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Call of the Wild

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Call of the Wild


(2)(Green)(Green): Reveal the top card of your library. If it's a creature card, put it into play. Otherwise, put it into your graveyard.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Kenessos, Priest of Thassa

1 year ago

Going mono seems legit, but let me throw in another way:

If I counted correctly, you have 21 sources of Scry in here. 13 of them are small numbers on instants or sorceries. The remaining 9 are more or less repeatedable effects on permanents. My suggestions is to cut most of the one-shot scry effects. Valid exceptions are interaction spells that aren't overcosted (looking at Sea God's Revenge). You'll propably end up somewhere slightly below 100 cards that way. Fill that up with more repeatable scry effects and you're basically fine.

To end my comment, here are some ideas for repeatable scry effects:

Castle Vantress

Crystal Ball

Eyes Everywhere

Geist of the Archives

Hedron Alignment

In Search of Greatness

Isolated Watchtower

Lifecrafter's Bestiary

Psychic Impetus

Quandrix Campus

Seer's Lantern

Btw, Call of the Wild exists. Maybe give it a shot?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Kenessos's Expedition

2 years ago

Ok, so this is a very flavour-driven deck. Would Zoologist and Call of the Wild work within flavour? Because they'd be great redundancy for your commander.

GangstaFranksta on Red Green Black EDH

3 years ago

Cheap permenants that you can lay down with Vaevectis or other similar cards that then also give you mana: Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, and Solemn Simulacrum and Yavimaya Elder also lets you draw so you can sac him with Asmadi for a profit. For similar "when permanent enters the battlefield" effect maybe Reclamation Sage and Acidic Slime.

Consider creating tokens to sac with Asmadi as well: Dragonlair Spider and Grave Titan

Asmadi is always a huge threat so you'll have to keep him safe with cards like Sylvan Safekeeper Swiftfoot Boots and Whispersilk Cloak.

Chaos Warp is a staple of jund and you could use it if someone tries to get rid of Asmadi. Deathsprout and Decimate are really good jund removal cards as well. Primal Surge is a lot of mana but a good alternative win condition.

Also assuming that Asmaldi gets to stay on the field then here are some good cards that let you make sure whatever you get with him is good: Augur of Autumn, Haunted Crossroads, Hua Tuo, Honored Physician, Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire, Brutalizer Exarch, Courser of Kruphix, Vizier of the Menagerie, Crystal Ball, and Call of the Wild. On the other hand, here are some cards to make sure whatever your opponents get from Asmaldi isn't good: Painful Memories, Agonizing Memories.

Then here are some big creatures you could get for free with Asmaldi: Woodfall Primus, Borborygmos Enraged, Kodama of the East Tree, and Artisan of Kozilek. Lurking Predators is also useful for this feature as well as setting up what's on top of your deck.

Mortuary Mire is probably a good addition to the deck as well.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Big Green

3 years ago

This looks fun, good job. One suggestion: Maybe replace Aid from the Cowl? It just feels really slow, and you don't even have many ways to trigger it continuously. Vivien's Arkbow or Call of the Wild would both be great replacements. I'm also not too big of a fan of both Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse here. If I see it correctly, you have one landfall ability, and besides that, it'd only help you triggering Aid. Maybe just play two Forest instead?

CheddarBones on We're back! A Dinosaur's Story

3 years ago

Heaven / Earth / earth - choice to deal with pesky flyers or kill all eggs for 3 Downdraft - dont try to fly over the egg wall Call of the Wild - topdeck a creature Ghired's Belligerence - good burn with the option of sacing an egg as well plus you get a populate Reinforcements - put three dinos on top of deck yummy Aura Shards - sideboard for when you face Mario. each egg naturalizes. Not Forgotten - top of library a dinosaur and get a populate target Mwonvuli Beast Tracker - literally every dinosaur has trample. top of the library. Forerunner of the Empire - same deal. costs more but you can wipe your eggs all out at once when a dinosaur comes into play

lagotripha on Bringer of Victory

5 years ago

This looks pretty interesting. I'd consider leaning into an entirely colourless package with tron lands, and use Fist of Suns , but the bringers deserve to see the light. There are a lot of 'cheat big stuff' shells out there. Being reanimator is likely the strongest option, and I might try the dice archetype's mana package, to just make a ton of mana. Far from the most fun.

Pentad Prism is used to power out ad-nausiem, and artifact ramp cards offer options.

The unique thing about the big changeling is that he can abuse tribal cards. So go tinker with that.

Call to the Kindred , Preeminent Captain , Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord , Incandescent Soulstoke , Summoner's Egg , Quest for Ula's Temple , Descendants' Path / Leaf-Crowned Elder , AEthermage's Touch , Fold into AEther , Braids, Conjurer Adept , Reason / Believe also works as topdeck control, Call of the Wild / Impromptu Raid , Thran Temporal Gateway Champion of Rhonas , Dubious Challenge , Neoform / Allosaurus Rider , Deathrender , Unexpected Results

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Omlette du Fromage

5 years ago

Thanks bushido_man96 and lifemtg.

Mayael the Anima was included as an homage to my original deck and I thought she might be a decent back up plan if Atla Palani, Nest Tender was shut down. However, I agree that her activation cost is probably too costly, and I haven't built the deck with enough 5+ power creatures to make her hit consistently.

Call of the Wild is an interesting card, but I think it runs into consistency issues without the addition of more top deck manipulation. Plus I've been noticing with some early testing that I don't need much more than Atla to get things going.

I'd love to add Sylvan Library into the deck, but alas, I only own one copy and that is already being put to use in my Lord Windgrace deck.

Evolutionary Leap and High Market are definitely solid suggestions that I'll have to consider for this deck. Right now I think I'll replace Mayael with one of Selfless Spirit , Riftsweeper , or Remorseful Cleric . They are all good early creatures with powerful utility abilities.

Defense of the Heart is something else that I am considering since I own a copy and it can go find the 2 raptors, or Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Archetype of Endurance .

lifemtg on Omlette du Fromage

5 years ago

bushido_man96 yet Mayael has more of a chance of hitting a creature, kinda a scry. Call of the Wild has one chance of hitting a creature, and if it isn't one, then dump it in your graveyard. I feel like if you want a fast game, you should probably take Mayael out, but definitely is not worth switching it out with Call of the Wild . Just my opinion, others opinions may vary

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