I am glad to see Autumn arrive! It has been a hot summer in Georgia this year. In 1993 there were 114 days with temperatures in the 90's or above which holds the record for the hottest year.
Well, that is, it WAS the Record until today! We surpassed that record today with a high of 93-degrees being day number 115 for this year. We have not been receiving any rain either. (Oh no, I hope we are not on our way for yet another drought, Sigh) This young Buck stopped by yesterday to get a sip of water from the birdbath.
Hopefully this video will play for you to show you more deer at the birdbath. I must fill it along with another bath near by each day as they drink them dry. I should get the deer a water trough! Ha, I don't think so...This Hawk perched on the large oak tree out my window as I was typing. It is always a treat to see this majestic bird of prey perching within view. I was leery of him being so close to the bird feeders. The Saint noticed something strange in this picture. Can you see it? The Hawk is standing on one leg with the other leg held up to his chest! Look closely to see his talons barely showing. I was shocked this squirrel was in the birdbath as the Hawk sits above him. I was waiting to see what would happen next. The Hawk was not interested in the squirrel but kept looking below to the bird feeders. He was waiting for an unsuspecting bird to fly by for a snack. Then he would get a meal! I thought about shooing the hawk off but after all, he has to eat too. I was so happy the Hawk dropped to the ground without grasping a bird in his talons. I know it is nature but it would still break my heart to see this happen. I have seen it way too many times and it never gets any easier to witness one of my feathered friends become a meal for a hawk.
The Hawk was not around when this Blue Jay stopped by for a sip and bath. On this day, I saw more Blue Jays then ever in the bath. They had me singing the song Splish Splash I was taking a bath, long about a Saturday night, Rubadub..... (I hope that song does not stick in your head today, hee hee) Hopefully the video will show you the splish splash...My little Cheetah girl has been enjoying all the activity at the bird baths this summer. The Saint made her a shelf to perch and enjoy her version of TV. The heat upstairs had us move the computer and desk downstairs to the cooler sun room. As I sit and type, my little fur-ball is at my side soaking up the sunshine and the views.
Yesterday as I was getting this blog together in my head and downloading videos, I was entertained by the Hummingbirds outside my window. Tina mentioned to me recently how she witnessed three female hummingbirds fighting intently. I have also been witnessing intent fighting like never before. I was splashing in our small pool practicing my snorkeling and while taking a break, I was about hit in the head by two hummers fighting. They were literally using their long beaks as if swords and fighting each other! I could hear the beaks hitting each other! I thought I was going crazy seeing and hearing this action. I felt like I was watching an old movie with two guys fencing each other for the damsel in distress! I found it a bit unnerving seeing this as I was trapped in the pool below them and at one point, they took each other to the ground. They had no idea I was just beside them and watching with amazement. I feared they would poke me in the head as they buzzed off. I wished for the camera as this went on for about 15 minutes or so. They usually just run one off but this time, they were really fighting and each one was standing their ground. I hope the video works so you can see a little bit of what I consider normal territorial fighting. If the video works, notice at the end, the other hummer came back for more...
Back to our Hottest Temperature topic. We should hold this record for some years to come. The weatherman is reporting 3 more days of 90-plus temps. So we should hit 118 days for a new Record! The year 2010 will go down in the records books as a HOT ONE IN GEORGIA, ON THIS SUPER HARVEST MOON, In the Garden...
Note; The Saint has the Boom Machine on reserve for this weekend. More trees will fall to the ground. If only the cold front would arrive sooner, Grrrrrr...