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The political elite in inter-war France sought innovative ways to reconcile modernization agendas with existing regional cultural traditions. Regional folkloric traditions and ludic festivals provided refuge from maligned national... more
Mikhail Bakhtin and the group of thinkers known as the Bakhtin Circle have had a massive influence on contemporary literary and cultural theory. Bakhtin is recognised as perhaps the key theorist on the novel as a genre, and his writings... more
he life and career of the Soviet scholar of myth and religion Izrail' Grigor'evic Frank-Kamenetskij is discussed, tracing his development from a scholar working exclusively on semitology to a theorist of myth and literature. The scholar's... more
What is street art? This paper offers a definition of street art as an art kind or art form based on its essential value: its subversiveness. It argues that street art is essentially subversive partly in virtue of using public space as a... more
The following essay investigates the animating force of jester-humour and trickster-critique as necessary components of prophetic consciousness and social movement. Climate change devastation coupled with racialised socio-economic... more
In Lakshmi Bandlamudi and E.V. Ramakrishnan (eds), Bakhtinian Explorations of Indian Culture: Pluralism, Dogma and Dialogue Through History (Singapore: Springer, 2018), pp. 21-36.
This article explores space imagery in the music of George Clinton and David Bowie and argues that different horizons of Black and white terrestrial experience give rise to divergent astral imaginaries. Analysis of song lyrics, liner... more
In this paper, my aim is to show some of the problems that the figure of the cyborg may raise, in order to show how in many cases the cyborg has been used, even if in a dissimulated way, to reinstate the ‘natural’, normative order with... more
In this age of greater accountability, local school districts within the USA increasingly use summer school programs as an intervention service to provide students who have failed to meet classroom, district, or state performance... more
Karnaval kuramı edebiyat dışında sanatın diğer dallarına da uygulanabilen bir kuramdır. Filmler hem metinsel olarak hem de alımlama pratikleri bakımından karnavalesk nitelikler taşıyabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Mihail Bahtin’in karnaval... more
The paper explores the use of varied semiotic resources in the linguistic, social and cultural practices of young adults in the context of Bangladesh and Mongolia. Based on a translinguistic analysis (including pre-textual history,... more
The day before Palm Sunday, early Christians celebrated the biblical figure of Lazarus. This article surveys late ancient liturgical compositions for this feast. It explores the way in which the authors described the disintegration and... more
The article considers the theme of Bildung and the educational process in the work of Mikhail Bakhtin, with reference to the philosophical tradition in which his ideas stand. This tradition is traced through the work of Hegel, von... more
This article explores the distinctive characteristics of present-day drinking habits in Finland. The data are young adults’ narratives of their nights out obtained in interviews that asked about ideal, typical and disastrous nights out.... more
Antonio Gramsci and Mikhail Bakhtin were very different types of thinkers. While the former spent the 1920s maximally involved in the Italian revolutionary movement as leader of the Communist Party, the latter, living in Petrograd at the... more
"Abstract Through an analysis of his lived narratives, the author discusses the formative experiences some preadolescent boys have with nudity/nakedness as well as the initial experiences young male art students and teachers have with... more
Edited by Craig Brandist and Galin Tihanov Interdisciplinary by design and intent, this volume brings together nine essays by established and new scholars from Russia, Britain and North America to explore the historical contexts and... more
The comics of Julie Doucet can be productively interpreted in light of Mikhail Bakhtin's exploration of the carnivalesque and its aesthetic expression as grotesque realism. By employing subject matter and a visual style grounded in the... more
Boris Groys' article, " Between Stalin and Dionysos " , offers a provocative reading of Mikhail Bakhtin's works, and especially of his notion of carnival, as an " aesthetic justification " of totalitarianism. In this paper I look at that... more
This paper discusses the subversion of the epic and medieval romance tradition through the elements of grotesque realism in William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida. The play exposes chivalric values, courtly love, and romance values as... more
The purpose of this article is to explore the political importance of Neapolitan Carnival and the government's involvement in steering and controlling the celebrations at various historical junctions during the seventeenth and eighteenth... more
This article argues that a Russian analytical paradigm of carnival culture can help explain the successful presidential campaign of President Donald J. Trump. Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin developed the notion of... more
This is the English translation (with a brief introduction and relatively detailed commentary) of a long excerpt from Mikhail Bakhtin's notes titled "Additions and changes to Rabelais", written in the mid-1940s with reworking his then... more
Theories of biopolitics and carnival are used to explain the popularity of zombies in contemporary culture, and the phenomenon of "zombie walk" events in particular.
This article examines Georges Bataille’s notion of revolution‐as‐festival and his attempt, in his writing of the 1930s, to place theories of affect within the framework of Marxist philosophy. Against the various negative characterisations... more
O Círculo de Bakhtin é conhecido pela sua importância para os estudos da linguagem. Considerado um grupo revolucionário e inspirador pelas ideias difundidas pelos intelectuais que o formavam, é também uma grande fonte de indagações para... more
you can find an updated italian version in chapter three of my book Contesti della parodia (2001): here draft to download
King and Commoner tales were hugely popular across the late medieval and early modern periods, their cultural influence extending from Robin Hood ballads to Shakespearean national histories. This study represents the first detailed... more
The twenty-first century has seen a rise in the number of protests in Kenya's capital city, Nairobi. These protests are being used to assert the practice of democratic freedoms in face of increasingly repressive controls. This article... more
In the winter of 1622–23, Manila publicly mourned the passing of Philip III and then celebrated the ascension to the throne of his son Philip IV. A series of urban festivals brought together the many different social and ethnic groups of... more