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La necropoli di San Magno in Puglia, risalente alla tarda Età del bronzo-inizio Età del ferro, viene presentata in questo volume in maniera organica e sistematica, attraverso un' accurata analisi storica e archeologica delle numerose... more
Español El presente volumen estudia las tradiciones pertinentes a la prehistoria romana comprendidas entre Eneas y Rómulo. Eneas llegó a ocupar un lugar destacado en la conciencia nacional romana. La presencia de Eneas en el Lacio... more
During excavations conducted on the southern half of the Forum in Ostia in the first half of the 20th century, some architectural terracottas were found. They were only briefly described in "Architectural Terracottas from Etrusco-Italic... more
Funde, Eigennamen und Schriftzeichen beweisen Roms lange Zugehörigkeit zur etruskischen Kultur. Die historisch faßbaren Anfänge des Etruskertums in Italien fallen mit der mythischen Gründungzeit Roms (datiert auf 753 v. Chr.) zusammen.... more
R. Graells, La influencia del mercenariado hispánico sobre el armamento de la Península Ibérica (s. VI-IV a.C.). In: Raimon Graells i Fabregat · Dirce Marzoli (eds), Armas de la Hispania Prerromana / Waffen im vorrömischen Hispanien.... more
Il contributo offre una sintesi preliminare dei risultati ottenuti nel corso delle attività di prospezione effettuate tra il 2011 e il 2014 lungo la media valle del Tacina e, più  precisamente, nel territorio della pre-Sila crotonese... more
'Between Satricum and Antium' presents a study carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the territories of two ancient settlements, both situated in the coastal landscape of ancient Latium on the Thyrrhenian seaboard, ca.... more
Given the closure of universities, research centers and libraries for Covid 19, I decided to upload the complete pdf of the articles even if the publishing house had asked not to do it (or at least, to wait a few years). But we are in an... more
This book explores the complex relationship between production, trade, and connectivity in pre-Roman Italy, confronting established ideas about the connections between people, objects, and ideas, and highlighting how social change and... more
Thesis written in partial completion of the requirements for a Master of Arts in Classical Archaeology at the University of British Columbia.  Successfully defended August 8, 2016.
Table of contents - Text illustrations - Plates - Foreward (Paola Pelagatti) - Preface - Introduction - The protomai from Gela: The contexts. The classification. Geloan production technique: 1. Clay; 2. Patrices and models; 3. Casting.... more
Livestock husbandry played a fundamental role in the economy of ancient Mediterranean communities. In central Italy, archaeological evidence for a significant re-organisation of animal production appears during the first millennium BC... more
La nécropole de Lavau « ZAC du Moutot » constitue un cas remarquable par bien des aspects. L’état de conservation des monu- ments et la stratigraphie préservée sont exceptionnels pour la région de Troyes, et plus largement dans ces... more
Si les tout-petits à Corinthe et Argos ne paraissent pas faire l’objet de discrimination particulière quant à leur traitement funéraire, l’étude des sépultures d’enfants dans les nécropoles de ces deux cités permet d’envisager la... more
Il lavoro si propone di indagare ed evidenziare eventuali tracce di distruzione violenta nel sito di Ficana attraverso un'analisi globale delle aree di scavo. Tali tracce potrebbero essere connesse alle guerre citate nelle fonti (Tito... more
"UN COPIOSO DEPOSITO DI STOVIGLIE ...": FINDINGS IN LOC. COSTE CASELLE AND PRATO DELLA CORTE (MARINO), 1868-2010 Hundred fifty years after the first archaeological investigations carried out by Michele De Stefano Rossi in Marino (Rome,... more
Prima presentazione delle decorazioni del tempio di Giove Capitolino, sinora completamente sconosciute. Lo studio ha permesso di ricostruire interamente il frontone della prima fase risalente ai primi anni della repubblica e dei... more
Zusammenfassung: Objekte im Grabkontext sollen als Sammlung im Sinne der Konzeption Krzysztof Pomians verstanden werden. Nach Pomian werden Gebrauchsfunktionen und dingliche Aspekte von Objekten durch die Aufnahme in eine Sammlung... more
In this paper I argue that the pattern of discontinuity which is identifiable in many Cretan settlements, sanctuaries and cemeteries in the late 7th century BC can be associated with major socio-political developments and the rise of the... more
Trafics orientaux en Méditerranée occidentale. Quelques remarques sur la diffusion des styles céramiques dans le répertoire des cités grecques de Sicile orientale », dans : S. Fourrier, J.-C. Sourisseau et H. Tréziny (éd.), Chypre et les... more
Full .pdf available from Archaeopress: Etruscan architecture underwent various changes between the later Iron Age and the Archaic... more
This study is a much expanded and updated version of my PhD dissertation (Gothenburg 2005) which concerned the late Etrusco-Italic glyptic production, especially the so-called a globolo and related scarab gems. The new comprehensive study... more
Temple reconstruction on the basis of this article is contained in another essay: " ll mito torna realtà. Le decorazioni fittili del tempio di Giove Capitolino dalla fondazione all'età repubblicana" Catalogo delle terrecotte esposte... more
A theory about a late Archaic temple on the later Forum of Ostia is presented in this paper. The presentation was held on the 18th of December 2018 in the seminar "Ricerche Archeologiche alla Foce del Tevere. Primo Incontro... more
J.Linderski, Vergil and Dionysius, Vergilius 32, 1992, 3-11 = RQ 1995, 336-344 + addenda 659 + addenda altera, RQ II 2007, 624. Concerning the book by E. Gabba, Dionysius and the History of Archaic Rome (1991), and Dionysius of... more