I finally got in my first game of Warhammer 40k 8th edition. Like I mentioned before, I've been on the road a lot and I haven't had much time for anything else in life, let alone gaming. Luckily I got Monday off from my day job and played my buddy Ryan in a small 1,500 game with my Astral Claws vs. his mixed Imperium. It was his first game as well and we were both excited to get our dolls on the table top. I brought: 1 Battalion Captain Chaplain in Termie armor Tech priest 1 Tac Squad in a Rhino 1 Scout Squad in a Land Speeder 4 Rifle dreads 1 Shootie Termie Squad Ryan brought a mix of Blood Angels, Primaris Marines and Guard - mostly just to try out the various armies he wanted to play. We played Big Guns never tire on a Dawn of War map. It was a blast! Astral Claws - a good leader stands behind his men! A good opponent always helps but I liked the game and had a great time. We both spent a lot of time with our noses in the rule book and indexes double ch...