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This Opinion paper briefly summarizes the views of the authors on the directions of research in the area of plant protection chemistry. We believe these directions need to focus on (1) the discovery of new pesticide active ingredients,... more
Laboratory studies were conducted to study the effect of five leaf powders viz. Justicia adhatda (Adathodai), Azadirachta indica (Neem), Carica papaya (Papaya), Ocimum tenuiflorum (Tulsi) and Annona squamosa (Annona) on rice weevil... more
Pest control through integrated pest management systems stands as a very convenient sustainable hazard-free alternative to pesticides, which are a growing global concern if overused. The ability of the soprano pipistrelle bat... more
Present control technologies of plant pathogenic fungi decouple the pathogen's life cycle mainly in two points of ontogeny, either by destroying spores prevent the infection or inhibit the biotrophic thallus, thus anticipating the... more
ABSTRAK Penggunaan pestisida kimia menyebabkan berbagai masalah yang berkaitan dengan kelestarian lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan pestisida berbahan baku alami merupakan salah satu alternatif yang digunakan... more
В статье представлен анализ фундаментальных и таксономических вида Phlomoides, проведенные к настоящему времени, а также анализ флористических и геоботанических работ, проведенных в Ферганской долине. По результатам анализа было... more
In order to evaluate the larvicidal and biochemical effects of some aromatic plant oils against the cotton leafworm larvae, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval), the present investigation was carried out. Four commercial aromatic oils;... more
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant... more
This paper reviews the botanical pesticidal products and their activity against the horticultural insect pests. About 211 plant species were explained to have different types of pesticidal properties under in vitro conditions against the... more
An experiment was carried out in the Entomology Experimental Station based-on Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Tandojam, Sindh Pakistan. In this regard, the Randomized Complete Block Design with three replication and sub-plot size of... more
This review described the physiological and biochemical effects of various secondary metabolites from Meliaceae against major Lepidopteran insect pest including, Noctuidae and Pyralidae. The biochemical effect of major Meliaceae secondary... more
Mealy bugs infests anumber of crop plants and results a serious economic loss. Although, there are a number of insecticides to overcome the yeild losses in crop plants. But, the presence of waxy layer around its body that make them so... more
Global agriculture is currently challenged to provide increasing supplies of food for a growing population due to the changing trends of insect attacks and climatic conditions. There is overwhelming evidence that the use of chemical... more
In the present study, twelve botanicals viz., Ipomea sp., Ocimum sanctum (L.), Pongamia pinnata (L.), Vitex negundo (L.), Adhatoda sp. (L.), Zingiber officinale (L.), Allium sativum (L.), Curcuma longa (L.), Acorus calamus (L.), Capsicum... more
Laboratory experiments were conducted during August to March, 2018-2019, to evaluate the insecticidal property of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck fruit waste viz., peel and seed against the papaya mealybug Paracoccus marginatus (Williams and... more
Traditionally grown "Alphonso" (Mangifera indica) belonging to the family Anacardiaceae is known as the king of fruits and it is famous for its specific taste and aroma. Pest control is the big challenge in front of mango farmers. The... more
The study was conducted to evaluate effects of varied concentrations of methanol extract of lemon grass, Andropogon nardus L. (10.5%, 9.5%, 8.5%, 7,5%, 6.5%, and 0% as control) on mortality and feeding activity of the third-instars of... more
"ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY OF SELECTED MEDICINAL PLANT EXTRACTS AGAINST PLANT PATHOGENIC FUNGI; Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum musea and Fusarium oxysporum MLMC Dissanayake* and JAN Jayasinghe Department of Export Agriculture, Faculty... more
Using organic insecticides including plant oils, it is possible to design a new perspective for the control of insect pests. In this research, nanoemulsion formulations of Mentha piperita, wild-type essential oil (EO) were prepared... more
Ficha técnica e información resumida de la Hormiga cortadora de hojas del género Atta, dirigido a Controladores de Plagas en general.
The infestation of striped mealybug (Ferrisia virgata) is common in orchards causing large scale harms to fruit quality as well as quantity. A water-based insecticide was not proved effective to control the mealybugs due to the presence... more
The mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis is a destructive pest of cotton with the potential to develop resistance to most chemical classes of insecticides. Six populations of P. solenopsis from cotton crops at six different locations in... more
Biodeterioration of seeds due to fungal infestation cause considerable losses in terms of their viability, chemical composition and end-use. Control of such fungi using synthetic fungicides has limitation of adverse health and... more
Okra is a vegetable of high economic importance. Among many pests attacking it, jassids are considered to be the major one. Considering the impacts of jassids on yield reduction of okra, health hazards due to chemical pesticides and the... more
Methanolic extracts of 40 plant species commonly growing across India were collected and have been screened for antisporulant activity against Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet., the causative agent of pearl millet downy mildew. The... more
This study confirmed the pesticidal plant species; the parts used, their distribution and propagation status in the Central Nigeria using the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja as a case study. By employing plant quantitative analysis... more
In urban and peri-urban areas in West Africa, the cabbage Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicaceae) is protected using repeated high doses of synthetic insecticides. After a brief description of available IPM components, this paper presents a... more
In urban and peri-urban areas in West Africa, the cabbage Brassica oleracea L. (Brassica-ceae) is protected using repeated high doses of synthetic insecticides. After a brief description of available IPM components, this paper presents a... more
This paper is a review of biocides used in historical herbaria collections, but also present in many other types of artefacts. Herbaria with desiccated plants, composed of organic material combined with other organics such as glues,... more
An experiment was set up in 2007-08 cropping season at Regional Sugarcane Research Station (RSRS), Thakurgaon and Mohan farm, Thakurgaon Sugar Mills Ltd. (TSM), Thakurgaon to the study efficacy of some plant extracts in controlling... more
AKTIVITAS INSEKTISIDA CAMPURAN EKSTRAK BUAH Piper aduncum L. (PIPERACEAE) DAN RANTING Euphorbia tirucalli (EUPHORBIACEAE) TERHADAP LARVA Crocidolomia pavonana F. (LEPIDOPTERA : CRAMBIDAE) Abstrak Campuran dua atau lebih ekstrak tumbuhan... more
The toxicity of the extracts of three common tropical plants; Tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum), West African Black Pepper (Piper guineense) and Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) was evaluated on the larvae and pupae of Anopheles gambiae... more
Pestisida dan petani merupakan 2 sisi yang sulit untuk dipisahkan. Serangan hama dan penyakit yang menyebabkan hasil panen kurang baik menjadi salah satu latar belakang hal tersebut dapat terjadi. Pestisida dianggap mampu meningkatkan... more
ÐA headwater stream in an agricultural catchment in Northern-Germany was intensively monitored for insecticide occurrence (lindane, parathion-ethyl, fenvalerate). Brief insecticide inputs following precipitation with subsequent surface... more