Bill O'Reilly has a review/comparison column of the two movies here. In short, he liked them both but prefers the original.
As for me, I'm really tired of remakes. I haven't been to the theater to see a movie since...I guess The Dark Knight.
I've heard they're remaking The Great Gatsby
Even worse, Robert Zemeckis wants to remake The Wizard of Oz. Forget about it.
That's like remaking Gone With the Wind.
It seems there aren't very many original ideas in Hollywood anymore, what with all the remakes and sequels. Perhaps that's why there was a decline in box office receipts for 2010, although the economy certainly could play a factor. Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky.
I have heard, however, that The Black Swan is excellent and I did mean to catch Secretariat
I'll make a prediction, though. I'll bet it's not long before talks are underway for Hillenbrand's Unbroken
So. I know I'm cranky about movies. But what about True Grit? Have you seen it? I might give it a shot...