Ferrovia Paulista S.A. - FEPASA
In 1971, several railroads owned by the government of the São Paulo state -
Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro,
Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana,
Companhia Mogiana de Estradas de Ferro,
Estrada de Ferro Araraquara and
Estrada de Ferro São Paulo a Minas - were merged in
only one company, the Ferrovia Paulista S.A. -
FEPASA. The new company was
also owned by the São Paulo state, of course. In 1999, FEPASA became a
private railroad, with a new name: FERROBAN - Ferrovias Bandeirantes S.A.
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Other sites about the Ferrovia Paulista S.A. - FEPASA:

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Last Update: 02 May 2002
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni