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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Lurking Predators
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a creature card, put it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, you may put that card on the bottom of your library.
Mortlocke on
Commander Sliver Deck
3 days ago
Okay Twinships, lets start with the most important thing you must know about Slivers - and repeat after me: "Slivers are a sometimes food.". While they are amazing, and the more show up the more ridiculous the boardstate - you don't need all of them. There are times when you absolutely need room for other things like interaction, engines, you actual deck. First things first - Who is your commander? To designate a Commander for the list on TappedOut you need to tag the card with CMDR when editing your deck list. Depending on the Commander, choices and recommendations will vary.
As of now, your deck has no engines, interaction, or resiliency - all of which are needed as you seem to be suffering from the classic Sliver problem of poor table politics. So, lets start looking at some card recommendations:
- Lurking Predators: You need an engine, and this is as good as any. It also plays into table politics as it disincentivizes other decks from popping off at best, at worst it gets your opponents focusing on it instead of your creatures.
Intruder Alarm: You need an engine, this one in particular is one of the usual suspects for slivers that help close out games. When Heart Sliver (or any other haste enabler) and Manaweft Sliver (or any other dork) are on the field you can at worst play your whole hand, and at best play your whole deck and close the game on the same turn. Just make sure you only play this when you can effectively end the game as it is an effect that benefits your opponents as well.
Worldly Tutor: You need tutors.
- Sylvan Tutor: You need tutors.
- Demonic Tutor: You need tutors.
- Grim Tutor: You need tutors.
- Guardian Project: You need card draw.
- Dormant Sliver: This is an optional card draw suggestion as you need a reliable sac outlet to remove the Defender ability from your Sliver
- Counterspell: You need interaction.
- Mana Drain: You need interaction.
- Strix Serenade: You need interaction.
- Swan Song: You need interaction.
- Kindred Dominance: You need mass removal to slow down faster players.
- Blasphemous Act: You need mass removal to slow down faster players. This also combos very well with Spiteful Sliver as well.
- Cyclonic Rift: You need mass removal to slow down faster players and have answers.
- Consider the Talisman cycle: Talisman of Curiosity, Talisman of Dominance etc. You need more rocks and means of fixing your manabase.
- Kodama's Reach: The Sister to Cultivate - you need as many options as possible to fix your manabase in this deck as you are running all 5 colors. 5 Color decks tend to run slow and inefficient if you don't invest heavily in the manabase and/or in many different options for color fixing. On that same note, consider Skyshroud Claim as it is also very similar in nature as long as you have lands with multiple subtypes e.g. Stomping Ground
or Breeding Pool
which are both Forests but also are other land types. Also on that note - get shocklands. All of them. If you can also afford it get the Kahns of Tarkir/Onslaught/Zendikar Fetchlands as well. An okay cheaper substitute for the previously mentioned would be the Mirage Fetchlands - but they're an incomplete cycle. Sorry for the tangent here.
Now, these are just a start to some suggestions and ideas for your deck. But we can't get started until you designate your commander. Then we can start cutting to make room. Are there any pet cards or ideas you have? Please share.
Eilel on
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds
4 months ago
Quirion Ranger (commander untap)
Scryb Ranger (commander untap + flying en prod blue)
Awaken the Woods (mana sink)
Archdruid's Charm (ook removal)
Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma (ook trample enabler)
Nyx Lotus (late game super ramp wss)
Oran-Rief, the Vastwood (ik vind niet super maar ik ken genoeg mensen die m dat wel vinden)
Myriad Landscape (niet te veel tap lands spelen maar denk dat deze wel kan)
Card draw / advantage
Vivien, Monsters' Advocate (buiten de ability ook tutor op de -2)
Garruk's Uprising (ook trample enabler)
Battle Mammoth (creature en soort ward voor alle creatures)
Disciple of Freyalise Flip (kan je als een landslot spelen, dus eigenlijk gratis include. als je niet nodig hebt als land heb je carddraw en lifegain)
Regal Force (creature)
Finale of Devastation (ook haste enabler)
Recursion / Graveyard
Bala Ged Recovery Flip (ook een land)
Long Rest (kan elk type kaart terug pakken, mass recursion)
Concordant Crossroads (haste)
Surrak and Goreclaw (trample + haste)
Temur Sabertooth (combo kaart, alles met etb kan je opnieuw spelen, ook voor meer carddraw etc)
Ulvenwald Oddity Flip (Trample + haste en +1/+1 enabler als die geflipt is)
Thousand-Year Elixir (geeft je commander soort van haste en kan untappen)
Scavenging Ooze (graveyard)
Rampaging Yao Guai (ook mana sink)
Beast Within (raakt practish alles)
Terastodon (super goed)
Khalni Ambush Flip (fight spell die je als land kan spelen)
Bridgeworks Battle Flip (fight spell die je ook als land kan spelen)
Tyvar's Stand (of een mana sink)
Lightning Greaves (haste voor je commander met 0 equip)
Goldvein Hydra (mana sink en eventueel super late game extra ramp)
Ochre Jelly (mana sink + trample + moeilijk vanaf te komen)
Silverback Elder (removal / card draw / lifegain)
Alternative wincons
Triumph of the Hordes (als je een teringlijer wilt zijn)
RockIV on Gruul commander deck: mana ramp …
4 months ago
Ty for the advices RiotRunner789. I probably wont take out Jokulhaups, it has combo with Spearbreaker Behemoth,garruks creature searching emblem and Lurking Predators too, it has been giving me a Lot of winnings.
I can probably take Sarkhan Vol, i was playing it for the creature stealing option and the tokens, not the first one as priority. I Will think about it.
Thirsting Roots can probably goo too, i havent seen it in play very much.
I just have to look at the deck and see wich cards are helping, and wich arent or wich one didnt appear at least once in a Game.
I have that enchantment too,no thought in it as an option but i decide to choose something that can tutor me mountains instead.
Hexapod on
Mayael the anima: Big stomp
6 months ago
Interesting build. Mayael was my second commander, after a short stint with Uril, and she remains one of my favorites to date.
I run 40 creatures in mine and find that allows me to hit more consistently with Mayael. Ojer Kaslem, Deepest Growth Flip is great because you can both find it with Mayael or use it as a secret commander if she doesn't stick to the board.
I would definitely include Selvala's Stampede, it is one of the best cards in my list and has won me many games. Another favorite of mine is Lurking Predators.
Other cards I feel suit Mayael theme very well are See the Unwritten and Last March of the Ents.
Including the modal lands, or Pathways, would allow you to lose slow or janky lands like Jetmir's Garden, Dryad Arbor or Reflecting Pool.
I hope some of this is helpful. Here is my version for inspiration, your comments are welcome!
Where The Wild Things Are | Mayael the Anima
Commander / EDH*
CavemanlyMan on
All Unicorns United
8 months ago
You do not have every printed unicorn in magic in your deck. I noticed you had two in your sideboard and I found the choice odd as not only is Regal Unicorn strictly better than Pearled Unicorn, but it also has better flavor text. I'd also run Adarkar Unicorn over Revered Unicorn any day. If you are only putting them in your sideboard because of the moon in the art, then Regal Unicorn still takes offense to the idea that it has to go through an alicorn in order to be played. It's too regal to be bossed around like that.
There is a new unicorn with Nyxborn Unicorn coming out with Modern Horizons 3.
What exactly are you tutoring for with all those tutors in your deck? Pieces to make Twilight Sparkle work? Even with tutors that seems unlikely.
Also Skullclamp seems bad in general. There aren't many things with 1 toughness.
It feels like you just took the 25 most played cards in 5 color from edhrec to fill out the rest of your deck. Try things like Lurking Predators, Beastmaster Ascension, and Champion of Lambholt. If you are interested in more ideas check out my unicorn deck: Unicorns! (My EDH Masterpiece)
Hexapod on
Music of the Spheres | Jodah, Archmage Eternal
9 months ago
Reworked this deck with the addition of ramp creatures : Birds of Paradise, Noble Hierarch, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
Removed some Eldrazi as I don't enjoy playing them that much, just kept my favorite ones. Also did away with Lurking Predators just because I have so many decks that run it and I wanted variety.
Added colorful cards that would not see play anywhere else in my lists, like Two-Headed Hellkite and Atraxa, Grand Unifier.
Added awesome cards I either just acquired: Apex Devastator, Etali, Primal Conqueror Flip
Some cards were just released which made total sense in this build: Call Forth the Tempest, The Key to the Vault.
Finally I upgraded some of the art to tie into the aesthetics of Jodah traveling through the Multiverse.
DreadKhan on
1 year ago
If I was playing against you I'd let you run Hyalopterous Lemure in here, too bad it's not 6 MV!
Have you thought about some non-Legendary copy effects? Sakashima of a Thousand Faces, Spark Double, and Sakashima the Impostor can all duplicate your Commander.
Also, since you always have mana up you might have some fun with Crystal Shard, it can let you recast Imoti (to keep digging out ramp), or something bigger to find something more useful, and you always have the option bouncing a creature of anyone who dares use all of their mana.
It's pretty pricey, but Guardian Project is kinda cool in a deck like this.
I see you have Thunderfoot Baloth, I could never decide if it or Siege Behemoth was a better at what it does, Behemoth sneaks in all damage regardless of blocks, Thunderfoot gives trample. I think Pathbreaker Ibex is probably better than either if you have decent odds of having a creature with at least 3 power out (your Commander is 3 power).
Final card, the one Enchantment that I think you should definitely look at if you look at nothing else is Lurking Predators, you won't get cascades but I think the risk of free Eldrazi should scare most people away from spamming spells.
Have (1) | BillyBalverine |
Want (2) | ACrispyTaco , freshie9000 |