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Showing posts with label Begonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Begonia. Show all posts

Friday, October 1, 2010

Time to Bring in the Houseplants

From In the Garden

Has this fall weather been nice or what? Perfectly blue skies and warm days with little humidity has made being outside so very pleasant. Okay, they'd be more pleasant if we got some rain but that is another story. It is clear the weather has taken a turn from the hot and humid days to the pleasant days and cooler nights of autumn. It is a lovely time in the garden but a time of work too. For me I've begun bringing in my houseplants. The general rule of thumb is to bring in houseplants when nighttime temperatures are consistently below 50 degrees. Some of our nights have dipped below 50 degrees but then the nights get warmer. Nonetheless, to save myself a lot of work all at once I have begun to bring in my houseplants-one at a time.

I am not normally a houseplant person but for some reason I have accumulated a collection. I move the collection outside during the summer months so that I can enjoy the plants there and they get some much needed humidity plus they add to my garden. Come fall I am ready for them to come in because they actually give me a great deal of pleasure in the wintertime; not to mention their good air cleansing properties for the stale winter air we tend to have in our homes. One such plant is this stunning begonia pictured above. I have to work hard to bring the pot and all in but having this beauty is so worth it! Just look at it glow in front of my fireplace. Begonias are easy to grow and propagate. I give this one a haircut several times during the growing season and just stick the cuttings back into the pot. For the haircut I am rewarding with a bushier and more full plant that looks most healthy. I just love it and wanted to share it with you all and to remind you to start thinking of bringing those houseplants in out of the cold....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,

In the Garden

Monday, April 26, 2010

Plant ID and an Update

Posted by: Dawn

Remember we commented about being someplace and spying a unusual plant or annual in a public place, and feeling as though you had to have it? Yes, every gardener has clipped a few, pulled a few and I have even known a gardener who's dug a few! I would never go that far because I'd be so nervous!

Anyway, for me, this is that plant. Last fall, my Mother in Law went to the hospital for a inpatient procedure, when my husband and I picked her up late that night we both were in awe over the 50 yards of garden that was next to the walkway and four feet wide. The only thing growing in it was Riegers begonia and this plant pictured above provided the height in the background.

Well, considering both plants would die once the frost got to them (right?) I pinched a top of one and came home with a teeny, weeny sample. It stayed short (not even 3 inches) for quite sometime until I moved it to a brighter place. Does anyone know what it is? I'm fairly sure it's a annual, the leaves are veined and leathery feeling and it's purple underneath. It needs bright light, will bounce back from lack of water. I'm guessing it's maximum height is about 15 inches. I'd like to purchase more of it for an area outside so I can enjoy it in the garden. Any help would be appreciated.

I wanted to mention our bird feeder from my last post, these photos were taken April 12th, by the 19th, the Styrofoam was bare and had to be removed for fear my woodpecker would injure himself. He is not the smartest bird and I'm faintly aware there is a nest close by. My female has given me a swoop with a displeased warning when I've walked around the yard. If I were braver I'd purchase something for them to munch on, although I'm not quite sure what that would be.

My chick-a-dees have had a ball, pun intended. In the Garden

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,In the Garden

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Changing the Planter

By Skeeter

Last year was my first try at growing lilies in my Georgia Garden. The Saint brought them home to me after running an errand at Lowes. What a Saint indeed...
You all know I am a "Learn as you Go" type gardener so I was not sure if the Lilies would return this year. To my delight, they arrived and still show me a bloom or two even though the Dog Days of Summer. I do believe this is Stella.
Since I had luck with the Lilies, I decided to add more to my Semi-Formal Garden. I selected a planter and put in 2 Darling Deception, 2 Pandora's Box and 2 Blueberry Candy. They never bloomed this year but seem to be growing well.
I planted 5 of the Serena Angelonia that I talked about a few weeks ago to the back of the Lilies. I thought they too were purple but a lighter purple almost lavender or pink instead. I recently noticed the difference in colors. Duh, you would have thought I would have noticed that sooner. But with them being further away, I just did not notice until snapping pictures. We have spent less time sitting in this garden and more at the patio this year. That is my story and I am sticking to it. lol. To the front of this planter is Dusty Miller, Red and White Begonia. Here is a close up of the pretty flowers that have pleased me all summer long with their beautiful blooms.
The Lilies only give me green foliage for now so Serena is a welcome to the area. Tomorrow, I will show you where two more Serena's are located. I really do like CHANGING THE PLANTER, In the Garden...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Plant of the Month-January 09

I thought that choosing this month's Plant of the Month would be extremely difficult, and it is but not for the reason you think! I have to choose between an inside plant and an outside plant; and you of course know I will always go with the outside plant. But I have to give the begonia an Honorable Mention too. This month I have chosen the Vernal Witch Hazel (Hamamelis vernalis), aka Ozark Witch Hazel as January's Plant of the Month. The Vernal Witch Hazel's blooms are pictured above. This plant smells very good, but you have to get close to the blooms in order to appreciate the smell.

The vernal witch hazel just happened to be my choice for Plant of the Month in January 2008 as well. I can't help it, this just seems to be the ONLY plant blooming in my Zone 6/7 garden right now, but that is okay. Hey-blooms in January for me! Fragrant ones too! All of you who grow the witch hazels will understand my excitement. Now there are different varieties of witch hazels and not all bloom in the winter. Some are fall bloomers and some are spring bloomers. This particular one is definitely a winter bloomer. I am not normally a real good planner of specific cultivars for my garden, but I can honestly say I planned this one by researching just the right type and specifically purchasing it at a native nursery in North Carolina. For more information on this nursery and this witch hazel, do see my first post on them.
Just for fun I thought it would be nice to post pictures of all three of my witch hazels. Many folks are not aware of these native shrubs that can give so much joy. All bloom, though at different times so be sure to do your research before deciding on a type. All witch hazels have wonderful fall color. The next picture above is of the bloom of Diane (Hamemelis x intermedia 'Diane'). All information I have seen on Diane says it has orange/red blooms. Mine appear to be yellow though it is hard to make a good judgement since this is a new purchase. It is also very possible that this shrub was mismarked at some point but I can say it was purchased at a very reputable nursery in Louisville, so I am not sure what it going on with this plant. If anyone can help out it would be appreciated. Diane is starting to go by now and that could be part of the problem, plus the fact it is newly planted. I do not count this bloom in my review of the witch hazels because this is a new purchase. I like to evaluate all plants at least one year before I post about them. I purchased this plant in bloom and so far it has had a long period of bloom; which has been fun.

My last witch hazel is the straight species (at least that is what I think as I lost track of the information a long time ago). I am pretty sure it is Hamemelis virginiana or Common Witch Hazel. When I purchased the vernal and virginiana witch hazels at We-Du Natives I specifically looked for these straight types and was not all that interested in the hybrids. These first two were planted in the summer of 2006 and I can honestly say I've been happy with them. The virginiana did suffer more from droughts than the vernal did, but as you can see, it is still just fine. It usually flowers in the fall after most of the leaves have fallen off. This year was NOT a good year for the bloom, but it is still new in its location so we shall see what it does this year.

Because it is winter and I am in a picture taking mood, here are some just for fun pictures of color in the winter garden. Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica) is on the left, and beautyberries (Callicarpa americana), on the right.

I really like both of the plants pictured above with the nandinas being my favorite. I think the beautyberries truly add a lot of color, but it is that awful magenta color! It is not my favorite color in the garden at all. Too bad these aren't blooms as they would be good candidates for Plant of the Month!

Okay, back to the inside plant and my choice for an Honorable Mention. I am kind of old fashioned and think there can really only be one Plant of the Month, so this begonia will have to settle with Honorable Mention. It has been blooming non-stop since I moved it into my craft room back in October. I love the fresh flowers greeting me each day and can't get over its tenacity with its lovely blooms. It is not an angel wing begonia and I am not sure of the variety. I purchased three of these on the discount rack at Wal-Mart. All three are different colors with this color being the only one that is non-stop blooming in the house. It looks like a rose to me. As much as I dislike houseplants this one has won my heart.

Houseplants are wonderful plants for color this time of year and I hope you have a few in your home so you too can enjoy the blooms.

By the time February rolls around, surely there will be some blooming plants outside? Last February I chose hellebores, so let's see if that will hold true again this year. As good as the hellebores look right now I think they are on track to take the coveted title of Plant of the Month again for February. We shall see. What great plants do you have growing and blooming in your garden right now that you would qualify as a superstar? I'd love to hear of them. I realize not everyone who reads this blog is in my zone. There will be a wide variety of choices from all over the world, no doubt about it. I am actually interested in them all. Especially if I can grow them too:)

in the garden....