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The ecological movements of the seventies gave environmental questions the role of key issues in the artistic, architectural and philosophical debate. However, these questions have been mainly dealt with an ecological and scientific... more
L’attuale dibattito nel campo dell’architettura e del design ha riportato in auge la relazione tra forma e funzione. Per comprendere il significato di questi concetti può essere utile una rilettura storica dei grandi Maestri del Movimento... more
El ángulo recto constituye la base del pensamiento arquitectónico de Le Corbusier, para quien ninguna forma está desprovista de sentido. Todas sus obras lo ponen de relieve, todos sus proyectos lo atestiguan. No sólo es una forma... more
The notion of “familiar” has recently become crucial in the debate generated by Everyday Aesthetics. In this essay I will explore this concept following Arto Haapala and Yuriko Saito’s theories, then I will investigate the notion of... more
A John Dewey és Richard Shusterman átlal kijelölt pragmatista/szomaesztétikai nyomvonalon haladó esszé ahhoz az ezredforduló óta kibontakozó diskurzushoz kapcsolódik, amelyik az esztétika újrafogalmazásának feladatát tűzte maga elé.... more
Nel corso del Novecento le tematiche della vita e dell’ambiente hanno trovato nuova centralità nel dibattito architettonico e filosofico. La biologia è divenuta il modello teorico di riferimento e può costituire un interessante punto di... more
My essay focuses on the notion of artification, recently emerged in the philosophical and artistic debate. Some case studies show that “public wall paintings” work as an artifying strategy of public space both at a superficial and at a... more
Course description: Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the beautiful. This course explores the aesthetics of the natural and built environments, including landscapes, places, and buildings. A major emphasis... more
At beginning of twentieth century, new techniques allow to replace the wall built with opaque materials with glass walls, abolishing the visual barriers between inside and outside. After explaining the aesthetics of the transparency... more
SUMARIO Artículos Pablo Enrique Abraham Zunino, "Bergson y el concepto de imagen en los estudios sobre cine de Deleuze" (7-46) Martín Prestía, "Filosofía, poesía y política en Carlos Astrada: notas para una lectura de El mito gaucho... more
The title: “Architecture: The Making of Metaphors” is the exact title, including the colon, of the 1967 Yale lecture series Benefit of “Architecture: The Making of Metaphors” is that after learning the contents of “Architecture: The... more
El posmodernismo acaso no fue más que el resultado del pensamiento apocalíptico finisecular que le dio sentido, o buscó dárselo, aun al precio de desbaratarlo, a la estética moderna. El siglo cambió y, una vez más, el apocalipsis no ha... more
Raising the persistence question about architectural entities consists in asking what is necessary and sufficient for a past or future architectural entity, like a building, to exist now. In this paper I investigate how the persistence... more
PAPERS 1) Virginia Bonicatto (Universidad Nacional de La Plata/Universidad Torcuato Di Tella). LA MATERIALIZACIÓN DE UNA ESTÉTICA NACIONAL: RICARDO ROJAS EN LA ARQUITECTURA ARGENTINA. En 1909, Ricardo Rojas publicó La restauración... more
While elsewhere in Palermo – like in other Italian or foreign cities – the unachieved stands for a transformation process that has been interrupted, in the neighbourhood of Danisinni the unachieved is the symbol of an existential... more
This paper seeks to refute the claim that architectural value is one and the same value as the artistic value of architecture. As few scholars explicitly endorse this claim, instead tacitly holding it, I term it the implicit claim. Three... more
The screening of the promotion video for Skopje 2014 made evident that the Macedonian government perceived the problem of Skopje to be one of aesthetics. The aim to participate in the global cultural economy and tourist industry was to be... more
La Lama di Massimiliano Fuksas a Roma, ovvero lo spazio dissolto nella luce. Il progetto degli architetti Massimiliano e Doriana Fuksas attualmente in fase di completamento nel quartiere EUR di Roma consta di due edifici: il nuovo Centro... more
In the last two decades, research on the arts showed that the perspective provided by somaesthetics could highly contribute to the efforts of rethinking artistic practices and the aesthetic experience in general (Shusterman 2014; Journal... more
Artículo introductorio a la filosofía de la arquitectura en español.
Introductory essay on the philosophy of architecture in Spanish.
Nell’età contemporanea in cui l’architettura tende spesso alla ricerca della spettacolarità e a creare forme in cui la destinazione d’uso si annulla in un’esperienza estetica, la questione dell’ornamento torna a essere centrale nel... more