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The effects of two different neem products (Parker Oil™ and Neema®) on mortality, food consumption and survival of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål (BPH) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) were investigated. The LC50 (3.45 ml/L for... more
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa), has been proposed as a new crop that might be of interest to organic farmers in the North Carolina and other states in the United States. However, little is known about how organic farmers view this... more
ABSTRAK Kegiatan pemberdayaan santri pondok pesantren Al-As'adiyah berlokasi di Desa Sered, Kecamatan Madukara, Kabupaten Banjarnegara.Potensi desa Sered berdasarkan kondisi geografis dan sumber daya manusianya, sangat sesuai untuk... more
It has been reported that salicylic acid (SA) induces both immediate spike and long lasting phases of oxidative burst represented by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion radical (O2-). In general, in... more
High-frequency doses of chemical pesticides cause environmental pollution with high pesticide residues. In addition, increasing insecticide resistance in many insect pests requires novel pest control methods. Nanotechnology could be a... more
The global food demand has been rapidly increasing due to expansion in the worldwide populace resulting in the waning of natural resources. The developed and emerging nations are tapping all means to feed the global population. In a run... more
Hever Castle in Kent, England are taking part in a new technology trial which could change how Japanese Knotweed is treated A UK team approached Hever Castle to switch their current treatment programme to a new technology they had... more
The plant oils and soaps are known from many years as promising eco friendly insecticides used for control of the various soft-body insects. In present study in vitro trials with three soap formulations on the base of sunflower oil were... more
In urban and peri-urban areas in West Africa, the cabbage Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicaceae) is protected using repeated high doses of synthetic insecticides. After a brief description of available IPM components, this paper presents a... more
Penelitian sebelumya bahwa ekstrak daun gulma siam (Chromolaena odorata) berpotensi sebagai insektisida pada beberapa jenis hama. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan ekstrak daun gulma siam terhadap mortalitas dan... more
Watery extracts of forty plant species commonly growing in across India have been screened for antisporulant activity against Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet., the causative agent of pearl millet downy mildew. The collection... more
This paper overviews the contamination caused by persistent organochlorines in endocrine system of mammals. To overcome yield loss in crops plants via pests, it is necessary to control them. There are a number of pest control strategies.... more
Abamectin, fosthiazate and mycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices) and their combinations were evaluated against the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) populations and galls formation on tomato plants cv. Super strain B under greenhouse... more
Pest control through integrated pest management systems stands as a very convenient sustainable hazard-free alternative to pesticides, which are a growing global concern if overused. The ability of the soprano pipistrelle bat... more
ABSTRACT This paper talks about pesticides, the history of the development in the world and in Brazil. In its conceptual, historical and classification dimensions. As well as the interaction between pesticide and environment, water, soil... more
Two field experiments were carried out in two successive seasons in two sites in Gezira State. The experiments aimed at studying the efficacy of some botanical oils including sesame, cotton, groundnut, sunflower and petroleum oil on... more
Plant extracts contained secondary metabolites, which may protect the plants from insect herbivores, pathogens and vertebrate herbivores in one or many ways. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the toxic property of... more
We studied the effects of mono-, di-, tri-, and hexamers of glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) on oxidative and calcium signals in transgenic tobacco suspension culture (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow-2, cell line... more
The study was aimed to determine the responses of 9 commercial and local cassava varieties to M. tanajoa and the environment in two different seasons (2014/2015, wet and dry) in the lake Zone. This was laid out in a Split plot design with... more
The development of chemical pesticides after the World War II, dramatically increased the pest controlling practices to improve ag¬ricultural productions. But their indiscriminate use has led to se¬vere environmental degradation and... more
Laboratory assays were done to evaluate the effect of neem seed kernel extract (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), Vitex negundo L. (Lamiales: Verbenaceae) leaf extract, and Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner), applied separately or together, on... more
The study about material contained in Barringtonia seeds were conducted for the first time using the standard procedure of AOAC. For present work, two species of Barringtonia were selected viz., B. acutangula and B. racemosa, which are... more
Plants with pesticidal properties have been investigated for decades as alternatives to synthetics, but most progress has been shown in the laboratory. Consequently, research on pesticidal plants is failing to address gaps in our... more
Dampak negatif penggunaan insektisida sintetik mendorong kembalinya penggunaan insektisida berbahan tumbuhan. Barringtonia asiatica merupakan tumbuhan yang dikenal potensial sebagai sumber insektisida nabati. Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk... more
The field experiment was carried out in two successive seasons (2006/2007-2007/2008) in Gezira State. The experiments aimed at studying the efficacy of some botanical oils including sesame, cotton, groundnut and sunflower oils on thrips,... more
Since the use of chemical pesticides is known to have an impact on the environment and health, the search for plant-based insecticides is a necessity. This study is aimed to find out whether the leaf eaxtract of Gliricidia sepium is also... more
In den letzten Jahren hat die Bedeutung von Fusarien und ihrer Giftstoffe beim Weizen stark zugenommen. Mit Medizinalpflanzen können Fusarien ökologisch bekämpft werden, wie diese Studie zeigt: Suspensionen aus Galla chinensis... more
Ces dernières années, l’importance des fusaries et de leurs toxines a fortement augmenté dans le blé. Les plantes médici- nales pourraient être un moyen de lutte écologique. Des suspensions de Galla chinensis (galle chinoise) et d’acide... more
Water seed extract of Barringtonia asiatica was used as fish poison by traditional community. This study aims to determine the bioactivity of methanolic seed extract fraction of B. asiatica against S. litura. The extract tested was spread... more
To evaluate the efficiency of different concentrations of Bojho (Acorous calamus) on maize and wheat weevil (Sitophilus spp.), a lab experiment was conducted from 13, February 2019 to 19, February 2019 at the entomology lab. The design... more
ABSTRACT Radopholus similis is a nematode that infects many plantation crops. Infected plant roots by nematodes will show necrosis symptoms, then rot due to infection of secondary pathogens. Control of R. similis that is effective,... more
This is the obituary of Professor John E. Casida (Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Laboratory; University of California, Berkeley, California, USA).
We have compared the antiperonosporal activity of the ceveratrum alkaloids cevadine, veratridine, 3-O-oleoyl veracevine, and their parent alkamine veracevine, as well as the Solanum alkaloids -solanine and its aglycone, solanidine,... more
We can adjust nature or alter nature, but we cannot conquer nature. Conquering it means devastation. We must learn and strive to co-exist with nature, as we are largely dependent on it for food, shelter, clothing and other necessities of... more
In urban and peri-urban areas in West Africa, the cabbage Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicaceae) is protected using repeated high doses of synthetic insecticides. After a brief description of available IPM components, this paper presents a... more
Present control technologies of plant pathogenic fungi decouple the pathogen’s life cycle mainly in two points of ontogeny, either by destroying spores prevent the infection or inhibit the biotrophic thallus, thus anticipating the... more