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Josiah Tucker, who was the Anglican dean of Gloucester from 1758 until his death in 1799, is best known today as a controversialist, a political economist and a lesser contemporary of Adam Smith. Little attention has been paid, however,... more
Adam Smith's approach to self interest(self love)is an application of Jesus Christ's dictum to love your neighbor as you love yourself ."As you love yourself " means that you can put yourself in a position to "love your... more
This paper presents an overview of the adoption of Adam Smith’s work in the Central European countries, namely the Czech lands and the Hungarian Kingdom in the last third of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. The paper is... more
What is the explanation behind this Scottish interest in taste in the middle of the 18th century? Hume, Smith, Kames and BLair discussing issues connecting taste, passions and society
"Social justice progressives are fulfilling, not betraying, the ideals of their Enlightenment forebears." In this essay, contra Jordan Peterson, I explain the philosophical roots of "social justice progressivism" as being perfectly... more
As Descartes did for epistemology and Lévinas did for ethics, Baruchello places social and political philosophy as the new ‘first philosophy’. His research in the intersecting fields of economics, power politics, knowledge, and reality,... more
Recension de : Laurence Fontaine, Le Marché. Histoire et usages d’une conquête sociale, Paris, Gallimard, 2014, 464 p., 22,90€.
Book review about "The philosophy of Sophie de Grouchy" published in Thémata. Revista de Filosofía
In this paper we will begin by discussing the different approaches to the problem of Greek influence on Classical Political Economy. We will then consider the distinguishing theoretical features of ancient Greek and Political Economy's... more
Contemporary societies are marked by deep inequalities grounded in collective failures to recognize the histories, needs, and experiences of marginalized social groups. What are the strategies that can help individuals become more... more
How should the ordinary citizens of commercial societies navigate increasingly complex political landscapes characterized by global markets, specialization, and manipulation by special interests? Given the political power of ordinary... more
RESUMEN: El artículo presenta y contrasta el papel central de la simpatía en las teorías morales de Hume y Smith a lo largo de cinco puntos: 1) la simpatía como «fuente principal de las distinciones morales» y como contrapunto al egoísmo,... more
Review of "Hume: An Intellectual Biography"by James A. Harris, published in The New York Review of Books
Résumé : Le but de cet article est d’étudier en quoi la notion de système, développée par Smith, se différencie du système d’harmonie préétablie de Leibniz appelé aussi, au XVIII°siècle, système de l’optimisme. Depuis les travaux de Jon... more
Although largely absent from modern accounts of the Industrial Revolution, watches were the first mass produced consumer durable, and were Adam Smith’s pre-eminent example of technological progress. In fact, Smith makes the notable claim... more
The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has acquired worldwide relevance since 1970s, namely thanks to the revolution brought by the civil society. However, some scholars claim that nowadays the concept of CSR has been... more
Il Decimo Rapporto annuale di "Sos Impresa", pubblicato il 22 ottobre 2007 in occasione dell'assemblea nazionale dell'associazione antiracket dall'eloquente sottotitolo "le mani della criminalità sulle imprese", pone per l'ennesima volta... more
Should education have any use? The question seems hardly worth asking, let alone answering. Yet this apparently absurd topic constitutes the major issue that has dominated debates about higher education in Britain for the past two hundred... more
Download: The automotive sector represents more than a simple industry. Since the late nineteenth century, it has embodied the economic and technological power of nations, the lifestyle, the dynamics of... more
“An Insatiable Emptiness” written by Evelyn Lau “uses vivid details to describe the effects of an eating disorder that she eventually overcame” (Lau p. 495.) .... “Addiction in Free Markets” is a story on social dislocation and family... more
Table of contents 1. Plato and a response to ethical scepticism; 2. Aristotle and the invention of practical philosophy; 3. Diogenes and philosophy as a form of life; 4. Epicurus and ethics as care for oneself; 5. Epictetus and ethics... more
This article focuses on the alleged direct acquaintanceship between Condorcet and Adam Smith. Mistaken infor-mation about this issue was repeated many times in the literature of the late 1800s and 1900s. It is presumed that they met in... more
Resumen: El autointerés constituye el principal postulado de la teoría económica ortodoxa. Se trata de una perspectiva que ancla sus raíces en el egoísmo psicológico del siglo xvii, que se abre paso en el pensamiento económico a través de... more
Paper on how to predict the rate of profit in countries using classical political economy
Fundamentos do pensamento liberal: os Ensaios filosóficos de Adam Smith.
Cursos de Inverno (FFLCH 2020)
Ministrado de 27/07 a 30/07 (4 aulas)
Cabang studi ilmu ekonomi sejatinya telah dikenal sejak lama. Pada dasarnya istilah-istilah ekonomi selalu berhubungan dengan perdagangan. Bahkan istilah perdagangan sendiri sudah dikenal sejak lama. Hal ini diperkuat dengan teori... more
Una obra básica para cualquier economista y también para cualquiera que quiera entender ¿Qué es la economía? y la historia de las naciones.
This article examines how The wealth of nations (1776) was transformed into an amorphous text regarding the imperial question throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Adam Smith had left behind an ambiguous legacy on... more
We have histories of the term ‘invisible hand’, but less on the idea, which goes back to a) ancient Taoism (the Tao does nothing, yet it is the Way by which all things are done); b) the Hippocratic philosophy, that physicians should... more
A look at the current arguments surrounding Adam Smith's theology. Includes an analysis of his main texts The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments in an attempt to prove Smith's commitment to a Deistic philosophy.
Tesis doctoral centrada en conocer la vida y el pensamiento de Sophie de Grouchy, fundamentalmente su empirismo gnoseológico, su teoría ética de la simpatía, sus propuestas sociales y el pensamiento feminista ilustrado.
Az elfogulatlan szemlélő és az interszubjektivitás, töredékek Adam Smith morálfilozófiájából c. dolgozatomban Adam Smith (első kiadásában 1759-ben megjelent) erkölcsfilozófiai művének Az erkölcsi érzelmek elméletének (The Theory of Moral... more
This essay attempts an ‘internalist’ explication of political legitimacy. That is, a philosophically articulated and normatively compelling account, which nonetheless appeals only to resources that are (at least in principle) available to... more
El autor plantea que la aprobación o desaprobación moral se manifiesta por medio de tendencias naturales de tipo emocional. Tal argumento se fundamenta en la teología de Juan Calvino, la cual sostiene la constante acción providencial de... more
The central question addressed in this paper is "Is the Perfect Market Sustainable?". It is shown by means of a simple desirable market model that the perfect market is not sustainable because it is based on maximization... more