 BCE) as a case study to analyse the existence, development and persistence of social and cultural boundaries at different spatial scales, from the intra-settlement... more
Mountains are often groundlessly thought of as romantic backwaters lacking in development and civility, and portrayed as unruly places to pass through by academics working under the influence of ideologies of the state. Binaries of the... more