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Photo Album of the Brazilian Railroads

Versão em Português

The objective of this site is to compile photos of all Brazilian railroads. There are still many railroads missing, but, hopefully, we will have enough time to include all of them here!

Many photos and information included in this site came from several people since the inaugural launching of these pages in September 1998. Now most of this site is the result of the collective effort developed by many dedicated railfans: Ricardo Frontera, Cid José Beraldo, Marcello Tálamo, Hermes Yoiti Hinuy, Alberto Henrique Del Bianco, César Sacco, Nílson Rodrigues, Sérgio Romano, Antonio Carlos Belviso, Vilson Santoni, Sérgio Mártire, Antonio Soukef, João Baptista Lago, Paulo Sotelo Calvo, Kelso Médici, Alexandre Santurian, José Agenor Siqueira Ferreira, Paulo César Bonaldo, J. Oscar, Carlos Alberto Rollo, Pedro Paulo Resende, Geraldo Azevedo, Fábio Dardes, Alex Elias Ibrahim, Paulo Cury, Manuel Gamallo, Luiz Carlos Miranda, Ricardo Pinto da Rocha, Hélder Ribas, Carlos Roberto Brandão, Edson Salvador Castro, Luís Carlos Bellotto, Nílton José Gallo, Aldo Campos, Marcos Brandão, Stênio de Andrade Gimenez, André Carrijo Galesso, Eduardo Prevedello Bento, Lourenço Senne Paz, Rafael Correa, Sérgio Doricci, Gustavo Henrique Ferreira Moreira, Fernando Schimidt, Flávio R. Cavalcanti, Fernando Picarelli Martins, Elly Roberto de Oliveira Jr., Júlio Cézar de Paiva, Hélio Gazetta, Daniel Costa, José Henrique Bellório, Carlos Francisco de Paula, Ronan Pereira Amaral, Kenzo Sasaoka, Marco Antonio Giffoni, Guido Sarin Jr., Ralph Giesbrecht, Paulo Godoy, Wilson de Santis Jr., Laércio Ferreira de Oliveira, Douglas Razaboni, Horst Wolff, Ademir Conicelli, Marco Aurélio Gonçalves, Paulo Sérgio Vieira Filho, Jorge Alves Ferreira Jr., José David de Castro, Charles de Freitas, Marcos Zeituni, Christian Duch, Carlos Latuff, Marcus Vinícius Pastorin Costa Rego, Leandro D. Todaro, Kleber Henrique, Kléber Freitas, Rogério Cordeiro, Fábio R. Gatto, Q. Camargo, Luiz Faria de Carvalho, Dr. Gustavo Adolpho de Souza Murgel, Nicholas Burman, Gilmar Issa Gallo, Alexandre Saraiva, Christopher, Wanderley Duck, Domingos Antonio Soares da Cruz, Marcello Galativicis, Tasso Rosa Campos, Wilson Piragis, Octávio Bertacin, Marcos Roberto Soares da Silva, Amaurí Cascapera and Sérgio A. Ciccone, from Brazil; Maurício Torres, Allen Morrison, Art Merril, Rory O'Connor, Vance Bass, Steve Palmano, Rev. Thomas J. Connellan and Deane Motis, from the U.S.A.; Lionel Sharpe, Mike Jackson and Nick Lawford, from England; Raymond Marsh and James Brook, from Australia; Rudi Heinisch, from Germany; Javier Fraile, from Spain; António Manuel Pires Antunes, from Portugal; Sérgio Leonardo Barral, from Argentina; and Eljas Pölhö, from Sweden. Their work as co-authors of these pages is gratefully acknowledged!

We also must express our deepest thanks to Jessica L. Parsons, a very dedicated American railfan who arranged free hosting services for this site! This piece of memorabilia of the Brazilian Railroads still exists thanks to their big assistance.

If you have any original photos or videos of Brazilian railroads please send me an E-Mail!

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If you have the copyright of any photo in this site and wants to correct some credit information or even wants this photo not to be shown, please e-mail me and your request will be complied at once!

If your computer has a sound card, then you are hearing Trenzinho Caipira (The Countryside Small Train), a piece from the Brazilian classical composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, digitalized by Marcelo A.K. Fontana.

Click here to see the hommage to the unknown railroad photographer!

Main Pages:

Associated Sites:

Map of the Brazilian Railroads, originally published by the Transportation Ministry of the Brazilian Government:

An Hommage to the Unknown Railroad Photographer

An unknown photographer is chronicling the arrival of a train in Limeira SP, during the 1910's. This album is dedicated to all railroad photographers, who, specially in Brazil, have a vital role in the preservation of railroad memory. This photo belongs to the Alberto Henrique del Bianco collection.

Questions? Comments? Please send me an E-Mail!

Last Update: 07 May 2005

Webmaster: Antonio Augusto Gorni