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It is explicated that human brain functions as ‘radio’ capable of projecting thought and emotional frequencies that may be categorized to operate on two distinct bands: the low frequency band (similar to the AM band) and the high... more
The discussion of the Theory of EVERYTHING has been continued with a concerted interest on physicality, and in particular, the concept of Dark Matter and consciousness embodiment, making a reference to the advent of Core Manifestation... more
The objective of this paper is to address concerns expressed by some of the author's followers-friends on the Facebook in the form of questions posed as to who the 'Guardian Hosts' are and what role they are playing with regard
A detailed discussion is presented highlighting the most common characteristic of the reptilians and their hybrid cohorts. It is elucidated that the negative aliens are highly, violent, warring, separatist, disconnected, narcissistic,... more
Abstract The discussion of the Guardian-Founders’ seeding the Nebadon Universe is continued that makes a particular reference to the Cradle of Lyra with the so-called ‘Royal Houses of Lyra,’ 13D-15D Light Beings who are accredited with... more
Omawiane zjawisko można byłoby określić mianem zwro-tu światocentrycznego (Maj 2017, s. 44-45). Sama kategoria światocentryczności jest w narratologii i medioznawstwie dość nowa. Wprowadzona została przez Marie-Laure Ryan w ramach ogólnej... more
In the Western context the post-Cold War perception of Russian culture and history is routinely propagated as pejorative. Based on the political motivations of the US this political hangover is manifested in numerous, complex ways, from... more
Wydanie Staroruskiej Inglistycznej cerkwi Prawosławnej Starowierców￾Inglistów. Asgard Iryjski (Omsk), rok 7500. Oryginalne San'ti jedynie obrazowo można nazwać "książką". San'ti - to płyty z metalu szlachetnego, nie poddającego się... more
It is indicated that consciousness is imparted to humanity through projection of divine coded Light that is crystalline, coherent and intelligible. It is further elucidated that Light is composed of consciousness particulates that... more
The following short tutorial essay highlights the unfolding of some of the important cosmic events that most spiritually awakened-enlightened individuals have been waiting for, that marks the onset of propelling Earth humanity towards... more
The discussion of the Guardian-Founders’ seeding of the Nebadon Universe is continued that makes a reference to the advent of human consciousness (spirit) first coming to the physical domains having a form of embodiment and consciousness... more
An overview of consciousness in the ‘Cosmos’ is explicated, which in essence, constitutes the very body of our Prime Creator. It is elucidated that consciousness is disseminated through light onto a series of space-time ‘dimensions’ of... more
An Account of the ‘main’ dimensional structure of the Nebadon Universe has been presented. It is explicated that being situated practically at the edge of the Cosmos, the Nebadon constitutes the densest of what was co-created to be a part... more
The relevance of the Creation of the human beings as one species having a superb and special form of consciousness embodiment to the Creation of the entire Nebadon Universe accommodating such an incredibly diverse repertory of other solar... more
A discussion of the 15 dimensional system of the Nebadon Universe, and in particular, the 12D Grid that forms the basis for the Universal Time Matrix through which the solar organic consciousness-sentient beings experience the holographic... more
Prior to discussing the newly devised scheme for our universal Creational code that pertains to the new edifice of our universe and planetary consciousness mechanics such as the structure of our stargate system, portals, consciousness... more
The Quran has used the term ‘sama’ for space or heaven. It has used both the singular (sama’) and the plural (samawaat) form of it. In one of the verse it states that there are seven heavens and each one has its own earth. The objective... more
Reviews of each episode of Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams - an anthology of ten standalone episodes, streaming on Amazon.  Each review was written right after the episode was viewed.  The ten episodes were viewed over a four-day period.
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest przedstawienie spójnej propozycji metodologicznej dla interdyscyplinarnych badań nad światotwórczymi narracjami fantastycznymi w literaturze, filmie oraz grze wideo. Przedstawiona metodologia stanowi summę... more
An overview of the operation of our consciousness experience through the advent of mind has been explicated. It is elucidated that mind and brain represent two distinct concepts. Furthermore, neither consciousness emanates from the brain,... more
The mechanics of consciousness as it is disseminated upon us is explored in this article. It is discussed that consciousness is imparted upon humanity through the Earth Grid via a holographic reality software, encoded as the binary... more
An overview of why negative aliens became parasitic-vampiric together with the steps that led to being what they are has been presented. The discussion makes a reference to the concept of "7 Deadly (or Cardinal) Sins" that is elucidated... more
Lovingly cocreated by members of Kathara Team, the book "exploring God Worlds" takes you on the journey which we all took once a long time ago - a journey from God-Source to perceivable menifestation. Based on Ashayana Deane's Freedom... more
By blending fantastical and historical elements, Kaiji Kawaguchi’s Zipang (2000–2009) delivers an interesting and ambivalent vision of Japan’s WW2 history. The manga occupies a somewhat particular place both in the genre of alternate... more
The Creation of the Nebadon Universe has been discussed from the stand point of view of its dimensional structure, including a comprehensive account of its cosmological-universal mechanics alluding to all one would need to know about its... more
There is no denying that transmedia storytelling has been gaining increasing attention in recent media, literature, and game studies. Introduced in Henry Jenkins’ famous (though not aspiring to be groundbreaking) book Convergence Culture... more
Human beings employ concepts not merely to re-constitute their worlds, realities, including their selves, minds, consciousness, lives and loves but to fabricate and constitute these things. As well as their perceptions, thinking,... more
Ruling over the world of science in the 19th century, the materialist philosophy had proposed that the universe is an uncontrolled heap of matter that existed since infinite time. However, the discoveries made in the twentieth century... more
The theory of gravity has been around for over three hundred years. From Newton to Einstein and Einstein to now. We have believed this theory that gravity is an external force of mass, e.g. Mass creates Gravity, even more dense matter... more
Fan fiction alternate universe stories (AUs) that combine Game of Thrones characters and settings with fairy tale elements construct a dialogue between realism and wonder. Realism performs a number of functions in various genres, but... more
The phenomena of sentient vibration, consciousness expansion, and genetic evolution of incarnates all entail an inelastic residual energy that must be transferred, absorbed or expended, resulting in a constant change in the value of the... more
The discussion of the Creation of Nebadon Universe and its universal structure is continued. It is explicated, herein, that clearly, with dissemination of the quanta of energy in the two conjugate-mirrored spaces or Worlds, that depending... more
As a fundamentally interdisciplinary sector of study, oceanography spans not only the physical and chemical attributes of large saline aquatic environments, but also overlaps with biological considerations of oceanic flora and fauna, and... more
Compendium Dlaczego pytamy „Co by było, gdyby…?”. Uwagi na temat funkcji historii alternatywnej (przekł. Magdalena Wąsowicz) Gavriel D. Rosenfeld Między historią a fantazją. Mediewalizm i głos kobiet w „Pieśni dla Arbonne” Guya Guvriela... more
This book by Mohammed Ali Hassan Al-Hilly deals with the existence of life on Mars and some other planets The existence of plants animals and intelligent human beings on the planets. The mistake of Astronomers concerning Pluto: Pluto is... more
Attempt is made to shed more Light on the concept of conjugatemirrored space-time dimensions by being able to better visualize them, as these dimensions are stealth to one another and one represents the ethereal aspect of the other. This... more
This paper investigates the origin of universe from a different point, this point is using of Ali's principle for radiation and matter equivalence by comparing with Plank's theorem for black body radiation and applying with universe early... more
Energy is the life blood of our physical existence. In the conventional view of our world energy is bound by two long established and important laws of physics. Discover the Laws of Energy governing this universe by the use of Keylontic... more
and Introduction: The building blocks of the Universe is a Panpsychist Quantum phenomenon. This unprecedented statement places us to where Quantum Mechanics become obsolete. To claim this spectacle of a statement, it would change our... more
An overview of the Cosmos is presented. It is explicated that Cosmos epitomizes the body of an omnipotent SOURCE of consciousness, the Prime Creator, who is the progenitor, responsible for creation of ALL THINGS and their consciousness.... more