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Showing posts from September, 2020

Space Wolf Blood Claw

This is just a little WIP on a repainted Space Wolf for my Sea Wolves army.  #krackendoom #miniaturepainting #spacemarines40k #grimdark #Warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #new40k #28mm #spacewolves #spacewolves40k #blanchitsu

Salamanders Eradicator

My first Eradicator for my Salamander army, the Hellbenders. I feel like I'm chasing the meta... but I've been playing Salamanders since the Armageddon supplement but these guys are too good not to call broken. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #new40k #spacemarines #astartes #salamanders40k #warhammercommunity #Warhammer40k

1,000 Followers on Instagram!

I hit 1k followers on Instagram and I feel pretty pleased with myself. I bet only 800 of them are stores trying to sell me stuff. 

White Scars Bikers

I'm not very happy with how this biker turned out. Maybe need more weathering?  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #whitescars #whitescars40k  #spacemarines #adeptusastartes

Oldhammer Crimson Fist

I just realized, as I post this photo, that I forgot to give him a "crimson fist." Fluff fail. #miniaturepainting #oldhammer #crimsonfists #spacemarines40k #grimdark #Warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #new40k #28mm

Salamanders Grav Devastator Squad

"Gravity always wins." The hammer drops when the grav devastator squad disembarks from the drop pod and unleashes their gravitic fury. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #salamanders #salamanders40k #new40k #spacemarines #astartes #devastator #badabwar #Warhammer40k

Toy Repainted - Mister Gum

I repainted a Mister Fantastic bobblehead from a blind box as Mister Gum from Madman and the Atomics.

Space Marine Armorium Cherub

Out of all of the horrors in the Warhammer 40k universe, the cherubs creep me out the most... It's one of the most grimdark things in the universe.  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #armoriumcherub #spacemarines #astartes #adeptusastartes #new40k

Salamanders Intercessors Squad

Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!  Here's the rest of my first squad of Intercessors for my Salamanders army, the Hellbenders.  I've been day dreaming a lot about creating my own custom or homebrew Space Marine chapter. I certainly have enough models to build an army out... but I've also been thinking about how cool Celestial Lions would be to paint. AND If really like to make a "grimdark" version of an army and I can only figure out how to combine two out of three of those things. The gold of the Celestial Lions doesn't seem to be gritty, weathered, and chipped.  A custom army would be nifty, but I can't decide on a scheme that doesn't already exist, like Raptors, Thunderwolfen's Soul Haunters, or Caphminipainting's Nurgui Ghosts. Maybe I'll alter my White Scars?  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #salamanders #salamanders40k #new40k #spacemarines #astartes #intercessor #badabwar

Old One Eye - Not A Lovecraftian Horror

I watched on some click-bait video on YouTube to see the Top 10 Scariest Lovecraftian Monsters and was surprised to find Old One Eye listed as number six.  You can watch at the 4:17 mark as the host reads the Wikipedia entry, completely missing Tyranids, Games Workshop, Warhammer or any other game reference except for the plasma pistol wound and some fan art of Ol' One Eye devouring a guardsmen. MostAmazingTop10, you only got nine. 

Salamanders Intercessor

This unknown Primaris Salamander Intercessor has yet to earn any flame markings on his power armor for his service to the Hellbenders. #28mm #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #salamanders #salamanders40k #new40k #spacemarines #astartes #intercessor 

Salamanders Aggressor

Despite having a reputation for being slow, this Salamanders Aggressor Sgt. is in favor of outflanking behind enemy lines and launching a surprise attack.  When these models were released, they were the first Primaris models I picked up. Salamanders chapter aside, kill it with fire is one of my favorite game mechanics.  #miniaturepainting #salamanders40k #28mm #spacemarines40k #grimdark #warhammer #Warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #new40k

Favorite Minis by Decade

Over on YouTube, Squidmar Miniatures posted an awesome collaboration video with Miscast and Midwinter Minis picking out their favorite minis from the past 5 decades. I wanted in on the action so I picked my favorite minis by decade to share here. It was a lot harder than I thought... 80s - Bugman's Champion. He was released late in the decade and has a slight advantage over other models from that era. I love this characterful model so much and all of the implied narrative that's sculpted into his stout frame. With his missing eye, peg leg, and axe chained to his arm lest he lose it mid battle, he's ready to defend the dwarfen realms from any invader. This model has served as the general in my Dwarf army until Age of Sigmar dropped. 90s - Morgiana Le Fay. I've never actually owned or painted this model, but it's one of my favorites, among a field of excellent minis from the 90s. The entire Bretonnian line released in the mid-90s was fantastic, especially Morgiana and...