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Population declines due to chytridiomycosis among frogs belonging to the Amerana (Rana boylii) species group from western North America have been particularly severe. Norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions from the Oregon spotted frog... more
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest terrestrial carnivores of all time, and consequently its ecology and diet have been the focus of much discussion. However, there is little direct evidence of diet or feeding habits in this species.... more
In western North America, Rocky Mountain national parks represent a major resource for nature-based tourism. This paper examines how climate change may influence park tourism in the Rocky Mountain region by focusing on both the direct and... more
... The Kwakwaka'wakw (once known as the Southern Kwakiutl) hold the northern and northeast-ern portions of the island and the adjacent mainland; their relatives, the Oweekeno and Heiltsuk, occupy the mainland coast to the north. ...... more
This review shows a close biogeographic connection between eastern Asia and western North America from the late Cretaceous to the late Neogene in major lineages of vascular plants (flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns and lycophytes). Of... more
The voluminous Meso- to Neoarchean rocks exposed in the Beartooth Mountains of the northern Wyoming Province of western North America comprise the Long Lake Magmatic Complex (LLMC), a variably metamorphosed and deformed association of... more
Through tabular and average linkage cluster analyses, 737 phytosociological relevés were classified. Based on these relevés, we described and typified the associations, alliances, orders, and classes grouping the coastal plant communities... more
RESUMEN En el noreste de México se han reportado algunos afloramientos de rocas volcánicas Triásicas y Jurásicas, cuyas características petrológicas y geoquímicas demuestran una afinidad de arco que permite relacionarlas a una margen... more
Based on the analysis of 249 museum-preserved specimens, together with data on captive individu-als, the present paper provides information on the diet, morphology, and reproduction of the glass lizard Ophiodes cf. striatus in the... more
Abstract. The present paper contains the results of a 7 year faunistical study upon the amphibian and reptile species from the Bistriţa river basin. We recorded 14 species of amphibians (Salamandra salamandra, Triturus cristatus,... more
Taxonomic identification of starch granules is critical to understanding dietary patterns from archaeological contexts, but achieving high levels of confidence around such identifications has been problematic. This study highlights a... more
Insects are important forest disturbance agents, and mapping their effects on tree mortality and surface fuels represents a critical research challenge. Although various remote sensing approaches have been developed to monitor insect... more