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Background Recommendations for elementary school teachers often advance the premise that establishing emotionally supportive and well-organized classroom environments early in the year contributes to improved instructional quality later... more
In the field of mathematics education, there is a need for viable and valid observational measures of mathematics instructional quality. Examining constructs central to mathematics teaching and learning is essential in order to gain a... more
The Mathematics Scan (M-Scan) is an observationally based rating scale designed to assess the quality of standards-based mathematics teaching practices. The domains of quality were primarily conceptualized based on implementation category... more
Setting: Twenty-four schools from a single district in the mid-Atlantic were randomly assigned to a treatment or control group after stratifying on percentage of student eligibility for free/reduced lunch and minority student composition.... more
Although the NCTM standards provide a clear vision for ideal mathematics classroom instruction, they pose challenges to researchers and educators in mathematics education. First, research findings on the low levels of achievement in... more
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the main findings from an IES-funded randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the RC approach, a social and emotional learning intervention designed to improve the capacity of teachers to... more
Recent research has redefined what it means for a child to “be ready” for kindergarten. This primary objective of Goals 2000 set by the National Education Goals Panel1 was “to insure that all children enter school ready to learn.”... more
Setting: Students and teachers from eleven schools in a large, suburban mid-Atlantic school district were studied. The schools were part of a larger randomized control efficacy study of a socio-emotional learning intervention, the... more
Em que idade a criança deve ingressar no ensino fundamental (EF)? As práticas variam amplamente de um país para outro e entre localidades dentro dos países, e mesmo entre famílias de pequenas comunidades. A questão empírica está... more
Pesquisas recentes redefiniram o que significa para uma criança “estar pronta” para a préescola. O objetivo principal das Metas 2000, estabelecidas pelo Painel Nacional de Metas para Educação, 1 foi “garantir que todas as crianças... more
This article examined teachers' judgments of the prevalence and types of problems children present upon entering kindergarten. A large, national sample of teachers (N= 3,595) was surveyed by using the National Center for Early Development... more
The CPTS measure includes 46 items on the use of the Responsive Classroom® approach practices (α=. 82). Teachers rate items on a scale of 1 to 5 representing,“not at all characteristic” to “extremely characteristic.” In part 1, items 4,... more
Abstract This longitudinal study followed students (n= 265) from kindergarten through seventh grade and examined early social and academic predictors of school performance at two normative school transitions.
We propose that social psychological findings on the intuitive bases of moral judgment have broad implications for moral education. The “five foundations theory of intuitive ethics” is applied to explain a longstanding rift in moral... more
Study Design One of the major strengths of the Social and Academic Learning Study is that we used a longi tudinal design—one in which we studied children and teachers over several complete school years. Built into the Responsive Classroom... more
La recherche récente a redéfini la signification du terme «être prêt» à entrer à la maternelle. L'objectif principal de Goals 2000 établi par le National Education Goals Panel1 était de «s' assurer que tous les enfants qui entrent à... more
Current educational policy emphasizes" school readiness" of young children with a premium placed on preschool interventions that facilitate academic and social readiness for children who have had limited learning experiences prior to... more
Young children's relationships with teachers predict social and academic success. This study examines contributions of child temperament (shyness, effortful control) and gender to teacher–child relationship quality both directly and... more
The CPFS consists of 11 items of frequency of use of practices. The CPFS uses an 8-point response scale, but each response is recoded on a 3-point scale: 1-not consistent with Responsive Classroom® approach, 2-somewhat consistent with the... more
Abstract The authors identified gaps in the literature in the course of preparing 10 evidence-based modules for teachers on topics related to cognitive, behavioral and affective dimensions of the teaching and learning process. This... more