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The present study advances a new method for assessing teacher beliefs and priorities. This paper describes the development and psychometric properties of the Teacher Belief Q-Sort (TBQ), an assessment technique that examines... more
1. In this study, the authors examined the extent to which children's self-regulation upon kindergarten entrance and classroom quality in kindergarten contributed to children's adaptive classroom behavior. Children's... more
Executive functioning (EF) refers to higher order thought processes considered foundational for problem-solving. EF has both 'cool'cognitive and 'hot'emotional components. This study asks:(a) what are the relative... more
Thirty-two female undergraduates were presented with varied, mildly stressful incentives while the temperatures of their face and hands were recorded with infrared telethermography. There was an increase of hand skin temperature to film... more
1. This study examined the extent to which the quality of teacher���child interactions and children's achievement levels at kindergarten entry were associated with children's achievement trajectories. Rural students (n= 147)... more
We used mixed methods to examine the association between setting-level factors and observed implementation of a social and emotional learning intervention (Responsive Classroom�� approach; RC). In study 1 (N= 33 3rd grade teachers after... more
Abstract: In the context of an experimental trial, the authors examined variability in treatment and control teachers' use of several" Responsive Classroom"(RC) practices to predict students' 4th grade academic... more
This article describes a social and emotional learning intervention, the Responsive Classroom® (RC) approach, which is designed to produce classroom environments conducive to learning. It summarizes a new body of research describing the... more
Thirty-two female undergraduates were presented with varied, mildly stressful incentives while the temperatures of their face and hands were recorded with infrared telethermography. There was an increase of hand skin temperature to film... more