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Despite advancements, changes, transformations, and the gains; the presence of female figures in Turkey is still arguable today due to the state, society and family relations, legal, cultural and individual sense stuck in the autocratic... more
The revolutionary Spangen social-housing complex (1919-1921) in Rotterdam, by Michiel Brinkman, has recently been immaculately restored (2012). The project pioneered “street in the sky” deck access, an idea that famously inspired Alison... more
This is a review of the monograph on the work of the Austrian architects Riegler Riewe, situating the work in the local history and architectural context. Eva Guttmann replaces the currently predominating and simplistic account, in which... more
"Difficult Harmonies" is a review of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, a major museum of national and international importance, designed by architect Antoine Predock (with Architecture 49, and Ralph Appelbaum).  Photos by Tom Arban.
A Genealogy of Modern Architecture by Kenneth Frampton is the fruit of decades of teaching activity and gestation. The class on which this book is based was originally more succinctly called Comparative Critical Analysis of Built Form,... more
The Future of the Skyscraper is a collection of essays, edited by SOM architects, of people outside or obliquely related to the profession of architecture to think and reflect on skyscraper design. This approach is appealing, since the... more
How do young architects move on from the formative influences and design methodologies of previous professional generations, especially when these have claimed a universal, ahistorical, commonsensical relevance? This paper examines the... more
The architect’s aforementioned conception of the building, which starts from the event of the concert, suggests that structure is completely suppressed because it can play no part in the composition. The way he deals with details further... more
Lewerentz’ ability to address the aesthetic concerns through abstract methods in carefully executed buildings have affirmed his presence as an architect with great tectonic sensibility. This paper aims to bring new insights to which how... more
The essay aims to show the racist prejudices implicit in the formulation of the famous design premise by Adolf Loos, in the context of Viennese cultural debates at the turn of the XXth century.
In the Nineties, Ignasi de Solà-Morales described the relationship between critics and architects as one of sadomasochism, with the former controlling their anxiety for the recent collapse of grand narratives by exercising a «compensatory... more
Manfredo Tafuri’s book "Architecture and Utopia, Design and Capitalist Development," deploys what is perhaps the strongest critique on modern architecture and the city. In the book the Italian Architect and Historian argues that, since... more
Massive, raw concrete structures - the likes of the Telecommunications Building (1972/1981) by Janko Konstantinov; the campus of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (1974) by Marko Mušič; the National Hydraulic Institute (1972) by Krsto... more
O presente Trabalho Final de Graduação, apresentado na FAU USP em 2015 pretende ser um estudo histórico sobre a crítica de arquitetura no Brasil, de 1985 a 2010. Inclui um vasto levantamento e análise estatística de artigos e textos,... more
German Swiss architecture at the close of the twentieth century has gained worldwide acclaim on account of its formal austerity, material sensitivity, rigorous detailing and contextual observations. Moreover, beyond its constructional... more
Lewerentz’ ability to address the aesthetic concerns through abstract methods in carefully executed buildings have affirmed his presence as an architect with great tectonic sensibility. This paper aims to bring new insights to which how... more
Over the past years, several critics from within the field of modern architectural discourse, such as Adrian Forty (1989), Mark Wigley (1994), and Leila Kinney (1999), have employed the metaphor of fashion as an analytical tool, in order... more
The paper “The Dilemma of Authenticity I: Swiss architecture between ethical intent and aesthetic object” was presented at The Complexity of the Ordinary International Conference, Copenhagen, 5-6 October 2006. A second part, “The Dilemma... more
This article can be seen as a follow up to "Abstraction and Artifice" (2004), albeit only in reference to one single architect. It identifies, in the work of Swiss architect Valerio Olgiati, certain formal tendencies that are shared with... more
La tesi ha per oggetto l’analisi di alcuni meccanismi culturali che hanno determinato una vivace interazione tra America Latina e Italia nel periodo successivo al secondo conflitto mondiale. L’analisi muove da uno studio dei periodici... more
The Whitney Museum’s move to its new building in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District, designed by the Renzo Piano Building Workshop, returns the Whitney to its roots; in 1918 Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney and Juliana Force opened the Whitney... more
This paper proposes a methodology of analysis of contemporary architecture that deconstructs it in seven major trends based on variables that architects undertake when developing a project. This deconstruction of different practices... more
Prólogo para el nº 56 de 'SINTESIS ARQUITECTURA SELECCIÓN' (junio 2018) dedicado a las obras: - PABELLON POLIDEPORTIVO Y AULARIO UNIV. FRANCISCO DE VITORIA - Pozuelo/Madrid (Alberto Campo Baeza). - PALACIO DE CONGRESOS Y HOTEL - Palma... more
Raising the persistence question about architectural entities consists in asking what is necessary and sufficient for a past or future architectural entity, like a building, to exist now. In this paper I investigate how the persistence... more
Dengan mengulas Masjid Sudalmiyah Rais yang hadir di lingkungan Kampus 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) serta dengan berbekal pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku dan Semiotika, dalam tulisan ini saya membahas urgensi dipahaminya... more
In late 2010, Kenneth Frampton celebrated his eightieth birthday with a one-day conference at the Graduate School for Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University. The conference was, typically, an act of resistance... more
Based on a paper delivered in November 2016 at the Musée du Louvre (Publier sur l’art, l’architecture et la ville : La Font de Saint-Yenne [1688-1771] et l’ambition d’une oeuvre), this article argues that La Font de Saint-Yenne was... more
The monastery of Brou founded by Margaret of Austria, daughter of Maximilian I and aunt of his successor Charles V at the head of the Holy Roman Empire, is a masterpiece that has been regarded as a clever political instrument to represent... more
A city’s identity can be characterized, and defined by its attitude towards the past, present and future. What and how a city chooses to collect and dispose of its artifacts, directly influence the memories of its people.  A repository,... more
Lisa Landrum's paper "Modus Operandi of an Architectus Doli: Architectural Cunning in the Comic Plays of Plautus" appears as Chapter 15. Also in the book are essays by Karsten Harries, Marco Frascari, David Leatherbarrow, Kenneth... more
Texto inédito presentado el 15 de octubre de 2013 en el ciclo Modos de Práctica del Centro de Estudios de Arquitectura Contemporánea de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, en ocasión de la conferencia de Ariel Jacubovich, Práctica Política.
Publié en 1966, le livre The New Brutalism. Ethic or Aesthetic ? marque un tournant déterminant dans le processus de redéfinition de l’un des concepts les plus célèbres et les plus ambigus de l’architecture de la seconde moitié du XXe... more
Si la relation des individus à l’architecture est communément fonction de la position d’où ils la considèrent - spécialiste, usager ou amateur, homme de l’art ou commanditaire -, le Siècle des lumières peut aujourd’hui être vu comme un... more
English: The article critically analyses the book Chaos Warszawa. Porządki przestrzenne polskiego kapitalizmu [Warsaw-Chaos. Spatial Orders of Polish Capitalism] by Joanna Kusiak. An attempt at juxtaposing the said publication with other... more
Mimarlık alanı özelinde eleştiriye ‘tuhaf’ bir hâller oluyor" diyor Berin Gur. Metnin amacı "Mimarlığın pratiği ile eleştirisi arasındaki, başka bir deyişle mimar ile eleştirmen arasındaki, sarkaç gibi bir uçtan diğer uca savrulan [...]... more
هذا المقال يدور حول عمل ليبسكيند الأول من حيث التنفيذ متحف فيليكس نوسباوم. بعد سنوات قضاها كبروفيسور وكاتب معماري، استطاع انتزاع فرصة تنفيذ مشروعه الأول، المتحف هو محاولة لتخليد ذكرى الفنان الألماني ابن مدينة اوسنابروك فيليكس نوسباوم، من... more
A critic, from the social and formal point of view, of some of the most representative works of architecture built recently in Latin America.