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The FirebornNeeds Citation

The Fireborn are the High Elf Dragon Prince bodyguards of Prince Imrik of Caledor. [1a]


They led the charge that shattered the legions of Skalthrak the Slaughterer, killing the Bloodthirster Gorecleaver following which their pricne gave them the honour of bearing the image of Indraugnir on their shields. [1a]



High Elves
Units Anointed of Asuryan - Chracian Chieftain - Dragon Mage - Dragon Prince - Eagle's Claw Repeater Bolt Thrower - Ellyrian Reaver - Flamespyre Phoenix - Frostheart Phoenix - Great Eagle - Handmaiden of the Everqueen - High Elf Archer - High Elf Archmage - High Elf Commander - High Elf Mage - High Elf Noble - High Elf Prince - High Elf Spearman - High Elf Warrior - Lion Chariot - Loremaster - Lothern Sea Guard - Lothern Sea Helm - Lothern Skycutter - Maiden Guard - Merwyrm - Phoenix Guard - Sea Elf Wardancer - Seeker - Shadow Warrior - Ships Company - Shore Rider - Silver Helm - Sister of Avelorn - Swordmaster - Tiranoc Chariot - Warwain - White Lion
Characters Aeltherin - Aenur - Aenarion - Aerenis - Aernuis - Aerethenis - Aethis - Aethis Flamebearer - Aislinn - Alatar - Aliathra - Alarielle - Alith Anar - Allisara‎‎ - Allurian - Althran Stormrider - Althinelle - Amanar - Amris Emberfell - Anaegnir - Anaryll - Aneron - Angranir - Antarion - Anurell - Araugnir - Argaer - Argalen - Arhalien - Alarnil - Asarnil the Dragonlord - Ashtari - Astarielle - Athielle - Avaloi Winesong - Bel-Hathor - Bel-Korhadris - Bel Shanaar - Belannaer - Belthania - Beltharius - Caelith Fireheart - Calaidan - Caledor Dragontamer - Caledor I - Caledor II - Caluandr - Caradryan -Caradryel - Carathril - Carvalon - Criseinur - Daefvid Maicross - Daendra Stillwater - Darlorhan - Deathfang - Dorien - Dramalliel - Draukhain - D'roi Haisplinn -Eldril - Eldroth - Eldyra - Elodhir - Elontir - Elrion - Eltharik - Eltharion - Eltreneth - Enador Thaintor - Eoloran Anar - Estrielle - Ethil Feyfarer - Farforian Whiteshore - Ferghal - Finrian Stardrake - Finubar - Finudel - Galifreius - Glarondril - Hallar - Haradrin - Hotek - Hythreir - Illeanith - Illissia Waysworn - Imladrik - Imrallion - Imrallion the Steadfast - Imrik - Indraugnir - Irion - Ishaya Vess - Kaldor - Kalhordis Whitemane - Kaldain - Kelendar - Khaltar - Kiarell - Koradrel - Korhien Ironglaive - Korhil - Lahaven Ramjewel - Lauraen - Liandra - Liandra Athinol - Lirian - Liselle Emeraldsea - Loranrol Glorenmar - Maedrethnir - Maldiar - Malene Emeraldsea‎‎ - Melenar - Maruviel - Maurenghir - Menieth - Mentheus - Mianderin - Milandrith - Minaithnir - Moranion - Morelian - Morelion - Morvael - Oakheart - Palanaith - Palthrain - Porthianas - Rilgaur - Riolta Snow - Salendor - Savan - Silver Wind - Sirion - Sullandiel Fartrader - Sumieren Imlordil - Symiel - Syndillian - Teclis - Tethlis - Thyrinor - Thyriol - Tithrain - Tyrion - Ulliafor Sunbright - Unthwe Windrider - Urdithriel Imraholen - Urathion - Valaun - Valoriel - Vranesh - Yeasir - Yrianath - Yrellian - Yvraine
Kingdoms Avelorn - Caledor - Chrace - Cothique - Eataine - Ellyrion - Saphery - Shadowlands - Tiranoc - Yvresse
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