I have Tulips in my GEORGIA GARDENS! Tina talked about tulips yesterday so you have learned that tulips will return in time, after a little vacation. I have purple tulips that keep returning for me year after year since planting them back in 2009. I planted many tulips that year but the Voles ate all but these which were in a different planter then the Vole's meal of tulips.
Lets go in for a closer look shall we... Ah, look at all that pollen on this tulip.
Not as much pollen in this tulip but still putting off the yellow dust.
Don't ya just love the Macro settings on a camera? I do...
And a bonus photo of a Columbine bloom in the same planter as the tulips.
Now, the moment you have been waiting for....
Out came The Saint's Magic German Hat and placed within, were all the names of the commenters of my Blogiversary Giveaway Posting.
I sat the Magic Hat on a chair for a Photo Op and my little Fur-baby, Cheetah jumped upon the chair with the hat. Yesterdays Fur Cut did not turn out so well. That happens when you clip cats as they are wiggle worms with sharp claws!
I could not believe it but Cheetah decided she was going to pick out the names of the winners! Yes, it was a cute sight that I was able to capture with a photo!
The first name out, FLOWERLADY! The second name out of the Magic Hat, REBECCA! I found this ironic as these ladies were the first and second commenters of the post! And I DID mix the names WELL, within the hat.
Congrats to Flowerlady and Rebecca for your wins. I shall get your gifts in the mail as soon as possible...
I hope you enjoy these little frogs, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,
In the Garden