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The worst early day South Park episode in my opinion
21 December 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I know it's an April Fool's episode on who Cartman's father is, but I don't dislike the episode because we don't find out who Cartman's father is, I dislike the episode because it is just a very boring episode.

I'm sure most of us South Park fans will agree that Terrance and Philip aren't that interesting of characters and having a whole episode revolving them was just not a good move.

If they included little bits of the "episode" in a South Park episode where the boys were watching it, I would've had no big deal with that. But the problem is, Terrance and Philip are not interesting characters and all they do is fart and laugh and it gets so boring after a while.

To be fair, I had to skip certain parts of this episode just to get through it, that's how bad this episode is. And this is coming from someone who LOVES early day South Park (from seasons 1-5 mostly).

I give Terrance And Philip Not Without My Anus a 1 out of 10. Nothing funny about the episode, Terrance and Philip and every other character in this episode are not likable characters, and in general just a super boring episode. To me this is in the top 10 of the worst South Park episodes.
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South Park: Jakovasaurs (1999)
Season 3, Episode 4
I don't hate this episode, but I don't love it either
21 December 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing, I LOVE early day South Park. Seasons 1-5 are some of my favorite seasons but Seasons 2 and 3 I probably love the most. The old episodes I love rewatching so much. However, this is one of their "worst" early day episodes that I skip. It's not the worst episode of the show but I can see why a lot of people hate this episode and say it's the worst to them. Me on the other hand, there were some good moments but it was a mostly annoying episode because of the Jakovasaurs.

There are a few funny jokes in this episode, like in the beginning where Cartman plays his harmonica and sings that he hates his friends and one moment that got a good laugh out of me was when he goes to take a dump in the woods and Kyle accidentally steps on it. However, the rest of the episode with the Jakovasaurs was really annoying. The Jakovasaurs are so loud and obnoxious and not in a good or funny way. They kind of drove me crazy watching this episode and Cartman wanting to keep them around was weird because why is that?

I give this episode a 5 out of 10. Not the worst episode of the show and I don't hate it as much as others do, but I would say it is the worst episode of season 3 which is one of my most favorite seasons of the show.
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Absolutely funny and in my opinion funnier than the first.
7 September 2024
I love the first movie and I was super excited seeing this movie as well as a lot of others, and I liked how different this sequel was in comparison to the first movie. I honestly thought this one was a lot more funny than the first one. Thank God they spent years thinking of this sequel and not doing it a few years after the first one came out since usually the sequels that come out not too long after the first don't do that good. Tim Burton did amazing with this movie and I am so happy that a lot of the original cast like Winona Ryder, Catherine O'Hara and Michael Keaton came back because they made the first one so great and they made the sequel great too. I also loved Jenna Ortega here in this movie too and while lots of people may think she is overrated, I thought she was perfect to play Lydia's daughter.

Overall, I give this movie an 8 out of 10. It was just as good as the first one and I thought the humor was a lot better here too.
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The Devil You Know (2019– )
Good docuseries
28 May 2024
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The Pazuzu Algarad case has always interested me and left me with so many questions. Questions like: How could Cynthia let her son get away with so many things? How could Cynthia live in that disgusting house? Why did people like Pazuzu and liked partying with him? Nate and Matt are the biggest examples. But also, what did Amber and Krystal see in Pazuzu that they liked? And most importantly: Why did the police let him get away with these crimes for years? And why was Pazuzu allowed to kill himself in prison? This case is so confusing but this docuseries helps answer a few of these questions. Not all of them as some can never be answered, but it gave me a better understanding of the story in a way.
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I hate Lifetime movies, but this Lifetime movie wasn't that bad
17 December 2023
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The only thing I don't like about this movie is that it is very depressing and hard to watch at times. The acting for a Lifetime movie is actually quite good. And as I said in the title, I normally HATE Lifetime movies but this one was done quite well. I will say though I had to pause it at certain times because of how draining and depressing it is. And the fact this is based on the true story of Elizabeth Fritzl makes it even more devastating. To me, the best part of this movie is Stefanie Scott who played Sarah. It amazes me that this character manages to survive 20 some years along with her children whose biological father is also Sarah's biological father. I also liked Emma Myers here too. She was one of the best parts of the whole movie too.

Overall I give the movie a 6.5 out of 10. It's pretty good for a Lifetime movie, but PLEASE, watch it with caution if you can't handle rape or depressing movies. This movie kind of screwed me up watching it. It's a movie I'll never forget.
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The Best Of The 5 Hunger Games Movies
25 November 2023
I just saw this in theaters and I was a big fan of the Hunger Games so I knew I had to go see this. It is a prequel to the Hunger Games Katniss was involved in and it talks about how President Snow became the president of the 13 districts. To me the best part of the whole movie was Lucy Gray, played by Rachel Zegler. There has been a lot of controversy about Rachel, but I must say that girl can act and sing and was in fact, perfect for this role. Her version of The Hanging Tree was amazing as well as all the other songs she sang in that movie. The guy who played Snow was really good too and when you watch this, it makes a lot of sense why he ended up being the way he was in the first 4 movies. Without a doubt, story wise and action wise, I would say this is the best Hunger Games movie like almost everyone else is saying. I give The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes a 9 out of 10. So worth watching if you are a Hunger Games fan.
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It's bad, but it is not the worst movie I have ever seen
4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found out about this movie from a few reviews online and the name of the title was very confusing to me. Made me think "Why is it called that?" So I was morbidly curious. It mainly focuses on the life of Angela who was a stripper turned prostitute who is going a downward spiral and has nightmares and hallucinations, and some bits show the murders of a lot of people. There is vomiting in this film, and I don't ever get grossed out with vomit, but Henry who drank the vomit literally made me gag. Most of the movie is just vomiting, stripping, gore, and murder. There's not really a plot to it. And while it is bad, it is not the worst movie I have ever seen. Because there are some bits that are boring but I wasn't bored the whole time watching it. The only thing I liked was that the gore was done decently and I liked when Angela told her story but other than that, there isn't a story to this.
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iCarly (2021–2023)
Not as good as the original show but it's still good.
8 July 2023
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I'm happy to see most of the original cast coming back and I do like Harper, but obviously she is no Sam Puckett as Jenette chose not to return if you read about the incident with the director. I also do like Millicent, but she isn't as funny as the rest of the characters.

What I like about the show is while it does have some of the charm that the original show had, I love how they made the reboot more for mature audiences like me who grew up with iCarly as a kid. I also do like every once in a while the old cast comes back for an episode. The only let down is that some episodes are very meh, but most of the episodes from the reboot has been really good. While the original I would give a 9, I give the reboot a 7 out of 10.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
LOVED this remake!
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To me this is my third favorite Disney remake of all time. I was so excited for this movie since the first trailer came out. Halle Bailey crushed it as Ariel and she is gonna become a star after this movie when The Color Purple comes out soon. It was obvious she was casted because of her amazing voice that sounds somewhat similar to Jodi Benson's AND Jodi Benson makes a small appearance in this movie. I also love how Eric got to have his own song and how Ariel got two more songs that she sings in her head after her voice gets taken away. The only song I didn't like was the Scuttlebutt song Scuttle sang.

And also I liked the CGI and the designs of Sebastian and Flounder and saw nothing wrong with their designs like other people did. And Scuttle and Flounder sing in Kiss The Girl which I really loved.

Overall, this remake was a lot like the Aladdin remake where it was a 50/50 of new stuff and old stuff and I really love when Disney remakes do that. As I said, Eric and Scuttle got their own song and I also love the wonderful Halle Bailey as Ariel got to sing more. She obviously sang the two versions of Part Of Your World, as well as a second reprise, and For The First Time in her head after she became human. I also like that they give Eric more of a character in this movie.

I give The Little Mermaid remake an 8 out of 10. To me it is in the top 3 of the best Disney remakes.
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A Good Person (2023)
I actually cried watching this.
9 April 2023
This movie is about a girl who gets in a car accident and kills two people and she survives. She is in so much pain afterwards that she gets addicted to painkillers. There were so many moments in this movie that got me emotional and I even cried at a lot of moments because even though I am no drug addict, I related to the main character so much because even though she caused the car accident, she blamed herself nonstop for it and never got over it. And I've been the same way too with stuff that happened in my life; only difference is 90 percent of the time it isn't my fault. It's like a part of me sympathizes the main character but doesn't at the same time. And I won't give away spoilers so you gotta watch it yourself to realize why I say that. Overall, this was a great movie and it can leave you with a lot of emotions. I give it an 8 out of 10. And tbh this was the first time in my life I ever cried AFTER a movie ended.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Surprisingly not as bad as I thought
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When my boyfriend and I went to see this movie since we were bored, we were expecting to see a cheesy bad movie. Which a lot of this movie is cheesy as there were funny moments. But the movie in general was overall pretty good. It talked about the story really well as it is based on a true story and it was also kind of horrifying at the same time. It was mainly all the gore and the bear killing off people that made it horrifying. But one of my favorite moments was when the bear landed on top of one of the guys and he mentions why the bear is female and his reason why he knew was hilarious as hell and got a laugh out of everyone in the theater including me. Overall I give the film a 7 out of 10. Way better than I thought it would be.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
This show really isn't as bad as others made it out to be
23 April 2022
Obviously How I Met Your Mother is way WAY better, but the spinoff isn't terrible. I think Hilary Duff is funny as Sophie and even the older version of Sophie is funny as well. I still got a few laughs out of this show. But obviously the characters in HIMYM were way funnier, but the characters in this show weren't bad either. Overall, it isn't a terrible show but it obviously is no HIMYM.
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It was good, but the only thing I didn't like was the looping of the timeline
28 December 2021
So I love both Lucille Ball and Nicole Kidman, so I thought this would be a good one. Overall, I thought it was good, but it probably could have done better with the timeline because it was looping into different timelines over and over again. But overall, I thought Nicole Kidman did good playing Lucille Ball and same with the guy playing Desi. I also liked how they brought up moments from the iconic show I Love Lucy because that was what Lucille and Desi were well known for. Overall, it could've been a bit better with the timeline, but other than that they did good with what they did. I give Being The Ricardos a 7 out of 10.
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South Park: Britney's New Look (2008)
Season 12, Episode 2
Ugh this episode is so depressing
9 December 2021
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I came after the recent incident with Britney and her father. Now I know that they aren't actually making fun of Britney in this episode but damn, they went too far here in this episode. I was hearing about why this episode was so hated and after watching the episode I was like "Oh I see why now." This episode is just so depressing and cruel. Britney shoots her face off and is only able to muffle her voice instead and then the creators go as far as making her sing to the public with only 1/4th of her face left. Like I said I know they are actually sympathizing with her but seriously, the paparazzi in this episode are just too mean about her with her face blown off. The news even said "her voice was terrible." Like what the hell? That is just so sickening and I don't know if anyone found this funny. As someone who used to be suicidal as a kid, I always was disgusted by this episode. This gives a a 3 out of 10. Tbh I'd rather watch Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina again than watch this episode ever again.
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