I am feeling wonderfully blessed. My weekend was full of this...
...lots of wares-selling at our sweet summer cottage during
the community's annual porch sales.
Yard sales (or porch sales in this case) are LOTS of work. Even more so
when you're trying to keep track of inventory to keep Uncle Sam happy.
But a day of meeting wonderful folks and getting tired merchandise
off my hands is so worth it and a favorite event of mine.
It was a delightful day!
And now its back to the real world - with lots of this...
Orders are headed out today from the Etsy shop.
Selling online can be lots of work too. But wrapping all of the
parcels is a favorite part of the process for me.
Thanks to each of you who came out in person on Saturday and who are
buying treasures online from Etsy. You bless me! Know that I
take seriously the responsibility to in turn bless others.
What a privilege. ~Joyce