Rede de Viação Paraná-Santa Catarina
Initially named E.F. São Paulo-Rio Grande do Sul, this railroad served mainly a significant part of the southern region
of Brasil, mainly the Paraná and Santa Catarina states (after all this explains its name...) but also had some lines in the São Paulo
and Rio Grande do Sul states. It links this last state to the Brazilian railroad network. It also incorporated the Companhia
Ferroviária São Paulo-Paraná, that served the northern of Paraná state, in 1944. In
1957 it was merged in the
R.F.F.S.A., the Brazilian Federal Railroad Network. After the privatization of this network, in 1997, it
was merged with the Viação Férrea do Rio Grande do Sul, forming the Ferrovia Sul Atlântica.
For its turn, in 1999 this railroad merged with several Argentinian companies forming ALL -
América Latina Logística.
Click on the Photo to Expand it!
Click on the Photo to See the Video!
A great 20 s video showing a train composed of three metric gauge Budd Rail Diesel Cars from the former Rede de Viação Paraná-Santa Catarina. Movie shot in Curitiba in April 2002 by Eduardo Pinto da Rocha. This copy was kindly sent by his brother, Ricardo Pinto da Rocha.
Another 20 s video showing the Carvalho curve and bridge at Serra do Mar in the Curitiba-Paranaguá line. Movie shot in April 2002 by Eduardo Pinto da Rocha. This copy was kindly sent by his brother, Ricardo Pinto da Rocha.
Other sites about Rede de Viação Paraná-Santa Catarina:

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Last Update: 13 April 2003
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni