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Map Basic Data Planetary Image
px Name: Urum px
Segmentum: Segmentum Obscurus[1]
Sector: Eye of Terror[1]
Subsector: Unknown
System: Unknown
Population: Unknown
Affiliation: Chaos (Fabius Bile)[1]
Class: Daemon World, Crone World[1]
Tithe Grade: N/A

Urum (also known as Urum the Dead-Alive) is a Crone World within the Eye of Terror.[1][2]

Once an Eldar world, whose original name is now lost, Urum's twisted landscape now serves as the base for Fabius Bile and his Consortium.[1][2] Chaos Spawn, Mutants, Beastmen, Daemons, and twisted creatures made by The Consortium itself roam Urum, establishing savage proto-societies and engaging in wars that amuse their Apothecary masters, far removed in their citadels.[1]

See also
