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Showing posts with the label dreadnought

First Game of 8th Edition Warhammer 40k

I finally got in my first game of Warhammer 40k 8th edition. Like I mentioned before, I've been on the road a lot and I haven't had much time for anything else in life, let alone gaming. Luckily I got Monday off from my day job and played my buddy Ryan in a small 1,500 game with my Astral Claws vs. his mixed Imperium. It was his first game as well and we were both excited to get our dolls on the table top. I brought: 1 Battalion Captain Chaplain in Termie armor Tech priest 1 Tac Squad in a Rhino 1 Scout Squad in a Land Speeder 4 Rifle dreads 1 Shootie Termie Squad Ryan brought a mix of Blood Angels, Primaris Marines and Guard - mostly just to try out the various armies he wanted to play. We played Big Guns never tire on a Dawn of War map. It was a blast! Astral Claws - a good leader stands behind his men! A good opponent always helps but I liked the game and had a great time. We both spent a lot of time with our noses in the rule book and indexes double ch...

Ad Mech Magos WIP

I'm working on a new Magus for my Cult Mechanicus/Ad Mech/Mechanicum. After reading more of the Black Library fluff, it's obvious the Mechanicum/Machanicus are some twisted folks. While I didn't want to make my Magos "dark" mechanium, I think there is a lot of opportunity for conversions to make each Ad Mech army unique and I want my general to stand out. One of my favorite comic book villains is MODOK. A giant head floating on a cyborg body with mental powers and traditional weapons built into his "golden throne." I couldn't figure out how to make a knock-off model out of GW bits, but it did give me a jumping off point by inspiring me to use the dreadnought hull as a body.

Tanks-Giving Results

The Tanks-Giving tournament went fairly well and I went 2-1 placing 4th-ish. Marshall went 3-0 winning the tourney's top prize. I won my first game against Danny and his Tau in a close and nasty slobber-knocker. We played a modified Crusade scenario with 4 objectives in the center of the table and Vanguard deployment. I don't remember the final score, but neither of us had many models left on the table. Danny brought the Tau Ta'unar Supremacy armor super heavy. I was able to tie it up with a librarian and managed to put 5 wounds on it before it finally stomped my model to death. My second game was a solid loss to Chris and his Tau in a modified Contact Lost scenario. He brought a list that had a Stormsurge and a Ghostkeel unit. He was pretty much in control the whole game and frustrated me with the amount of move, shoot, ignore the rules, and move again shenanigans for which the Tau are known. In the third match I faced Braden and his Ork and Necron team up in a Tacti...

Fun Blood Angels List

For a small tournament next month, I'm thinking of running this fun Blood Angels list. 1 Reclusiarch - Jump pack - melta bomb 27 Death Company - 10 CC weapon and bolter, 12 Power Sword, 5 Power Fist, Jump Packs 1 Furioso Dreadnought - Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod 5 Scouts with Sniper Rifles It's so crazy it... might... just... work! The idea came from a forum topic of making the most expensive unit. It was either Death Company or a giant IG blob. In all seriousness, I doubt this list will do well, but it'll be fun. I don't think it'll stand up against an Eldar Wave Serpent spam list, but I think I might do some damage to most other lists I see in my area. The dread will have to drop and provide some cover for the DC to jump and run their way across the table. I'll try to get the Command Trait of picking night fighting to help out and get some cover saves on top of the FNP.