Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro
This Company certainly had the best technical, performance and luxury
standards in railroad transportion in Brazil since 1868. People used to set
their watches with the whistle of its trains! It served the northern and
western regions of the São Paulo state, rich coffee producer regions. Its
legendary luxury trains - called Trem Azul (The Blue Train) - still
are remembered with pride. The electrification of its lines, that began in the early
twenties, showed its pioneering spirit, as well its high level of service,
as well early dieselization during the fifties.
This golden age, unfortunately, begin to end in the early sixties, due to the
increasing competition of highway transportation. It was run as a private
railroad until 1961, when São Paulo state took over its control, after several
strikes due to low salaries - a direct consequence of the crisis. In 1971, it
was one of the railroads that formed Ferrovias
Paulistas - FEPASA, the São Paulo stated owned railroad network. In
1999, FEPASA became a private railroad, with a new name: FERROBAN -
Ferrovias Bandeirantes S.A.
Any hope to have a revival the glories of the past? No - please remember, we are
in Brazil...
"...I put in my time.
I put in my time.
Now I'm left to roll
Down the long decline.
I ain't no brake man.
Ain't no conductor.
But I would be though
If I was younger."
Neil Young: Southern Pacific
The wall paper in these pages was created by J.B. Lago using an original image scanned by Maurício Torres.
Now choose what do you want to see!
Other sites about the Companhia Paulista:

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Last Update: 21 December 2001
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© Antonio Augusto Gorni