It was 73 degrees today and now is dipping close to 31 tonight. Our local news media is having a heydey in anticipation of an ice storm. Granted, there IS some ice in Arkansas which is in the "viewing area" and it "might" dip down almost to our area, but seriously - do we really have to dedicate the first fifteen minutes of the newscast to how to drive in icy conditions?
The local anchorettes are all standing along the interstate talking about "steering into the skid" while semis zoom along happily behind them. Then we cut to a story about sand trucks loading up. The only thing that was missing was the shots of crazed grocery store patrons stocking up on supplies (because there will be ICE on the roads for about an hour. Maybe.)
Oh, I know, I'll have mud in my eye if ice actually shows up tomorrow. But I'm not holding my breath worrying about that! And after all, the sand trucks are ready.