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Objectives: To evaluate the relationships of the diabetes on the quality of life, being used questionnaire Diabetes 39 to patients diagnosed like diabetics who go ambulatory visit to health centers.
Con los cambios en los sistemas de producción, los trabajadores ven sus condiciones laborales y su sentir del bienestar subjetivo afectados, por lo cual en la actualidad existe un gran interés en mejorar las condiciones de calidad de vida... more
Identification of antisocial behaviors that precede the antisocial disorders and protective factors associated with them, has become a priority in the contex...
El consumo de drogas se ha relacionado con multiples variables economicas, sociales, politicas y psicologicas. Por ello, en esta investigacion tiene como objetivo identificar la relacion entre el consumo de drogas y el bienestar... more
The studies on mobbing from Latin American countries are very scarce, as well as the compar - ative studies among such countries because of the difficulties ...
Background: Studies on complexity indicators in the field of functional connectivity derived from resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) in Down syndrome (DS) samples and their possible relationship with cognitive functioning variables are rare. We... more
1) Vamos a aprender cúales son las modalidades. 2) Comó se conceptualizan las diferentes teorías de las modalidades 3) Cúal es la importancia de las modalidades 4) Por qué esto es significativo para las teorías de posibilidad,... more
William Brant uncovers social causes of violence, in search of reductive measures. Multiple legal systems are explored as reducers and implementers of violence and threats, especially criminal justice systems. War, propagandizing, power,... more
Brant describe los conceptos de generación humana, juventud y adolescencia en unas relaciones con los conceptos de reproducción y selección sexual. Los análisis estadísticos de las sociedades agrarias (ej. Angola y Zambia) y áreas no... more
This article provides an critical ethical analysis of the MMA business industry via comparing the discipline and fighting of the Samurai and the philosophy of Judo during combat situations to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) "fighting as... more
This essay is about changing people's conceptions of their own values and potential so that they realize how unique and important they are in relation to humanity. It is argued that each human being is worth billions of dollars and is... more
Este ensayo trata de cambiar las concepciones de las personas sobre sus propios valores y potencial para que se den cuenta de lo únicos e importantes que son en relación con la humanidad. Se argumenta que cada ser humano vale miles de... more
This essay gives practical examples for people to increase their professional communication skills and reduce unprofessionalism at workplaces via emailing. The structure of emails and examples of emails at workplaces to reject unwanted... more
This short essay provides practical information about the assessment of suicidal behavior at the workplace. A short guide is provided to aid people at the workplace in order to prevent suicide, workplace violence and injuries at work.... more