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The brolga Grus rubicunda breeds primarily in shallow freshwater wetlands and is classified as Vulnerable in Victoria. Specific guidelines have been developed to mitigate potential impacts of the wind industry on brolga populations.... more
During 2 years (2001–2003), we performed seasonal aerial surveys in the central Spanish Mediterranean following the transect line methodology in order to determine the abundance and distribution patterns of loggerhead turtles Caretta... more
We investigated the distribution of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) from aerial surveys in 1986–1998 in 622 contiguous 4-km2 grid squares in relation to density of power lines, roads and ski trails in the Nordfjella region,... more
Bias, precision and accuracy have been studied extensively in wildlife population estimation including aerial surveys. A review of the literature shows that the concepts of bias and precision are used broadly consistently. Aerial survey... more
Abstract A lack of reliable observations for canopy science research is being partly overcome by the gradual use of lidar remote sensing. This study aims to improve lidar-based canopy characterization with airborne laser scanners through... more
Aerial photography is one of the most important and cost-effective ways of recording traces of the past and discovering new sites. It also offers the archaeologist an alternative viewpoint on these archaeological traces, and is one of the... more
There are different natural hazard, among these different natural hazards flood are most devastating and frequently occurring calamities taking human lives and causing economic damages. This report has been prepared to present hazard... more
This paper represents the first systematic research about the Late Iron Age site of El Espinillo ever published. The site is located in the Spanish province of Burgos, regional council of Castilla y León, in the municipality of... more
This report documents the results of a Systematic Reconnaissance Flight (SRF) aerial survey of the Malagarasi-Muyovozi Ramsar Site (Tanzania), conducted from 17 to 28 November 2001. The survey was made as part of the Danida-funded project... more
In Corinaldo, located in the northern Marche region, an integrated research brought to light a high-status tomb dating back to the 7th century BC, which provides remarkable data on a wide range of aspects of the Picenian culture in this... more
During early developmental stages, cetacean calves are dependent on their mothers for survival. Protection of young whales engaged in behaviors that are biologically important is critical for population recovery, so that appropriate... more
Wetland extent was mapped for the central Amazon region, using mosaicked L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery acquired by the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1. For the wetland portion of the 18×8° study area, dual-season... more
Researchers studying Dall's sheep (Ovis dalli dalli) associated with a large mineral lick on Dry Creek in the central Alaska Range south of Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, claimed that removal of nearly all mature males by intensive harvest... more
Southern Norway holds the last remaining population of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Europe. Roads, railroads, and power lines have fragmented the original population into 26 separate herds. The reindeer populations are... more
Insects are important forest disturbance agents, and mapping their effects on tree mortality and surface fuels represents a critical research challenge. Although various remote sensing approaches have been developed to monitor insect... more
Castles, often built on hills with extremely steep slopes, or on sea cliffs overlooking stretches of water, were difficult to conquer. Construction techniques and geomorphology of the area were a key factor in making castles impregnable... more
The principal users of aerial photography have always been the military and mapping agencies. Aerial photographs were considered for several decades as a means to an end and were no longer interesting once the map was compiled. In the era... more
Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) abundances commonly are estimated using fixed-wing surveys, but these estimates are likely to be negatively biased because of violations of key assumptions underpinning line-transect methodology. Reducing... more
La pratique archeologique a beaucoup changee avec l'arrivee de nouvelles techniques et de nouvelles approches intellectuelles. Les outils informatiques, comme le SIG, habituellement utilises par les geographes peuvent ouvrir des... more
Giraffes Giraffa camelopardalis are megafaunal browsers and keystone species in African savanna ecosystems. Range-wide population declines are suspected, but robust data are lacking. Tanzania holds the largest population of giraffe of any... more