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Showing posts with label Waldo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waldo. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2016

It's Actually About Nothing

Li'l' Awry is giving the Jerry Seinfeld network pitch!

March 24, 1965

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Me an' My Big Fat Hippocritical Oaf!

Once again, I'm sorry it's taking me so gol' blame long to post stuff here. I'll jump in here where and when I can!

March 17, 1965

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Go Home Lunk

Of course, Kelly was a survivor of sorts of the Great Disney Strike.

March 16, 1965

All Gobbled About

Once again, I beg your indulgence of having Pogo strips that are barely art edited. As a kid, collecting these strips, I trimmed them way into Kelly's trademark hand-drawn borders and pasted them into a scrapbook. I just can't spare the time to make them digitally archival. But again, they are strips you won't see for a long time from Fantagraphics (if at all, it seems).

March 15, 1965

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Us Potential Victims

Sorry I'm slowing down on posting here. For one thing, I really am close to exhausting my stash of Pogo Sundays that I clipped from the paper from 1963 through 1973. You've seen a LOT of Pogo Sundays between 3 of my blogs. A LOT. The other thing is that I'm in a very busy time of my art career, which is amazing, but it too is exhausting . . . ME!

So, I'm not giving up here, just slowing down and prepping non-Sunday Kelly material. So hang in there all you Kelly-holics. Good stuff is yet to come. Here, I'm going to start a little run of dailies from 1965 that way back then I pasted into a scrapbook album. I trimmed the edges too close and it's dingy newsprint, but still it's Kelly that you prolly haven't seen. This first one is from 51 years ago TODAY! I'll post the rest of the short run as I can, and we'll go from there.

Look at that $#!%-eatin' grin on Owl's face!

March 12, 1965

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Make Mine with Cheese!

Boatloads of thanks to those of you who have spoken up to let me know that you are still out there and bolstering our motto/mission of 'Long Live Kelly!' You guys make it all worth while!

November 8, 1970

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Only You-Know-Who can Make a Fish

Anybody still out there? Seems like I'm doing all this fer myself.

November 1, 1970

Monday, November 23, 2015

On to Johannesburg!

Three or four times over the past day I've tried posting this strip, but each time there were technical difficulties. I'm hoping this will make it through this time. So far, so good.

Today we learn Howland Owl's middle name. 

Otherwise, the usual foolishments.

October 25, 1970

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Near-Sighted Ol' Peepers

Here we get a glimpse of another of Kelly's cast of thousands — 
Miz Squint. She's a sight for sore eyes.

April 4, 1965

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Game Goes On!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Last week I said I'd post up a bonus thing to make up for posting duplicate Sundays, but I just plain didn't have time. This post is also a duplicate, just to complete the arc we've been running. Then I just don't know how many more 'new' Sundays I have left. I'll have to check. But in the meantime I've got some nice dailies queuing up. Please bear with me.

October 12, 1969

Love that elephant in the 1st panel far background, 
put in there for no particular reason. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Nossir! I Was the Hero! He Was the Ball!

Who else but Kelly would write those words for a comical strip? 
No one before, no one since.


September 28, 1969

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Love at First Fright

Good morning!

The middle panel ("She's manly?") is the extra panel that wouldn't have been in the tabloid format. And dig that elefront in the first panel—no reason for it to be there at all, 'cept that this is Kelly's Whirled, and what a cheerful place it is.

October 12, 1969

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hup Hoop Ho Ha

I'm getting a bit confused at this point as to which strips have posted, and which are yet to post. This confusion is brought about because I've been posting now for several years, and my archives didn't transfer in an orderly way to my new computer. So, if I duplicate here and there from now on, forgive me, but I'll do my best.

Kelly seemed to love bringing baseball and football into the strip and here they overlap a bit.

Hey! Happy Sunday, Kelly Sunday!

September 28, 1969

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ugbert, Sam, Miguel, Otho, Waldo, Hilary, Herman

Good golly, 1952 was a good era for Pogo — the art superb, the dialogue spot on — and oh to see it all in color after all those years of loving it in black and white in the Simon & Schuster book. Thanks and ever thanks to DJ David B for sharing scans of this classic period—the golden age of Pogo, in my opinion.

And dig those menacing trees, in great fairy tale fashion.

panel detail

January 13, 1952

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rowrbazzle to Freshen the Mind

Woosh, you don't know how close it came to not having a Sunday strip waiting for you on this Sunday morn. I've got a horrible deadline with multiple illustrations and cartoons that have to be done by Sunday evening and fired off to the client by internet express. But I couldn't leave you Pogo-holics in the lurch, so I sped through the scan and cleanup just so's you can have a happy Sunday, Kelly Sunday!

March 28, 1971

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Subversive Left-Handed Tide

Good morning world! Happy Sunday Kelly Sunday, Hun (that's not my honeybunch, it's our friend-in-Kelly in Germany).

Woosh, what I don't go through sometimes. This particular strip was in a bad way, with bad registration, ink smears from the printer plates being dirty, and excessive bleed from the other side because of too much ink penetration. The pressmen were really sloppy on this one. But it's no fun reading Pogo like that, so here ya go:

March 14, 1971

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Litter Squad is Relentless!

This arc is headin' for the finish line, but hang on, it's not over yet.

Look, look! Below! Fast acting action!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Six Hunderd Thousand Trillion

STILL we're in the same ongoing arc. Some mighty powerful science goin' on here. And I can't swear that's Waldo the fish in Miz Beaver's arm. Waldo used to talk up a mighty storm and this fish seems mighty mute. Perhaps Waldo expired by this point. Oh don't be sad about that. Fish just don't live long away from mighty moisture.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Run Like a Summerin' Finch

I have to post the Pogo Sunday strip tonight, Saturday nite, cuz I won't be available on Sunday morning. I know how some of you beat it over here on Sunday morns, and I would hate to disappoint anyone.

Besides the usual love of Kelly's art and his characters' shenanigans, I love how the Pogo logo is nestled in the middle of that summer grass. Not many cartoonists of that era took the time to do things like that.

Happy Sunday, Kelly Sunday!