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Wolf-Skull Shaman

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wolf-Skull Shaman

Creature — Elf Shaman

Kinship — At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it shares a creature type with Wolf-Skull Shaman, you may reveal it. If you do, put a 2/2 green Wolf creature token onto the battlefield.

TheVectornaut on Wolf Pack

2 months ago

I have a mono green wolf deck that I might be able to offer some suggestions from. My deck is mostly built around using Silverfur Partisan with multitarget spells like Strength of the Tajuru or Setessan Tactics to get a huge army which can then be leveraged for further value with the likes of Shamanic Revelation and Cryptolith Rite. Since you already have Band Together and some other combat tricks, Partisan could be a pretty good fit here without needing many changes. One mechanic I also like in wolves is kinship on Wolf-Skull Shaman. Not only are a lot of wolf-adjacent cards elves (Wren's Run Packmaster, both Tolsimirs, 5 of your own creatures), but many shamans can also benefit wolf token spam (Essence Warden, Master of the Wild Hunt, Nullmage Shepherd, Ulvenwald Tracker, Wild Beastmaster, etc.) If I was going to cut anything, I'd probably start with the non-Garruk black cards followed by some of the somewhat unneeded ramp and Hydra's Growth which you don't even have a trample target for. You could even consider rotating into Naya to play Voja, Jaws of the Conclavefoil as a bomb.

PrismMTG on Elf's Best Friend [[Voja Primer]]

1 year ago

@legendofa Bringing in Wolf-Skull Shaman for Ulrich's Kindred is what first comes to mind and it makes the most sense mana wise to me

xram666 on 7 Days to the Wolves

2 years ago

Nice dual tribe build.

I know Wolf-Skull Shaman is perfect on theme but with only 8 other elves in deck his ability will seldom help.

As mlequesne has suggested you could add Maskwood Nexus to compensate the lack of elves. Another option are changelings. Especially the following would help a lot I think:

and lesser impact but still good:

DarkRequiem on Eladamri LoL Elf Forestwalk

4 years ago

There are a few cards making very little sense to me:

  1. Primal Amulet - Right now you're running 4 instants & sorceries.

  2. Library of Leng - Are you drawing that much? Is your meta that full of discard? Reliquary Tower would be a better fit unless your meta is really heavy on discard.

  3. Grinding Station - You're playing few artifacts. I think I counted 13. Might be wrong though. Still, most of those artifacts are stuff you don't want to sac.

  4. Tower Above + Bequeathal - Your commander gives shroud to most of your creatures. You don't want to target them 99.9% of the time. Considering your commander and the fact that people will try to get rid of it asap I might go with Myth Unbound.

  5. Most of the lands coming into play tapped. Most of them are subpar.

  6. Adaptive Automaton - Elves have more than enough lords. No need for a non-green creature.

  7. Allosaurus Rider - Although I'm not against this card per se, I think you'll need to play more stuff to make it work. Blighted Woodland and Myriad Landscape + Kodama's Reach and whichever other mana ramp you can add to the deck.

  8. Beast of Burden - There are elves that do this. Heedless One, Jagged-Scar Archers and Drove of Elves (which you're playing) are elves and they get shroud from the commander. The 1st has trample, the 2nd kills fliers and the 3rd has hexproof which is good when your commander is out.

  9. Bloom Tender - This card belongs in multicolored decks. Preferably 3 or more colors. You have several elves that tap for G, costing 1 cmc. At 2 cmc you'll prefer Priest of Titania.

  10. Fangren Marauder - High CMC, triggers on artifacts destroyed only and does something that comes natural to elves: lifegain. Wellwisher is way better.

  11. Llanowar Mentor - You're not playing madness, I don't see anything to abuse cards from your grave... Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is way better.

  12. Mishra's Self-Replicator - Feeds Grinding Station, I know. Still, not that good, I believe.

  13. Scattershot Archer - Unless you're seeing lots of x/1 fliers on your meta, this is pointless. Hurricane, Tornado Elemental, Whirlwind and so many other cards are better.

  14. Shaman of Spring - Masked Admirers does the same, has the same cmc and is repeatable.

  15. Silhana Wayfinder - I'd prefer Wood Elves.

  16. Spire Tracer - Meh.

  17. Weatherseed Elf - Might work if you find a way of turning your non-green opponents lands into forests. My fav way is Deepwood Elder.

Some cards you might consider:

  1. Caller of the Claw and Fresh Meat- Anti-mass removal!

  2. Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Elvish Champion, Imperious Perfect, Joraga Warcaller, Elvish Clancaller, Canopy Tactician and Elvish Warmaster - Elf lords for all kind of tastes.

  3. Glissa Sunseeker and Nullmage Shepherd - Artifact and enchantment removal.

  4. Lys Alana Huntmaster - Token generation. Self explanatory, I believe.

  5. Marwyn, the Nurturer - Mana acceleration.

  6. Wolf-Skull Shaman - Card advantage. Works quite well with Sylvan Library.

DemMeowsephs on Shaman Mana Ramp

4 years ago

Hey there! I have a few suggestions you might just like!

  • Fauna Shaman : It's a shaman, it's a great tutor, and it's cheap in mana. Seems like it would fit in great!
  • Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx : Fits in great with any mono-colored deck!
  • Strip Mine : Great in any deck, especially in mono-colored ones where you almost always have the colors you need available anyway
  • Ancient Tomb : Could easily be that two mana in your commander's mana cost, and is great EDH staple.
  • Lignify , Song of the Dryads , Kenrith's Transformation : A great form of creature hate in mono-green. This can be horrible on someone's commander especially if they have no means of removing it. The same goes for a combo piece or just any great creature.
  • Heroic Intervention : A great way of protecting your pieces, since it would seriously suck if all the shamans got wiped out
  • Collective Unconscious : Another form of shamanic revelation, both of which are reasons to include Reliquary Tower
  • Triumph of the Hordes : Could be an entire other wincon if you have a bunch of shamans out
  • Wild Growth / Utopia Sprawl : Great ways to ramp in small amounts before you put your commander out
  • Sol Ring : It's not a shaman, but still one of the most powerful cards in edh. Definitely add it.
  • Three Visits / Nature's Lore : Just like the previous two, these are great ways to ramp before you put out shamans, speeding up your game by a ton
  • Jeweled Lotus : I hate that they made this card, but it could basically let you play your commander turn 1. Definitely add it if you have the budget.
  • Extraplanar Lens : Kill a forest, and double THEM ALL. You have a lot of basic forests, and I think this card could work very well for you because of that.
  • Nissa, Who Shakes the World : This one is much more debatable, but the regular ability is great for ramping and the final ability is just wonderful for you because of all of the forests you have.
  • Helix Pinnacle : You have so much ramp and Nissa as previously mentioned would be insane. This guy could be a great win con and act as something to pool all your mana into.
  • Nyxbloom Ancient : All your shamans tap for 6?!?!?! Seems great- especially since you can ramp to put it out and fit with the decks theme.
  • Caged Sun : Great in a mono-colored deck, buffs all the shamans, and gives you more mana. Could be a great option if you like these sort of doubling and tripling cards.
  • Wolf-Skull Shaman : You run a LOT of shamans, and this guy lets you take that fact and benefit it, giving you a ton of tokens over time.
  • Birds of Paradise : A great way of building the ramp base from early on, and works as a great blocker if you need to block something big over time since it has flying.
  • Burgeoning / Exploration : If you keep the amount of lands you have at the moment, using these guys could make you go crazy and have a bunch of lands. In a four player game, Burgeoning could give you 5 mana turn 2.
  • Arcane Signet : Another great way of supporting the mana base early on

I'm afraid that's all I have, just keep in mind, I recommended a lot of stuff that helps you PRE shaman ramp, and if you include too much of that you start drifting away from the shaman theme- don't do that. However just including a few of the better ones might help a ton. And so, good luck on your deck my friend it seems super cool, consider checking out some of my decks, hope this helps, and have a wonderful day. Happy tapping!

carpecanum on Shaman Mana Ramp

4 years ago

Webweaver Changeling , Game-Trail Changeling , Changeling Titan , Chameleon Colossus and Woodland Changeling are all shaman AND snakes

Nature's Chosen and Instill Energy if you want more mana

Wolf-Skull Shaman , Reach of Branches

If you really want to do +1 counters you should get at least one Proliferate card. Not only do you get more counters on your creatures but you can put more counters on Orochi Hatchery and Angelheart Vial . Contagion Clasp , Contagion Engine , Karn's Bastion etc.

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