
Showing posts with the label Quilt Canada

WIP Wednesday - May 22

What have I been up to the last few weeks? My sewing machine was in for a clean and a service while I was away to Beautiful British Columbia to have a little holiday and spend some time at Quilt Canada BC in Penticton. Fruit trees were blooming in Cranbrook! Roses were blooming in Penticton! The scenery was awesome! It was great to see the green leaves and the fruit blossoms! In Calgary, the leaves were not quite out yet when we left. The wines we tasted along the way were delicious! And the quilts were inspiring! I'll be sharing some of those over the next week or so. I signed up for a class at Quilt BC with Elizabeth Spannring called  "Focus on Feathers". This little quilt on the left is the project we worked on. Before starting on marking our quilt with the feather design, we had a little bit of a trunk show by Elizabeth. Her whole-cloth quilts are amazing. Check her quilts out at We used stencils to mark our patte...