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Il saggio analizza la possibile destinazione materiale degli epigrammi di Teodoro Prodromo (XII sec.) sulla vita dei santi Tre Gerarchi, ipotizzando un loro utilizzo nei cicli figurativi attestati per la chiesa principale (katholikòn) del... more
The monumental complex at Potamos, which is located to the west of the Karlovasos set-tlement, includes the churches of Panagia and Agios Nikolaos, as well as a small fortress, known locally as Kastraki. The church of Panagia is a rather... more
Reusage was a common phenomenon in the ancient world. Throughout the history of Egypt, from the very early beginnings until modern times, tombs, temples, quarries or loose architectural elements were adapted for new purposes. The Temple... more
On the island of Lemnos during the Late Byzantine period the land property of each athonite monastery is organised in agricultural units (metochia) that constitute their main supply source of essential products. The architecture of... more
The available historical and archaeological evidence regarding the territory of the Municipality of Thermi during the Byzantine period is relatively scarce and scattered in space, in contrast to what is known about Byzantine Thessaloniki.... more
Essentielles à tout édifice, les portes, situées entre deux espaces distincts, constituent à la fois une séparation et une transition. Elles marquent les divisions structurelles nécessaires à l'articulation et la hiérarchisation de... more
During the late Byzantine period the extended landed property of the Mount Athos monasteries and Saint John's of Patmos dominates on Lemnos. The property of each one is organized in productive units (estates) of agricultural and animal... more