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Bakhtine a décrit le carnaval comme un espace utopique, populiste et festif. Mon propos est que le Grand Magal, un événement religieux mouride au Sénégal ainsi qu'une fête nationale populaire, partage de nombreux parallèles notables avec... more
This article explores space imagery in the music of George Clinton and David Bowie and argues that different horizons of Black and white terrestrial experience give rise to divergent astral imaginaries. Analysis of song lyrics, liner... more
introduction de l'ouvrage publié chez Classiques Garnier en 2010
This paper reworks a chapter of my PhD thesis where I discussed some emergences of carnival fights in Moniage Guillaume long (MGl); the imagery was linked to ritual anthropogenetic practices, finally refracted in “archetypal” plots. Here,... more
מחקר זה מתמקד בטוקבקים התגובות שישראלים כותבים באתרי אינטרנט, ובמונח המתאר זירה תקשורתית זו. לאור ניתוח פרשני של תגובות כאלה בעשר השנים האחרונות המאמר מתחיל בתיאור הפוטנציאל הקרנבלי הקיים בטוקבקים. אלה יכולים לממש את הקרנבל הבכטיניאני,... more
pp. 17-43. This chapter tracks how Halloween and Day of the Dead have increasingly entangled across the U.S./Mexican Borderlands throughout the 2010s. It then reviews the scholarly disputes over whether these two holidays enjoy... more
This article analyzes three characters created by Astrid Lindgren, Pamela L. Travers, and Jan Brzechwa. Pippi Longstocking, Mary Poppins, and Mr. Inkblot, the title characters of classic fantasy fiction for children, are discussed through... more
This academic work evidences the proposal of Míjail Bakhtin regarding the concept of carnival as space for encounters and rupture through the interactions of dynamic characters, parody and choral stories. This essay connects Bakhtin's... more
Il contributo intende ripercorre l’Εἰρήνη aristofanea in una retrospettiva data dall’apporto del centrale L’opera di Rabelais e la cultura popolare. Riso, carnevale e festa nella tradizione medievale e rinascimentale, di Michail Bachtin... more
En este artículo, publicado en New Left Review, Nº 216 (marzo/abril 1996), Craig Brandist compara el trabajo de Antonio Gramsci y de Mikhail Bajtín, quienes, aunque desde vertientes diferentes, se basaron en el trabajo de Benedetto Croce... more
I explore the mutually enriching dialogue between the grotesque (based on Mikhail Bakhtin) and postcolonial literature that provides a leitmotif in Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses on multiple levels: first and foremost, it defines the... more
This paper will focus on how the rise in popularity of zombie literature in the 21 st century is reflective of a western cultural need to address the fear of the unknown through popular culture. Through the flesh-eating zombie, we enter a... more
Final and Published version : “Il potere delle batutte : transformazione sociale, cultura popolare e media nell’Albania post-socialista.” in ed. Antonio d’Alessandri, Armando Pitassio, Dopo la Pioggia. Gli Stati della ex Jugoslavia e... more
Fotocinema. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía [en ligne], n° 5, octobre 2012, p. 94-111. En 2009, durante el rodaje de Los abrazos rotos, Pedro Almodóvar dirige un cortometraje cómico, La concejala antropófaga, pretexto a un... more
Yirminci yüzyılın en başarılı yönetmenlerinden Luis Buñuel’in İspanya İç Savaşı’nı deneyimleyen, Paris’ten Hollywood’a, oradan da Meksika’ya kadar uzanan, düş gücüyle sarmalanmış yaşamı, yalnızlıkla ve muzırlıklarla doludur. Buñuel’in... more
This article argues that a Russian analytical paradigm of carnival culture can help explain the successful presidential campaign of President Donald J. Trump. Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin developed the notion of... more
This paper uses Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of carnival to analyze the movie 'Idiocracy' by Mike Judge, which leads to a discussion of ways in which carnival is transformed in a late-capitalist, media-rich society.
This essay tries and fails to read Carson McCullers' The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter through the lens of Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of the carnivalesque.
Chapter published in Junkanoo and religion : Christianity and cultural identity in The Bahamas : papers presented at the Junkanoo Symposium, March 2002 Author: College of the Bahamas. Department of Religious Studies. Publisher:... more
The aim of this essay is to give a brief introduction on Marches of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-, and Transsexual Community (abbreviated with LGBT). First of all, the problematic of “authentically homosexual” space (Bell et al. qtd. in Hold and... more
Die Kritik an den bestehenden sozialen Verhältnissen im vorrevolutionären Deutschland zählt zu den zentralen Themen des prägnanten Werks Georg Büchners. In seinen Dramen denunziert er die Heuchelei und Frivolität der oberen Klassen sowie... more
Author tries to interpret Bakhtin’s thought as a certain philosophical proposal, behind the canon of numbering him among representatives of philosophy of dialogue. This proposal, however interesting, has probably not been noticed so far,... more
I have grown quite passionate with the never-dying clown figures, the medium of carnival: they always fall down, they are hit to death, but they always rise up. Starting from Bakhtin’s Rabelais-monography, I have tried to identify some... more
Since 1990, The Simpsons’ annual “Treehouse of Horror” episodes have constituted a production sub-context within the series, having their own conventions and historical trajectory. These specials incorporate horror plots and devices, as... more
The antihero Harley Quinn was first introduced as the Joker's "henchwench" in Batman: The Animated Series (1992). The character soon developed a dedicated fan base, including enthusiasts who did not conform to traditional definitions of... more
I have a longstanding interest in John Ruskin’s writings about work and craftsmanship, which influenced Gandhi’s philosophy. In recent years I have been intrigued by Ruskin’s seminal work on the “grotesque.” His ideas fed into the modern... more
On pourra définir l'effet grotesque comme ce vertige particulier qui s'empare du récepteur et le déstabilise –au moins provisoirement– par l'intrusion d'éléments (images, codes linguistiques, éléments habituellement antagonistes et... more
Largely unburdened by the pressures of patronage and designed to supply a growing public demand for pictures of all sorts, early modern prints have long been recognized as forum for singularly imaginative expression. Even within this... more
There exists a specific genre of grotesque meme art on Instagram. Created, curated and appropriated by an Anglophone community of multi-media artists (i.e. @djinn_kazama, @males_are_cancelled2, @thebottomtext, @patiasfantasyworld,... more
Le grotesque est un effet et non un fait. Partant de ce constat, cette étude se présente comme un essai d'interprétation de cette expérience existentielle que serait le grotesque avant d'être une catégorie esthétique. Rémi Astruc propose... more
During the latter decades of the twentieth century there was a steady rise in the number of event-specific festivals that were designed to broaden the participation of Australian audiences in new forms of community-based... more
Maîtrise en Études anciennes, concentration littératures anciennes, Maître ès arts (M.A.) Québec, Canada Sous la direction du professeur Alban Baudou Perse débute son œuvre en rejetant systématiquement toutes les sources inspiratrices... more
What is street art? This paper offers a definition of street art as an art kind or art form based on its essential value: its subversiveness. It argues that street art is essentially subversive partly in virtue of using public space as a... more
This article examines Henri Lefebvre's concept of revolution-as-festival, its textual sources and its relationship to contemporary notions developed by Georges Bataille and the Situationist International. It is a companion-piece to the... more