
Showing posts with the label Give Away

And the Winner is:

Lily from Two Stray Cats ! Lily has a fabulous shop of her own on Etsy, so please head on over and check her shop out! Here's a couple of my favourites! Jane Austen Manor House Small Moleskine Notebook Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit Bookends Congratulations, Lily! --Ann

Fabric Purse Accessories (Give Away)

I love to browse the internet for interesting blogs and quilting or sewing tutorials. Some are still on the "want to do sometime" pile, while others make it through to actually being made. One of the things I wanted to do for some time was a zipper pouch. I've seen lots of tutorials and finally sat down to make one myself. And it was so much easier than I thought it would be! The tutorial I used is found here at The Crimson Owl Blog I also made a card holder for business cards or credit cards and a little tissue pouch and guess what? I am giving this set away! Please leave a comment here and tell me what you use to keep organized to enter! - draw will be made on February 17! Draw is over! Thanks for entering! --Ann


I have been online as Magpie Quilts for one year as of October 25 and in honor of my one-year Anniversary, I am hosting a give-away! And until the end of October, you can get 10% any item in my shop by using the coupon code FALL2011 when you check out. Rules are simple - leave a comment below and mention (1) your favorite item at Magpie Quilts     or (2) your link where you've shared this giveaway (blog, facebook, twitter, etc.) Draw will be made Tuesday, October 25 at 6pm Mountain Standard time. Oh, and this is the prize:  Cowboy Christmas Table Runner - 16" x 34"  Machine pieced and quilted by yours truly! So, please leave me a comment and celebrate with me! --Ann