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El libro Innovación y capacidades en la industria farmacéutica: una perspectiva desde Colombia desarrolla un interrogante que el autor se plantea desde el inicio de su obra: “¿En qué medida los ADPIC y su implementación en los países... more
This paper examines the current role of the Court of Justice of the Andean Community (CJAC), in the settlement of investment disputes between foreign investors and host states. It also embarks on a prospective analysis of the role that... more
Em 16 de novembro de 2020, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), sob os auspícios da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS), levou-se à cabo, por meio... more
This book aims to offer an analysis of the Andean Community of Nations which reflects military, political, societal, economic and environmental security issues. Although Venezuela opted out of the Community in 2006, it has been included... more
The objective of this thesis is to analyze why the 2007-2008 negotiations of a bi-regional Association Agreement between the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) and the European Union (EU) have failed and what the likely implications of... more
Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world and consequently has sought to employ genetic resources to further both its economic development and technological and scientific advancement. Colombia’s im- plementation of... more
Many international law and international relations scholars theorize that judicial enforcement of international rules increases compliance with international law and thereby enhances its efficacy. 1 The evidence supporting such theories... more
En esta ponencia, se analiza la Estrategia de Seguridad Estadounidense y su incidencia en la región andina desde un espectro netamente político, tanto en los objetivos de dicha estrategia como en los compromisos previamente generados... more
Este extenso documento revisa la evolución de la Comunidad Andina desde su origen hasta el 2007. Interesante bibliografía y datos para quien quiera conocer algo al respecto
In the last two decades, South America created a regional regime for human mobility that is regarded as the most developed one after that of the EU.[1] It is characterised by progressive approaches to migration that include facilitated... more
O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir os efeitos das eleições diretas para o Parlamento Andino (Parlandino) na percepção da população em relação à integração. No âmbito da integração andina, o Parlandino, criado em 1984, procurou inserir... more
In the last two decades, South America created a regional regime for human mobility that is regarded as the most developed one after the EU. This regime is characterised by equal social and economic rights, working conditions and family... more
El artículo analiza cómo la negociación de los acuerdos de comercio entre Ecuador y la Unión Europea se sujeta a lógicas diferentes, que se encuentran condicionadas no sólo a los intereses de cada una de las partes y a su estructura.
Cepeda-Ladino, Julio-César. 2010. 'La Universidad como un actor social heterogéneo en los procesos de integración regional en América Latina'. Paper presented at the 'Chair in Latin American and The Caribbean Integration AUALCPI - RCI... more
Our main concern is to conclude how South American regional integration blocks could develop relations in a specific legal frame of association agreements and how this fourth generation treaties, developed by the European Union, deal with... more
The regional policy level is often seen as a (potential) source of progressive policy-making in health (and in social policy more widely), complementing or substituting national policy levels, which are perceived as underperforming. While... more
Link: Si bien es notorio el nivel de integración económica, política y social alcanzado por la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), esto resulta cuestionable si se... more
Resumen: En este artículo se analiza el proceso de la Alianza del Pacífico desde dos perspectivas fundamentadas en consideraciones propuestas por los trabajos referenciales y la información de documentos oficiales revisados por los... more
El artículo re exiona si existe una política regional en la Comunidad Andina (CAN) que permita reducir las asimetrías entre entidades subestatales. La Introducción presenta la concepción de política regional en la Unión Europea, y debate... more
El artículo analiza los efectos que el pilar de comercio produce en la negociación de un Acuerdo de Asociación de cuarta generación entre la Unión Europea y la Comunidad Andina, así como en la relación entre bloques regionales y a nivel... more
This report characterizes the experience of the intervention model Country Service in the period 2005-2011, reviewing the itinerary in the associative and strategic escalation of local communities in the sector of Parinacota, in Lauca... more
Authors rights protects artistic, literary and scientific works. This type of IP encompasses two types of rights: moral and patrimonial. Despite of the fact of this, there is a prevalence of author’s economic rights against moral ones.... more
This paper will address the inclusion trafficking of illicit drugs on the political agenda and security of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN). The construction of drug trafficking as a threat to security in the Andean region was... more
The research in the field of history puts accent on the documentary sources of the archives and repositories to understand the stories and subjects of the past; however, still have little tune with the reflexivity around the cultural... more
Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world and consequently has sought to employ genetic resources to further both its economic development and technological and scientific advancement. Colombia’s im- plementation of... more
This article reflects on whether there is a regional policy in the Andean Community (AC) that would allow the reduction of asymmetries between sub-national entities. The Introduction presents the conception of regional policy in the... more
RESUMEN La Alianza del Pacífico es la propuesta de integración más reciente del continente americano. De ella se ha hablado mucho, tiene detractores y defensores y cada parte sustenta las bondades o perjuicios que la propuesta de... more
Cílem této kapitoly je analyzovat vývoj, základní etapy, myšlenky a hlavní dez/integrační motivy jihoamerického subkontinentu. Časově se zaměříme zejména na fázi starého (klasického) a nového (otevřeného) regionalismu s počátkem v 60.,... more