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Beekeeping or apiculture is the preservation of honey bee colonies to get pure honey and helps in pollination. Beekeeping is a useful mean of strengthening livelihoods because it creates a variety of assets. The main focus of the study... more
Changes in the expression of isoenzymes, peptides and nerve cells of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi stingless bees were evaluated after in vitro contamination with Sanson® 40SC (nicosulfuron) and 200 Gramoxone® (paraquat) herbicides, and... more
The concerns for the effects of honey bee declines have spurred several large-scale surveys of honey bee health around the world to evaluate potential drivers of colony losses. United States and Europe already have well developed honey... more
Dans notre modèle apicole classique, l’évolution des colonies au fil des ans impose un renouvellement régulier des reines. Si la durée de vie théorique d’une reine est de 5 années, sa durée de production est estimée classiquement à 3 ans.... more
ABSTRACT: Beekeeping or apiculture is the preservation of honey bee colonies to get pure honey and helps in pollination. Beekeeping is a useful mean of strengthening livelihoods because it creates a variety of assets. The main focus of... more
Propolis is a natural substance collected by honey bees from various plants such as, poplar, palm, pine, conifer secretions, gums, resins, mucilage and leaf buds. It is collected and brought very painstakingly by honey bees to be used for... more
The foraging activity and hygienic behavior of bee colonies were evaluated in a new hive whose main characteristic is its divisibility and the ability to enlarge it horizontally when necessary. The foraging activity in hives before the... more
This research was carried out to evaluate the floral biology of Ipomoea acuminata, I. batata, I. cairica and I. quamoclit in Maringá, state of Paraná. Anthesis period, stigma receptivity, viability of the pollen grains and medium height... more
The objective of this research was to develop a prognosis support system that provides users with predictions of the dates of the beginning and end of flowering stage and the honey potential yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)... more
In this research paper author provide analisys about actual situation and problems in beekeeping sector at regional level in Gagauzia, Republic of Moldova; SWOT analisys; level of institutional development of Association of beekeepers of... more
The present experiment was carried out to study biodiversity, frequency and effect of pollinators in the production of pods and grains in soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill), var. ‘Mon Soy 3329’. Two treatments were used (covered with... more
In this article, I investigate how the Western beekeeping, quoted "modern beekeeping" arrived to Japan and with it the species Apis mellifera. This article seeks to discover how the traditional beekeeping was transformed by the adoption... more
Thanks to the influence of the CAP in recent years, Bulgaria has become a leader in the production and export of natural honey as a member of the EU (Koprivlenski, Dirimanova, and Agapieva, 2015). This proves that the favorable natural... more
Attention organic gardeners, eco farmers and beekeepers: Effective Microorganisms notably increase bee colonies productivity, as proved by my friend, beekeeper from Serbia: - please share his... more
Sammataro & Avitabile Beekeepeng Handbook #beekeepeng handbook beekeepeng's diana sammataro arıcılık kitapı arıçılıq kitabı
Wherever the Majang people in Ethiopia are settled, their ways of life have been attached to the history of beekeeping. In Ethiopia there settlement pattern has been formed in proximity to “Jang or Kaal”(territory left undisturbed for... more
Η καλλιέργεια Αρωματικών Φαρμακευτικών Φυτών (ΑΦΦ) έχει αναπτυχθεί ιδιαίτερα τα τελευταία χρόνια στην Ελλάδα. Έχοντας μία πλούσια βιοποικιλότητα σε έμβιους οργανισμούς αλλά και ποικιλία ενδιαιτημάτων, η Ελλάδα ενδείκνυται για την... more
Turkey has considerable potential in beekeeping with her rich flora, proper ecological conditions and existence of colony. However, Turkish beekeeping sector has not yet utilized the rich natural resources sufficiently. Turkey is one of... more
Blick ins Buch: Aktuell wird viel über das weltweite Bienensterben diskutiert: Andreas Heidinger und Christian Kuhn bringen mit ihrem Buch mögliche... more
Din il-kitba hi dwar is-sengħa tal-apikultura fl-inħawi ta' Ħaż-Żabbar u kif is-sengħa żviluppat matul iż-żmien.
Regarding traditional beekeeping in Crete, based on the beekeeping methods and hives that have been recorded in recent centuries, we can distinguish two areas: central-western Crete, where vertical hives with movable combs were in use,... more
One point in the Egg Basket of the Philippines is a hidden one hectare orchard and beekeeping farm named Milea. As differs from other beefarm, this garden of bees is a proud family bee farm. And it has a one of a kind story to tell A. Bee... more
The apiculture business plan here is a detailed information on a natural beekeeping business plan for a community based organization. The plan also detailed the most products of beehive like, pollen, propolis, wax, royal Jelly and bee... more
Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is the major challenge for beekeeping worldwide. Therefore, various methods and materials for Varroa control have been suggested and tested including; plant extracts, essential oils, biological agents,... more
Kurier Pszczelarski Nr 40
ISSN 2450 - 8659
arıçılıq Kitabı, Arı kitab. sg, Sammataro & Avitabile_  arıçı arı saxlama arı diana sammataro
L’apicoltura è un’attività diffusa in quasi tutti i Paesi del mondo con caratteristiche molto eterogenee. Il poster riporta i risultati economici di un piccolo allevamento apistico di media montagna caratterizzato da produzioni... more
In 2019, the World Bank declared South Africa the most economically unequal society in the world. Within this context, Beegin is designed to provide a tool for financial empowerment, essential for undoing existing racial inequities, while... more
Estima-se um total de 2,9 milhões de colônias de A. mellifera nos EUA e dois milhões dessas colônias estão diretamente envolvidas em polinização de culturas, produção de mel e cera (MORSE E CALDERONE, 2000). Os mesmos autores relataram... more
RÉSUMÉ La promotion de la culture de l'anacarde et de son association à l'élevage des abeilles représente de nos jours une opportunité dans le cadre de la diversification des filières tout en misant sur un meilleur rendement. L'étude vise... more