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L'ultimo libro di Federico Valacchi articola e arricchisce una linea di riflessione già elaborata, nella stessa sede editoriale, con i volumi Diventare archivisti (2015) e Archivio: concetti e parole (2018), opere che, nel loro insieme,... more
Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests. It demonstrates... more
Niniejszy tekst przedstawia metody empirycznych badań jakościowych oraz możliwości ich zastosowania w badaniach nad zarządzaniem dokumentacją. Autorka przybliża strategię badawczą studium przypadku, metodę wywiadu, metodę obserwacji oraz... more
A chapter in Anne J. Gilliland, Sue McKemmish and Andrew Lau, eds., Research in the Archival Multiverse.” (Melbourne: Monash Publishing, 2015). In press.
Analitički invertar gradskog poglavarstva Velika Kikinda u periodu od 1941 do 1945/Complete analytical registry of the archival fund Municipality Gross Kikinda in period between 1941 and 1945.
The unique document «Fabergé's general ledger, 1909–1916», which was found out in the State Archive of the Russian Federation, give us a possibility to find a new features of Fabergé firm producing and trade. This theme is a rather actual... more
Censimento e catalogazione su base informatica dei manoscritti medievali presenti sul territorio toscano. La Regione Toscana ha avviato dal 1992 la catalogazione informatizzata dei manoscritti medievali (cioè datati o databili entro... more
The information contained in "Bookkeeping book of Fabergé of the period 1909-1916" found in the State Archive of the Russian Federation is being introduced into scientific use. The document contains information about purchases of the most... more
In the age of social media the nature of records and social memory is fundamentally changed. The archive is a tool used in the process of transforming social experience, memories and history into collective remembering. The increased... more
In the article, we have a task to introduce into scientific circulation the new data about a range and an amount of Fabergé firm art items, which were acquired by some members of Bulgarian, Serbian and Montenegrin dynasties. Dynastic ties... more
[Archival documents through the instruments of research: the instrumenta sutudiorum as means for evidencing, serving and fulfilling the legal obligations of the archives. The case of the Central State Archive of Albania.] Aparati... more
CUADERNO orientado a introducir a la técnica de investigación con fuentes documentales originales y colecciones de archivos. Incluye una descripción sobre qué es un archivo, cómo se organizan las colecciones y se diseñan los catálogos e... more
Like many other cities around the world, at the end of the twentieth century, Manchester was reimagined as post-industrial space. This research draws on Lefebvre's spatial triad focusing primarily on the struggles that this generated both... more
Este artigo perpassa a ideia do documento arquivístico digital como parte integrante do patrimônio cultural, e posteriormente, descrevem-se aspectos pertinentes à sua preservação. Para isto são abordadas questões referentes à garantia de... more
Cities are the height of human achievement. Cities are fraught with ambivalence. We adore city life, it stimulates, entertains and excites. Conversely, urban experiences are scary, disorientating and may be physically and mentally... more
In the last twenty years, increasing scholarly attention has been devoted to the screen industries as a workplace and as a site of institutional and individual cultural and creative practice (e.g., Deuze 2007; Mayer, Banks and Caldwell... more
Past & Present has uploaded all audiorecordings of our conference on Transforming Information: Record Keeping in the Early Modern World, 9-10 April 2014, British Academy: All papers from the two days are now online,... more
This paper contributes to a critical understanding of the production of space through an exploration of notable spatial moments in the 1990s work of the Central Manchester Development Corporation (CMDC), particularly its role in the... more
Like the researches in many other fields major part of visual-arts-researches also depends greatly on such memory institutions as libraries and the archives. Besides these there are two other institutions of great importance – the art... more
In this paper I argue that it is rather unfortunate planning theorists have, with a few notable exceptions, tended to ignore the potential contributions that all Henri Lefebvre’s ideas regarding the production of space can make to... more
Britain’s wartime reconstruction plans are considered rightly to be a key milestone in the development of British planning. While some have received a good deal of academic attention others, such as Manchester’s 1945 Plan have been... more
Následující skica představuje první díl řady, která bude formou stručných medailonků seznamovat s významnými osobnostmi současného světového archivnictví. Cílem zamýšlené řady je jednak stručně představit profilující osobnosti oboru,... more
A welter of frenzies of destruction was wreaked on Lowell for several decades until the 1970s. Coincidentally, just when Lefebvre’s The Production of Space was published in the first French edition, the mood changed to one of historic... more
Geschichte ist Macht. Über den Zugang zu dieser Macht entscheidet der, der über den Schlüssel zu den Archiven verfügt, ohne die keine Geschichte geschrieben werden kann. Einer der Gralshüter der Geschichte des Großen Vaterländischen... more
Co-authored with Amy Mecklenberg-Faenger and Henrietta Rix-Wood. Using archival materials from a boarding school for Native American children, an affluent Chicago high school, and a Southern girls’ school, this chapter provides three... more
Co-authored with Jeffrey Ludwig. This article analyzes the early curriculum and classroom research studies of the Oak Park and River Forest High School English department. We conclude this brief history by suggesting some ways that... more
The Intimate Archive stages a major critical intervention into how we understand scholarly engagements with the archival traces of intimate lives. It examines the issues involved in using archival material to research the personal lives,... more
The chapter provides an overview of research in the archival multiverse, reviewing and reflecting on historical developments, current trends and future directions. It chronicles the rapid diversification and expansion of archival and... more
Abstract: When it comes to the company's archives, it is primarily thought of as an archiving system used by companies. Also systematisation is also challenging, as a reorganization of the archives of the administration of local... more
V současné době se v českých zemích i ve světě stále častěji skloňuje otázka ochrany osobních údajů. Začínají padat i soudní rozsudky v této oblasti a je nesporné, že stále více nabývá na váze ochrana osobních údajů před svobodou bádání.... more
Architecture as an affect Method, Decolonization and Archive. Chapter - 6: DECOLONIZING ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION: TOWARDS AN AFFECTIVE PEDAGOGY - The relationship between education and the habit of the ethical is as the relationship... more
17 October 2015, St Cross Church, Oxford (Balliol College historic Collections Centre). AGRA (Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives) Study Day.
One of the most pressing questions for historians of composition today is how to make local histories of individuals or institutions speak back to the domi nant historical narrative of the field—a narrative that nearly always begins with... more