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The authors have considerable experience conducting DNA lineage studies, with a focus on Y-DNA studies of the world’s historic rabbinical lineages. Each of these studies presents its own unique challenges. Two of the more challenging... more
Y-DNA analysis has proven to be a valuable tool in the genealogical research of Jewish paternal lineages. In our research, we have used it to validate the paper trail of pedigreed rabbinical descendants and identify the Y-DNA genetic... more
The following article is an excerpt from a chapter of our forthcoming book: "The Shpoler Zeida – The Life, Legends, and Descendants of the Grandfather of Shpola." The chapter is entitled: "Mysteries of the Shpoler Zeida Family." Our... more
Algunos descendientes colombianos y estadounidenses del Emperador Inca Pachacútec, pertenecientes a la familia Jaramillo
Historische Todesanzeigen, die aus Anlaß des Ablebens von Adeligen aus deutschen Ländern der Jahre 1912 bis 2009 gedruckt worden sind, können als wertvolle Quellen für die Ahnenforschung, die Familienforschung, aber auch die... more
Short genealogical study of the Lévesque, Adam, Côté and Bergeron families with ties to the Regalbuto Family
Auch wenn die kulturhistorische Entwicklung von Tschechen und Deutschen über die Jahrhunderte von Rivalitäten in dem von Bergen umschlossenen Land Böhmen geprägt war, so ist am Beispiel der Entwicklung der Märchen zu erkennen, wie viel... more
У статті за архівними матеріалами з’ясовано родовід Шевченкової матері Катерини Бойко від кінця XVIII ст. до середини ХІХ ст. Зокрема, установлено історію роду поета від прадіда Омеляна Бойка; уточнено відомості про найближчих родичів Т.... more
Le Fonds Noircarmes, conservé dans le fonds d'archives locales de la Bibliothèque de la Communauté d'Agglomération de Saint-Omer, consiste en 63 boites d'archives (cotées de 206/1 à 206/63). Il regroupe un grand nombre de notes sur les... more
Resulta da pesquisa genealógica através de registos paroquiais, e outras fontes publicadas, indicadas em notas de rodapé.
Courte étude généalogique des familles Lévesque, Adam, Bergeron et Côté
В статье рассматриваются вопросы отражения в генеалогических преданиях истори-ческого сознания древних огузов, одной из главных ветвей тюркских народов. Как из-вестно, в духовной жизни кочевых народов исключительное место занимает знание... more
This paper is about a strict naming rule used at Davos (Switzerland) between 1559 and c.1650. It sheads new light on «naming conventions» or «naming patterns» in use in southern Europe, the British Iles, and several other regions, which... more
Avec un impressionnant palmarès national (notamment à Metz et Brest), européen (avec Viborg) et mondial (dont les titres de championne olympique en 2020, de vice-championne olympique en 2024 et de championne du monde en 2017), la... more
Le mitiche origini, la genealogia, i fasti di una delle più illustri famiglie nobiliari romane, in una narrazione commissionata nel 1579 da Giangiorgio Cesarini, marchese di Civitanova, ad Alfonso Ceccarelli da Bevagna, emerito falsario,... more
УДК 929.5 ББК 63.2 А 51 Алпысбес М.А. А 51 Шежире казахов: источники и традиции. (Учебник для вузовских и послевузовских спецкурсов). – Астана, ИП «BG-Print», 2013. – 240 с. ISBN 978-601-7376-05-5 Задача данной книги – донести до... more
Modern genetic genealogy conventional approaches to reconstructing the phylogeny of agnatic (male-line) ancestors for a group of Y-DNA-tested men have traditionally used either Y-STR or Y-SNP data only. This creates an occasional dilemma... more
Öz Türk tarihinin yetiştirdiği dünyâca ünlü ilim ve fikir adamlarından biri olan Mehmed Fuad Köprülü (1890-1966), özellikle Osmanlı tarihinin kuruluş devri hakkındaki tartışmaların iyice alevlendiği bir dönemde en zorlu tartışmalara... more
If you are a Jewish genealogist, chances are you have encountered the dreaded brick wall – the seemingly impenetrable barrier beyond which lie untold generations of unknown ancestors who represent a proud Jewish heritage that has become... more
Lista de descendientes de Aquilino Ossa Jaramillo, nacido en Caramanta, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, padre de Celso María Ossa Tobón. La mayor parte de los datos fueron tomados de los apuntes de Inés Uribe Ossa.
Since the birth of scientific genealogy (the 18-19th century), its amateur type has been developing simultaneously. In the Polish territories, the latter had been mainly the occupation of the gentry until 1989, when the descendants of... more
Il libro contiene circa 25 articoli di diversi autori - illustrati con numerose immagini e fotografie storiche - con contributi su Joseph Anton Koch (1768-1839), il pittore di paesaggi che si stabilì dal Tirolo a Roma nel 1795, anche sul... more
The goal of this Y-DNA research study is to utilize traditional genealogical methods and current DNA methods and technology to identify the unique Y-DNA genetic signature of John Hart, the thirteenth signer of the Declaration of... more
История дворянского рода Донауровых, пришедшего в Россию в первой половине XVIII в. из Грузии и оставившего заметный след в истории своей новой родины. В книге рассказывается не только о представителях семейства Донауровых, но также об их... more
This article is about the challenges involved in researching Irish ancestry (e.g., widespread destruction of genealogical records, limited online access to existing parish records in both America and Ireland, lack of well-documented... more
RESUMEN Los descendientes de don Martín Monje, conquistador, crearon otros apellidos. Se continúa, en este trabajo, con los antecedentes del documento LOS CORONA DE AUTLÁN: SUS ORÍGENES y DESCENDIENTES DE MARTIN MONJE.... more
RESUMEN Los descendientes de don Martín Monje, conquistador, crearon otros apellidos. Se continúa en este trabajo con los antecedentes del documento LOS CORONA DE AUTLÁN: SUS ORÍGENES. En efecto, uno de sus hijos, Martín II 3 Monje de... more
Lista (incompleta) de descendientes de Celso Ossa Tobón, quien vivió en Santuario, Departamento de Risaralda, Colombia. La mayor parte de los datos fueron tomados de los apuntes de Inés Uribe Ossa. Puede contener datos inexactos o... more
What is it about Jewish genealogy that makes it so challenging and difficult? Why do so few Ashkenazi Jews have family trees and paper trails? Are autosomal DNA and Y-DNA tests as useful for tracing Jewish ancestry as for other... more
Lima, António Manuel de Carvalho - Como os Stockler chegaram ao Porto, Porto, ed. do autor, Dez. de 2014.
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Borderlands and frontiers impact identity, culture, and social organization. As such, most studies of 18th and 19th century California emphasize the role of the Franciscan missionaries, soldiers, and other settlers in their colonization... more
I am posting the Preface from our forthcoming book: "The Shpoler Zeida -- The Life Legends and Descendants of the Grandfather of Shpola." We invite all interested readers, especially descendants of the Shpoler Zeida, to contact us with... more
For some time now I have been busy trying to tell the world the truth about religion. I have even said that the people responsible for the world's more pervasive religions were my own royal ancestors. And this is true. I have tried to... more
This is from a paper which I had written some time ago. The basis for discovering and confirming this is the work of Sir Ronald Syme; particularly, his paper titled 'Domitius Corbulo' (JRS, 1970-71). The subject of which is quite... more