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Fabius Bile

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The only real crime for those of superlative intellect and great prowess is to allow one's self to become shackled by mediocrity. The crime is to let your grasp be less than your reach. To aim low.[6a]

Fabius Bile[26]

Fabius Bile, originally just Fabius and also known as the Spider and the Primogenitor is a Chaos Space Marine. Prior to the defeat of the Horus Heresy, he was a Lieutenant-Commander and Chief Apothecary of the Emperor's Children. He is now an infamous mad scientist, specializing in genetic manipulation and the creation of Enhanced Warriors.[4b] Unlike most of the Emperor's Children, Bile does not follow Slaanesh, instead he devotes himself to science, and research into the creation of Space Marines.[1] Unbeknownst to most, the present-day Fabius is a gestalt intelligence consisting of several fully autonomous clones who pursue their own agendas and projects.[28b][28c]


Early Life

Fabius was born on Terra to Europan nobility. He spent at least part, if not all of his childhood in a region named Ingolstadt; potentially related to the Bavarian city but this is not expanded upon.[12] As a child, he learned the art of fleshcrafting from one of his families servants. Among his first experiments was modifying mice to duel each other in elaborate garb and was inconsolable when they disobeyed his orders and killed one another. Shortly after, he was inducted into the III Legion.[22b]

Great Crusade

Bile as he once was: Apothecary Fabius of the Emperor's Children[29]

Fabius was the sole member of the original Legion's command structure amongst the Two Hundred survivors of 'the Blight' that caused organ degeneration in the Emperor's Children as a result of a Selenite plot. Despite this he did not seek promotion, being instead dedicated to his work to reverse the disease. He was nicknamed the Spider by other members of the Legion.[12]

By the end of the Great Crusade, Fabius had risen to Chief Apothecary of the Emperor's Children and was known for his reclusive and inquisitive nature. As the Heresy and betrayal of the Emperor's Children loomed, Fabius managed to convince Fulgrim that he could improve upon the Legion's gene-seed and finalize their quest for perfection. To this end Fabius began experimenting on both Emperor's Children and Blood Angels wounded or slain in the War on Murder. This began Fabius' descent into corruption and madness, as his experiments became ever-more extreme.[10]

Horus Heresy

Once the Heresy began and the Imperium became divided, Fabius was held in high esteem by both Horus and Erebus for his skills in genetic research. Omegon was told by Horus to give Fabius the stolen Data from the Primarch project. However the Data Omegon gave Bile was purposefully flawed, so that the traitors would waste manpower and resources, while it would be impossible to gain any benefit from it.[3]

Following the Drop Site Massacre Fabius trawled the ancient choral conclaves on Isstvan V, scavenging knowledge left there by the warsingers of the Isstvan System.[21]

Fabius joined several Emperor's Children commanders such as Lucius and Marius Vairosean in using extreme torture to exorcise the Daemon that was inhabiting Fulgrim.[11]

At his Primarch's demand, Fabius produced his first cloned Primarch, creating a replica of Ferrus Manus which Fulgrim tried to again convert to his cause and killing him after he refused. Fabius created multiple clones of Ferrus, all refusing Fulgrim before being killed.[13] Fabius proved vital for the Emperor's Children during the Heresy, reviving both Eidolon and Lucius at the demand of their Primarch. As the war ground on his experiments became more and more depraved, torturing captive Space Marines of both allied and enemy Legions to give birth to his first generation of Terata.[14b]

During the end of the Heresy Fabius took part in his legion's attack on Terra, although neither he or his Legion were actually involved in the siege of the Imperial Palace; instead, they attacked the general population. In the Legion's unrestrained fervour, millions of Earth's civilians were murdered. Bile used the opportunity to perform horrific experiments on captives. Human victims were rendered down to create special drugs which heightened the Legionnaires' feeling of ecstasy. It is possible that Earth served as the first example of Fabius' subsequent atrocious experiments on entire planetary populations.[5] During the Siege of Terra, Fabius had an epiphany, seeing the uselessness of what the traitor Legions were trying to accomplish he left Terra before the death of Horus, along with a retinue of altered followers. The act incensed Fulgrim, who put a bounty on his head.[18e] Bile was meanwhile hunted by the Salamanders, and narrowly escaped their wrath.[24]

Legion Wars

Fabius Bile[4b]

For all his twisted genius, Bile could not hold back the furious crusade of loyalists that launched outward from ravaged Terra. Retribution finally caught him in the Arden System, where he was supporting the excesses of the renegade Lord Tyrell in exchange for foetal material. The Adeptus Astartes launched themselves down upon the corrupted world of Arden IX. Bile's flesh refineries and cloning vats all burned in a single night as the righteous fury of the Salamanders Chapter incinerated all evidence of the Primogenitor’s precious experiments. Bile brought low a dozen Space Marines in the battle as his once-brothers died agonising and inventive deaths. Yet he barely escaped the battle. He was forced to flee for his life, and his ship was crippled by an Imperial Gothic class cruiser as he fled for the dubious refuge of the Warp. Whether by accident or design, Bile’s vessel was slowly drawn into the Eye of Terror. He drifted there for an age, constantly experimenting on those few acolytes he had left until the hand of some dark god guided his ship into the gravity well of a Daemon world. Once, the planet had been one of the scintillating jewel-worlds of the Eldar civilisation before their own debaucheries saw their civilisation torn apart. Now it was a shriveled ruin, a Crone World of seething madness that echoed to the screams of souls long dead. To Fabius Bile, it became home.[9]

Bile took up command of many remaining Emperor's Children and regrouped at at Canticle City, the fortress of the Emperor's Children on the Daemon world of Harmony.[18e] When Fulgrim abandoned the Emperor's Children after the Battle of Thessala, Fabius emerged as a one of the most powerful figures in the Legion. He led one of the largest factions of the Legion, being only rivalled by Lucius and Eidolon.[28b] At the time, Fabius was still convinced that he could return the Emperor's Children to their former glory and purge them of disrupting Chaos influence using his research.[22e] He eventually concluded that the best way to save not just his own Legion, but also the other Traitor Legions, was by cloning all Primarchs and raising them with his atheist, perfectionist, and scientific ideology.[22d][22e]

He thus went about continuing his work from before the Heresy, attempting to unravel the secrets of gene-seed and the Emperor's science in creating the Primarchs. He continued to clone Primarchs as he had Ferrus Manus earlier. Believing that he could end the destructive Legion Wars by resurrecting Horus as a unifying figure, Fabius captured the latter's corpse on Maleum with the aid of a Sons of Horus defector, Skalagrim Phar.[22a][22b] However, Fabius' plans were foiled when the newly created Black Legion launched a surprise attack, largely destroying Canticle City. Horus' clone was found by Abaddon, and killed by him in the Battle of Harmony. During the battle, it was revealed that the other cloned Primarchs had ended up as a collection of adolescent monstrosities and deformed creatures, which were all subsequently wiped out by Abaddon and his forces. Annoyed, Bile stated that Abaddon had set his work back considerably and fled.[16] Ultimately, Fabius realized that his attempts at cloning the Primarchs had been doomed from the start, as the Primarchs were too strong-willed to be influenced by him. Furthermore, he concluded that the Emperor's Children had become too degenerated and were beyond saving anyway; thus, his ideas to cleanse them with the aid of a Fulgrim clone would be futile. Ultimately, Fabius thus started to focus on other projects, mainly his "New Men" - a race of modified humans that would inherit the galaxy, replacing both regular humans as well as Space Marines.[22d][22e]

The other Emperor's Children considered Bile's retreat from Canticle City with the remnants of his work as a betrayal.[18e] After the fall of Canticle City, Bile found himself pursued by multiple foes, including Chaos Marines, eldar, the Dark Council, and even Fulgrim himself.[18h] He eventually settled on the Crone World of Urum.[18d]

The Long War

In the centuries following the Heresy, he traveled the galaxy offering his services to various planetary lords or rebel leaders, in return for prisoners (the "Flesh-Tithe")[19] or ancient technical libra. Many of these ambitious overlords came to regret allowing Bile's experimentation's on their people, as the results of his atrocities became apparent.[1] His creations have also infiltrated many Imperial planets, helping to hide evidence of his activity and redirect potential enemies.[19] Despite his infamy, Bile still adheres to a twisted version of the old Imperial Truth, believing that only the foolish and weak seek the comfort of gods and seeking scientific understanding above all else.[18h]

Bile eventually ended up leading a group of affiliated apothecaries from various Legions known as the Consortium based on Urum.[18a] Looking for a key to stop the decay of his body and achieve immortality, he was a key participant in the Shattering, the attack by the Emperor's Children on the Eldar Craftworld Lugganath in 764.M34. During the attack it became apparent that his former acolyte Oleander Koh and a group of Harlequins engineered the events to try and convince Fabius to lead the Emperor's Children once more. However Fabius refused to become a warleader and instead insisted that his work would continue.[4a][18g]

Sometime later, Bile found himself continually hunted by Sylandri Veilwalker and her band of Harlequins. During one such encounter, he was captured by Flavius Alkenex and taken to Harmony to stand before Eidolon. Eidolon informed Fabius that a lost Gene-Seed tithe of the Emperor's Children had been located in the Eastern Fringes and requested that Bile bring it back to him and the Phoenix Conclave. Alkenex and his troops were kept at Fabius' side to make sure he did not betray his former comrades once more. While exploring the ruins of his former lab on Harmony, Bile discovered that one of his infant clones of Fulgrim still lived. Hoping to use the lost Gene-Tithe and Fulgrim to restore the Emperor's Children to what they used to be, Bile departed Harmony.[22a]

Following Eidolon's coordinates, Bile and his entourage found themselves at the Necron world of Solemnace. On its surface, they were assailed by the Necron legions of Trazyn the Infinite. Coming before Trazyn, Bile nearly became part of the Necron Lord's collection but bargained with the Xenos to exchange his life for the Harlequins which stalked him. Trazyn agreed, and upon their return to the Vesalius found that Alkenex had attempted to seize the vessel in his absence. Bile's clone of Fulgrim, now matured, had rallied his Gland Hounds to resist Alkenex and his Emperor's Children. However Bile became disturbed by the Gland Hound's dedication to Fulgrim as well as the young clone's insubordination. Fearing that Fulgrim was going down the same path of arrogance as before and worried his New Men would be ruined by the Primarch, Bile exchanged the clone and Emperor's Children to Trazyn in exchange for the lost Gene-Tithe. Bile came away with enough pure gene-seed to produce nearly 18,000 legionaries.[22d]

Sometime after the events of Solemnace, Fabius Bile sought to further his craft by traveling to Commorragh. He managed to enter the Dark City by capturing a Dark Eldar warship and forcing his way in. Allowing himself to be captured, the Haemoncului were impressed by his bravado and knowledge and agreed to teach him his craft. He studied in the Tower of Flesh under the tutelage of Hexachires of the Coven of the Thirteen Scars. However when Bile felt he had learned all that he could from the Dark Eldar, he decided it was time to leave. Somehow he instigated a war between the Kabal of the Slashed Eye and the Kabal of the Stolen Conscience and used the chaos as a cover to escape Commorragh, the Coven of the Thirteen Scars swearing vengeance against him.[28b] When the coven began to move against his in a coordinated campaign, his entire attempt to uplift the New Men came under threat. Cornered and abandoned by most allies, Fabius ultimately chose to bend the knee to Fulgrim and Slaanesh, pledging his soul to them in exchange for securing aid as well as allowing the New Men the choose their own future.[28e] In this way, Bile managed to defeat the Coven of the Thirteen Scars and reach an understanding with the Dark Eldar at the Battle of Belial IV in M37.[7][28d] As a result of his battle wounds, however, Fabius subsequently died, though he continued to operate in form of a gestalt intelligence of fully autonomous clones over the following millenia. As a result of his pact with Fulgrim, Fabius (or rather his clones) would become much more influenced by Chaos from this point onward. Furthermore, the frevent worship of him as a god by his many creations meant that Fabius was gradually giving rise to a minor Chaos God in form of the "Pater Mutatis".[28c][28d]

During the Psychic Awakening, Bile stole a precious Death Guard artifact known as the Ark Cornucontagious. This spurred Typhus and his Plague Fleet to pursue the Spider, who was forced to form an alliance with Argento Corian and his Shriven warband. During the subsequent War of the Spider Bile was able to manipulate all sides to his own advantage. The Shriven were modified into hordes of Terata while Corian himself was eventually doomed to become a monstrous golem. During the battle on Bairsten Prime Bile was able to capture a number of Custodes and Sisters of Silence, taking them as test subjects. In the final stage of the war on Dessah Bile was again able to escape as the Shriven, Death Guard, and Custodes destroyed one another. With his research subjects acquired and the Ark Cornucontagious in hand, Bile returned to Urum to begin his work.[27]

While Bile is capable of recreating the Primaris Space Marines of Belisarius Cawl, he considers them lesser then his New Men and instead seeks to create something even greater from the genetic template that was used to create the Primaris design.[23a] To that end, Bile was able to use his ship Vesalius to invade the Zar-Quaesitor, the flagship of Cawl and the mobile laboratory which produced Primaris Space Marines. After disabling the ship with a massive cyber hacking attack, Cawl launched a boarding operation with waves of Terata, Mutants, Beastmen, and other abominations. While Cawl thought Bile was after the Sangprimus Portum, he was in truth after Alpha Primus, the original Primaris Space Marine. Bile was able to overpower Alpha Primus and steal his Progenoid Glands before fleeing.[23b]

Bile next appeared during the Pariah Crusade, raiding Restitution, homeworld of the Gilded Sons Space Marines alongside the Flawless Host. He was able to loot a large amount of their Gene-Seed before escaping.[20]

Equipment and abilities

Degeneration and Rebirth

Due to his original genetic flaw, Bile's body quickly deteriorates and dies. He has managed to sustain his life over the centuries by creating clones of himself and transferring his own personality and memories into them.[18h] The key to Fabius' cloning process is a neural network which contains regularly updated copies of his neural pathways, these are then normally downloaded into a mindless clone but under emergency circumstances could be transferred into any Transhuman body. The procedure to do this is simple enough for any of his Gland Hounds to complete. Fabius was able to develop the technique by copying Eldar Infinity Circuit technology. This has allowed Fabius has die more times than he can count over the millennia, but each time he is able to return in a new body. Though each new Fabius is in effect a new "person", they are in essence the same being as they have his exact thoughts, memories, and personality.[22c]

Despite this apparent immortality, each of Fabius' bodies is breaking down faster than the last and he is changing bodies on a regular basis by the 41st Millennia. Moreover, should his neural database be destroyed and not rebuilt, Fabius would not able to be reborn.[22c]

Creations and Experiments

Enhanced Warriors during the Horus Heresy
  • Cloned Primarchs — Fabius styles himself 'Primogenitor', claiming he has unlocked the secrets in the creation of the Primarchs and the Space Marines.[1] This is possibly due in part to the Raven Guard's research on the Primarch genetic code, which was stolen by Alpha Legion operatives.[3] His fondest desire is to harvest the genetic bounty of the reborn Primarch Guilliman himself.[15] Fabius has created clones of all twenty of the Primarchs,[22a] including matured clones of:
  • Eidolon — As well as his early work using Laer technology to give the Lord Commander the ability to emit a nerve paralysing shriek,[10a] following Eidolon's execution Fabius managed to reattach his severed head to his body and revive him.[14a]
  • Terata — His experiments on others bring uncertain results. Sometimes the experiment is a success, creating psychotic killers, superhuman even in comparison to their corrupted Chaos brethren, sometimes the subject's metabolism disintegrates in the face of the stress, resulting in instant death.text-middle[Help] He has become fascinated with the new Primaris Space Marines, and has obsessively dissected and studies whatever specimens he has captured. He has pledged to create his own twisted versions of the Primaris.[15]
  • Kakophoni — The original Noise Marines.[18f]
  • New Men — The pinnacle of his art is the "New Man", creatures who possess strength and intelligence superior to any human, as well as the worst traits of mankind. As Fabius leaves behind planets of corrupted human abominations, the Adeptus Astartes and the Inquisition strive to purge these creations, and are forced to destroy entire populations.[1]
    • Gland-hounds - Made by partial gene-seed implantation, designed to hunt Space Marines in packs and retrieve their gene-seed.[18a]
  • Vat-born — Initially only created through growth in vats, but later generations were able to reproduce amongst themselves.[18c]
    • Melusine — The first and greatest of the vat-born, created from multiple genetic templates before Fabius' experiments on the cloned Warmaster.[19]
  • Thralls — Fabius is attended by bonecrafted thralls of his own creation, existing as a mixture of human, mutant, and Neverborn.[16]
    • Witches — Psykers created by introducing genetic flaws into the abhuman population.[21]
    • Overseers — Tall, grey creations implanted with psych-dampners and other implants to protect them from the witches' powers.[21]
  • Mind-worm — Resembling a centipede with a metal segmented carapace and several fibrous antennae. Once implanted could copy the host's thoughts, memories, and dreams and download them for transfer to a data-spike.[18d]
  • Splices — Multiple species of mutant created from mixing human and animal DNA. Identified types are described as canind, simian, bovine, rodentine, arachnoid, ophidian, minotal, and many more.[6x]
  • Self-experimentation- He experiments on himself just as readily as on any of his victims, resulting in vast variations on his strength and other abilities. With his physical form frail, Bile has managed to create many clones of himself and implants his own brain into them to extend his life.[18h]
  • Wraithbone Neural Receivers — After studying with the Dark Eldar, Bile learned how to craft Wraithbone neural receivers that could transmit his mind and personality into bodies implanted with them. This can be used to subconsciously control or monitor individuals, as well as project his consciousness into multiple host bodies.[28b]
  • The Enlightener — Fabius Bile experimented on the corpse of Brazen Drakes Chapter Master Argento Corian, reworking him into a monstrous Golem devoid of free will and swelling with psychic might. The creature was slain by an Officio Assassinorum Execution Force during the War of the Spider.[27]
  • Night Shields — Fabius Bile has acquired enough Dark Eldar technology to retrofit his own version of their night shields, allowing for his ships to cloak themselves.[27]
  • Primogenitor Primaris — Repeated attempts to blend the remains of Primaris Space Marines with the power of Chaos.[30]


The Chirurgeon
  • The Chirurgeon — a warp-tainted mechanical device attached to his spine. It pumps daemonically charged black ichor around his body giving him unnatural resilience. Spidery limbs tipped with vicious saws, blades and other twisted variations of medical devices extend over his shoulders, which act as both the tools of his experimentation and a means of attack.text-middle[Help]
  • Rod of Torment — a daemon-forged once belonging to the daemon prince Sh'lacqclak[18a], when it strikes it is able to incapacitate almost any enemy with unbearable pain.[1]
  • Xyclos Needler — a gun that fires virulent poison darts[1]


In the years following the Heresy, he commanded the Lunar Cruiser Pulchritudinous at the Battle of Harmony.[16] Later his personal vessel was the captured Gladius Frigate Vesalius.[18b] He also commands the custom gunship Butcher-Bird.[18c]


  • "If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo down through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy."[1]
  • "Unlike you, whelp, I once walked the same ground as your Idol . I breathed the same air as him. And I tell you this, without lie or artifice. He never wanted to become what you have made him! He did not wish to be your god-thing. He abhorred such ideals! The slavery of your crippled, blind Imperium would sicken him, if he had eyes to see it."[6a]



See also



Gods of Chaos KhorneTzeentchSlaaneshNurgleMalice
Chaos Space Marines Traitor LegionsDaemonkinArmouryWarbands
Daemons Daemon PrinceGreater DaemonLesser DaemonDaemonic BeastsDaemon EnginesDaemonic HeraldChaos Daemon ArmouryDaemon WeaponsDaemonic Gifts
The Lost and the Damneds Chaos CultTraitor GuardMutantsBeastmenRogue PsykerGellerpox InfectedArmoury
The Traitor Primarchs Alpharius/OmegonAngronFulgrimHorusLorgarKonrad CurzeMagnus the RedMortarionPerturabo
Notable Characters AbaddonAhrimanBlue ScribesChangelingEpidemiusFabius BileHorticulous SlimuxKairos FateweaverKu'GathTyphusKhârnLuciusLufgt HuronBe'lakorM'karThe MasqueRotigusShalaxi HelbaneSkarbrandSkulltakerSyll'EsskeVashtorr
Other Traitor Titan LegionsChaos KnightsDark MechanicumChaos Space FleetChaos VehiclesChaos ArtefactsGreat RiftEye of TerrorMaelstromWarp