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Showing posts with the label forgeworld

Parting ways with Chaos

The tax man cometh and my shelves are way too full anyway so I've decided to part with my Chaos forces among some other armies like my Eldar and Dark Eldar. My buddy Kyle is interested in my Eldar but the rest of my models are up for sale. Painted Heldrake on eBay New Forgeworld Chaos Greater Brass Scorpion In the next few weeks I'm going to either post my armies on Ebay or get some cash-credit from Frontline Gaming. If anyone here is looking for some of the stuff I've posted about before, drop me a line!

Grey Knights - Updates please.

Chief librarian Boer of the Grey Knights company assigned to the protection of KS-34. I really hope the Grey Knights get a boost in the new Psychic Awakening books. They really only need a conscript unit to use as frontline troops, in my humble opinion. I'd like it to actually be Grey Knight "troops" as opposed to allied Imperial Guard to keep the purity of single codex armies.

Forgeworld: Win a Titan!

Forge World is holding a contest to win one of four titans! To enter, you have to spend £100 (about $150 USD) and write an essay naming your new titan in 400 words or less. A panel of judges will pick the four best stories and the winners will receive one of the following: a warhound, a reaver, or a warlord titan. Since I bought my wife an engagement ring and two wedding bands, I almost had her convinced to buy me a Reaver titan in return. I told her it would be an invincible symbol of our love that would shield us from our enemies and everyone would be able to witness our unbeatable bond. She didn't buy it. Admittedly, I've been tempted to buy a warhound recently. I wouldn't play with it very often but it's possible to field it in the local tourneys, and there's a certain amount of prestige that comes with owning such a cool model. Of course, I would love to own any of the other titans but they are just so expensive that it's out of my gaming budget. I could s...

Clipping Forge World Space Marine Should Pads

Here's a little hobby tip on how to properly cut Forge World Space Marine Shoulder Pads from the sprue. While this may seem like a waste of a blog post, I think it may acutally be helpful because the resin from Forge World isn't as easy to work with as the plastic used in regular Citadel miniatures from Games Workshop. While watching football today, I decided to clip and sand some pre Heresy Forge World MKII space marines. I thought it would be simple work and I was in factory (or assembly line) mode and making quick work through the bag of bits. The home team was winning, I was hyped about the game, and waving super sharp tools around while getting my new models ready for primer. After clipping, I used a needle file to sand down the seams, flash and rough edges when I discovered that I cut too deep on the shoulder pads and notched the top of the shoulder pads. Gah! They're ruined! They're expensive! Panic! What I had done wrong is by placing my wire cutte...

Forgeworld: Conquest!

It looks like there's a new book in the Horus Heresy line from Forgeworld for Warhammer 30k: Conquest Rumors say there will be rules for most of the Legions/Chapters, Imperial armies,  Mechanicus, and judging by the video, Imperial Knights. I don't know if the Xenos will get any love though. I think a few armies like Eldar and Orks deserve to get a 30K list.

Pre Heresy Death Guard

Big Red's Pre Heresy Death Guard army from Bell of Lost Souls make me want a pre Heresy army of my own. I kind of want Death Guard too, but I'd also like Raven Guard or the much harder to paint, Imperial Fists. I'll likely just expand my Space Wolves though, because, who needs a third Space Marine army? The Horus Heresy: Betrayal book is fantastic and may be the best product Games Workshop or Forgeworld has ever put out. It's so tempting...