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Glissa Sunseeker
Legendary Creature — Elf
First strike
: Destroy target artifact if its converted mana cost/mana value is equal to the amount of unspent mana you have.
doc_frank_18 on
Green cat can do that!
5 months ago
Maybe take out Golgari Signet and put in Glissa Sunseeker
doc_frank_18 on
6 months ago
Maybe add Mandate of Abaddon and Monumental Corruption and Pitiless Carnage Caustic Caterpillar maybe Caustic Wasps with a little bit of Crumble and Dissenter's Deliverance maybe Feline Sovereign and Force of Vigor OOOOH! Must add ---- Glissa Sunseeker!!! and Glissa's Scorn with some Green Slime and some Manglehorn with a pinch of Naturalize and Nature's Claim and some Oxidize with Return to Nature and Tangletrap and Tel-Jilad Justice
casual_competitive on
Ygra Consumes All
7 months ago
i had a Glissa Sunseeker deck, this commander is just a straight upgrade to that deck
i wouldv made it earlier if i wasnt at work. you should take some cards from it. i added Experimental Confectioner from yours
DemonDragonJ on Secret Lair: June 2022 Superdrop
2 years ago
The newest Secret Lair has been announced, and I originally was not planning to even bother mention it, but it does have some excellent cards, so I am making a thread in which to discuss it, after all.
One of the cards being reprinted is Mystic Remora; yes, that is correct: WotC is finally reprinting Mystic Remora, but it is in a Secret Lair, so its price shall not decrease much, if it does, at all. Why must WotC torment the players in such a manner? Why can they not reprint much-needed cards in proper sets, so that they shall be more affordable?
On a more positive note, that new artwork for Akroma, Angel of Wrath is amazing, and, since she is my favorite creature in the entire game, I may possibly attempt to find that card as a single, at some point. The artwork used for Glissa Sunseeker would have been better for Glissa, the Traitor, in my mind. I know that other people have already pointed out this, but Queen Marchesa looks very masculine in that new artwork, and I wonder if that was deliberate or accidental? I am certainly not making any value judgments, but I did wish to ponder that occurrence.
What does everyone else here say about this new Secret Lair? Do you like it?
MagicMarc on Rare commander build?
2 years ago
According to EDHrec, my most obscure commander decks are the following:
Isareth the Awakener: 39 decks. Its a rat colony-based commander deck so might not count but there it is.
Glissa Sunseeker: 47 decks. Its a fun and annoying deck that makes stuff artifacts and then blows them up.
Patron of the Kitsune:180 decks. Annoying deck that gains a stupid life total with lame win conditions. I havent played it in a long time.
Props to the Blind Seer decks! I love that card.
Ste3u on
Dark elves of the north (Lathril)
3 years ago
Thanks BPWyndon for your suggestions! Skyshroud Poacher looks really cool and I didn't even know him! For the other cards I have to test the deck with my group first (until now we have never played after I put this deck together, due to the covid-19 situation). I need to figure out if I need more single target removals (such as: Glissa Sunseeker and Nullmage Shepherd ) and more life-gaining cards (such as: Nissa Revane and Wellwisher )
BPWyndon on
Dark elves of the north (Lathril)
3 years ago
Glissa Sunseeker and Nullmage Shepherd were two of the most important cards in my elf decks. I also had a lot of fun with Skyshroud Poacher . Nissa Revane and/or Wellwisher could really boost your life total and help you use that Bolas's Citadel .
One of the main issues I always ran into with playing elves, was getting my board wiped constantly. Elves have a pretty hard time recovering from that if you don't have some way of getting them back out of the graveyard.
DarkRequiem on
Eladamri LoL Elf Forestwalk
4 years ago
There are a few cards making very little sense to me:
Primal Amulet - Right now you're running 4 instants & sorceries.
Library of Leng - Are you drawing that much? Is your meta that full of discard? Reliquary Tower would be a better fit unless your meta is really heavy on discard.
Grinding Station - You're playing few artifacts. I think I counted 13. Might be wrong though. Still, most of those artifacts are stuff you don't want to sac.
Tower Above + Bequeathal - Your commander gives shroud to most of your creatures. You don't want to target them 99.9% of the time. Considering your commander and the fact that people will try to get rid of it asap I might go with Myth Unbound.
Most of the lands coming into play tapped. Most of them are subpar.
Adaptive Automaton - Elves have more than enough lords. No need for a non-green creature.
Allosaurus Rider - Although I'm not against this card per se, I think you'll need to play more stuff to make it work. Blighted Woodland and Myriad Landscape + Kodama's Reach and whichever other mana ramp you can add to the deck.
Beast of Burden - There are elves that do this. Heedless One, Jagged-Scar Archers and Drove of Elves (which you're playing) are elves and they get shroud from the commander. The 1st has trample, the 2nd kills fliers and the 3rd has hexproof which is good when your commander is out.
Bloom Tender - This card belongs in multicolored decks. Preferably 3 or more colors. You have several elves that tap for G, costing 1 cmc. At 2 cmc you'll prefer Priest of Titania.
Fangren Marauder - High CMC, triggers on artifacts destroyed only and does something that comes natural to elves: lifegain. Wellwisher is way better.
Llanowar Mentor - You're not playing madness, I don't see anything to abuse cards from your grave... Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is way better.
Mishra's Self-Replicator - Feeds Grinding Station, I know. Still, not that good, I believe.
Scattershot Archer - Unless you're seeing lots of x/1 fliers on your meta, this is pointless. Hurricane, Tornado Elemental, Whirlwind and so many other cards are better.
Shaman of Spring - Masked Admirers does the same, has the same cmc and is repeatable.
Silhana Wayfinder - I'd prefer Wood Elves.
Spire Tracer - Meh.
Weatherseed Elf - Might work if you find a way of turning your non-green opponents lands into forests. My fav way is Deepwood Elder.
Some cards you might consider:
Caller of the Claw and Fresh Meat- Anti-mass removal!
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Elvish Champion, Imperious Perfect, Joraga Warcaller, Elvish Clancaller, Canopy Tactician and Elvish Warmaster - Elf lords for all kind of tastes.
Glissa Sunseeker and Nullmage Shepherd - Artifact and enchantment removal.
Lys Alana Huntmaster - Token generation. Self explanatory, I believe.
Marwyn, the Nurturer - Mana acceleration.
Wolf-Skull Shaman - Card advantage. Works quite well with Sylvan Library.