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Changes in the expression of isoenzymes, peptides and nerve cells of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi stingless bees were evaluated after in vitro contamination with Sanson® 40SC (nicosulfuron) and 200 Gramoxone® (paraquat) herbicides, and... more
A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese... more
The effects of acute toxicity of pesticide on oxygen consumption of Three species of fish were used: Gambusia affinis, Cyprinus carpio L and Ctenopharyngodon idella were determined using Chlorofete pesticide an organophosphate pesticide... more
The effects of 55 pesticides (27 fungicides, 26 herbicides and 2 insecticides) on 25 Rhizobium strains were studied in laboratory tests. Fungicides, especially captan, fuberidazole, HPMTS and tilt were the most toxic preparations. Eleven... more
Pest control through integrated pest management systems stands as a very convenient sustainable hazard-free alternative to pesticides, which are a growing global concern if overused. The ability of the soprano pipistrelle bat... more
This investigative article for Science Digest (March, 1983) revealed the high global death toll from accidental and occupational exposure (and suicides) involving Paraquat (Gramoxone), a revolutionary herbicide with the unfortunate... more
Probably the most important threat currently affecting vultures worldwide is exposure to pesticides, both accidentally and through deliberate abuse. This is of special concern since around 70% of vulture species are threatened by human... more
Honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) health is compromised by complex interactions between multiple stressors, among which pesticides play a major role. To better understand the extent of honey bee colonies' exposure to pesticides in time and... more
Sachet water in Nigeria, popularly called pure water is the most ubiquitous commercially packaged water in the country. As a result, they are cheaper and vended in several locations such as motor parks, markets, hospitals road sides,... more
In the last decade, the use of neonicotinoid insecticides increased significantly in the agricultural landscape and they are meanwhile considered a risk to honey bees. Besides the exposure to pesticides, colonies are treated frequently... more
This is an open letter addressed to Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the new Director-General of the World Health Organisation asking him to stop the European Commission renewing the licence for glyphosate. Britain is voting with the... more
In cotton production, there are many factors that can reduce crop yield. One important cause is arthropod insects. Insects that cause loss to the fruit are frequently more destructive than those that damage leaves, stems, and roots.... more
Mealy bugs infests anumber of crop plants and results a serious economic loss. Although, there are a number of insecticides to overcome the yeild losses in crop plants. But, the presence of waxy layer around its body that make them so... more
Se describe la noción de la resistencia y se mencionan diferentes clases de este fenómeno, es decir, los tipos de morfológico, comportamental, y fisiológico o metabólico. Se destaca la historia y evolución de la resistencia en los... more
En la República Argentina, existe una controversia creciente respecto de los efectos tóxicos a largo plazo de la exposición humana a agroquímicos de aplicación periurbana aérea o terrestre. El extensivo problema de la dispersión de los... more
Recent declines in honey bee populations and increasing demand for insect-pollinated crops raise concerns about pollinator shortages. Pesticide exposure and pathogens may interact to have strong negative effects on managed honey bee... more
Trabajo incluido como introducción al capítulo de Informes Médicos del libro “Pueblos Fumigados”, investigación publicada en 2007 sobre la problemática del uso de plaguicidas en las principales provincias sojeras de la Argentina, fruto de... more
The honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) is an important pollinator and a model for pesticide effects on insect pollinators. The effects of agricultural pesticides on honeybee health have therefore raised concern. Bees can be exposed to multiple... more
The present study was aimed to evaluate the effects of acute dose of Cypermethrin (CYP), an extensively use synthetic pyrethroid, on hematology and morphology of the liver, gills and brain of Mahseer (Tor putitora). The effects were... more
Traditionally grown "Alphonso" (Mangifera indica) belonging to the family Anacardiaceae is known as the king of fruits and it is famous for its specific taste and aroma. Pest control is the big challenge in front of mango farmers. The... more
This is a response to the European Food Safety Authority EFSA recommending the renewal of glyphosate. There is an introduction; a history of farming with chemicals in the UK; History of chemical regulation in Europe - in the hands of the... more
The study was designed to investigate the potency of O. majorana essential oil as a biocontrol agent against C. cephalonica and selected fungal pathogens. The essential oil proved to possess effective fumigant, insect repellent and... more
Such a large number of chemical pesticides that are meant to perform different functions, fall into different classes, depending on their chemical nature, toxicity, their targets etc. They have accordingly been classified by their... more
This paper analyses the environment fate and toxicological properties of the organophosphate  insecticide chlorpyrifos; and demonstrates that it meets the criteria of the Stockholm Convention for a Persistent Organic Pollutant.
This study was conducted to establish the potential of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. buttercrunch) seeds as a bioindicator (BI), or a biological tool for detecting the presence of some toxic materials used in tanning industry and... more
Neonicotinoids alone or in combination with pathogens are considered to be involved in the worldwide weakening of honey bees. We here present a new approach for testing sublethal and/or synergistic effects in free flying colonies. In our... more
Bacteria strains consortium Pseudomonas putida HZL18YDRBA + Pseudomonas fluorescens HZL18YDRB2 granular formulation of living microbes for bioherbicide known as deleterious rhizobacteria (DRB). Rhizobacteria capable of... more
The mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis is a destructive pest of cotton with the potential to develop resistance to most chemical classes of insecticides. Six populations of P. solenopsis from cotton crops at six different locations in... more
Part of the Pandora’s Box of unique changes humans have wreaked upon our environment with industrialization which has brought about the Anthropocene, is the unleashing of chemicals in the environment that harm humans and other organisms.... more
The most natural waterways in Thailand are utilized for conventional agricultures, e.g. irrigation and wastewater discharge. Concentrations of 20 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were measured in surface sediments collected from the... more
Plant immune systems rely on their ability to recognize enemy molecules, carry out signal transduction, and respond defensively through pathways involving many genes and their products. This Perspective paper aims to explore current views... more
Paramecium bursaria is an unicellular organism that lives widely in fresh water environments such as rivers and ponds. Recent studies have suggested that in vivo cellular robotics using the cells of P. bursaria as micro-machines... more
The purpose of this study was to determine if chronic exposure to the glyphosate-based herbicide VisionMax® affects the survival, development, growth, sex ratios and expression of specific genes involved in metamorphosis of wood frog... more
Maize is consumed by over 95% of the Ghanaian populace and the practice of using Atrazine and Lindane (an Organochlorine) pesticides in its production has raised concerns about potential adverse effects on human health and the... more
Over the past decades, both wild and domesticated insect pollinators are in dramatic decline, which puts at stake the existence of species, ecosystem resilience and global food security. Globally, 87 of major food crops depend on animal... more