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About: PlatinumGames

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PlatinumGames Inc. is a Japanese video game developer that was founded in October 2007 as result of a merger between two companies, Seeds Inc. and Odd Inc. Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba, and Hideki Kamiya founded Seeds Inc. after the closure of Capcom's Clover Studio, while Odd Inc. was founded by Tatsuya Minami. A year after the studio was founded, video game publisher Sega announced that it would be publishing four intellectual properties developed by the company: MadWorld, Infinite Space, Bayonetta, and Vanquish. Their partnership later extended to include Anarchy Reigns. Most of these games were met with positive reception. Over the years, PlatinumGames had developed an expertise in action games and one of their key philosophies was that the team would not follow conventional game desig

Property Value
  • Platinum Games és una empresa desenvolupadora de videojocs japonesa. Fundada en febrer de 2006 per Atsushi Inaba (creador de ) i Hideki Kamiya (creador de Devil May Cry), sota el nom de SEEDS Inc., després de la dissolució de . L'empresa manté gran part del planter de Clover Studios, com , creador de Resident Evil. En Octubre 2007 la companyia canvià al nom actual. En maig del 2008, l'empresa va tancar un tracte amb SEGA, en el qual SEGA es comprometia a publicar quatre jocs d'aquesta. Els jocs en qüestió són Bayonetta, (Star Chasers en el mercat europeu), i . (ca)
  • بلاتينيوم غيمز (بالإنجليزية: Platinum Games)‏ هي شركة يابانية مستقلة لتطوير ألعاب الفيديو. تم تأسيسها عام 2006 بواسطة شينجي ميكامي، اتسوشي انابا و‌هيداكي كاميا وهم الأعضاء الرئيسيون السابقون في كلوفر ستوديو التابع لشركة كابكوم. من أشهر ألعابها لعبة بايونيتا. (ar)
  • Platinum Games (jap. プラチナゲームズ株式会社, Purachinagēmuzu kabushiki-gaisha, stilisierte Schreibweise PlatinumGames) ist ein japanisches Spielentwicklungsunternehmen. (de)
  • PlatinumGames (プラチナゲームズ株式会社, Purachina Gēmuzu Kabushiki Gaisha) es una empresa desarrolladora de videojuegos japonesa. Fundada en febrero de 2006​ por Atsushi Inaba (creador de Viewtiful Joe) y Hideki Kamiya (creador de Devil May Cry),​ bajo el nombre de SEEDS Inc., tras la disolución de Clover Studio.​ La empresa mantiene gran parte de la plantilla de Clover Studios, como Shinji Mikami, creador de Resident Evil. En octubre de 2007 la compañía cambió su nombre a PlatinumGames.​ En mayo de 2008, la empresa cerró un trato con SEGA, en el cual SEGA se comprometía a publicar cuatro juegos de esta. Los juegos en cuestión fueron Bayonetta, (Star Chasers en el mercado Europeo), MadWorld y Vanquish.​ Los juegos tuvieron su lanzamiento a lo largo de 2009 y 2010. Debido al éxito que consiguieron los juegos, Sega quiso extender el contrato y publicarles un quinto videojuego, el cual se presentó a principios de 2011, bajo el título de Anarchy Reigns.​ (es)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. is a Japanese video game developer that was founded in October 2007 as result of a merger between two companies, Seeds Inc. and Odd Inc. Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba, and Hideki Kamiya founded Seeds Inc. after the closure of Capcom's Clover Studio, while Odd Inc. was founded by Tatsuya Minami. A year after the studio was founded, video game publisher Sega announced that it would be publishing four intellectual properties developed by the company: MadWorld, Infinite Space, Bayonetta, and Vanquish. Their partnership later extended to include Anarchy Reigns. Most of these games were met with positive reception. Over the years, PlatinumGames had developed an expertise in action games and one of their key philosophies was that the team would not follow conventional game design concepts. While PlatinumGames' core goal was to create new and original intellectual property, the team also accepted several contract works from Activision on several licensed projects, most of which received mediocre reviews. Since 2013, PlatinumGames had held a close relationship with console manufacturer Nintendo, which funded several of their original titles, including The Wonderful 101 and Astral Chain, and handled licensing between Sega that would allow Platinum to continue the Bayonetta series. The studio worked on creating new installments in other studios' franchises, with the studio taking major development duties on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance for Konami, Star Fox Zero for Nintendo, and Nier: Automata for Square Enix. Nier: Automata, which was both a critical and commercial success, was an important project for PlatinumGames, since it was their first game released after the cancellation of Scalebound, a project funded by Microsoft Studios. (en)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. est un studio de développement de jeux vidéo japonais basé à Osaka. Le cœur du studio est principalement constitué d'anciens développeurs issus de l'ancien studio interne de Capcom, Clover Studio, qui ont choisi de créer leur propre entreprise. (fr)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. (プラチナゲームズ株式会社 Purachinagēmuzu Kabushiki Gaisha?) è un’azienda giapponese sviluppatrice di videogiochi. PlatinumGames è il risultato della fusione tra la Seeds Inc., fondata nell'agosto del 2006 da Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba e Hideki Kamiya, ex membri chiave di Clover Studio ed autori di titoli cult come Viewtiful Joe, Okami e God Hand, e la ODD Inc. (precedentemente ODD Ltd.), fondata da nel febbraio del 2006. PlatinumGames si occupa dello sviluppo di videogiochi d'azione ed è considerata una delle migliori nel panorama videoludico. Alcuni titoli prodotti dalla società come Bayonetta, Vanquish e Nier: Automata, hanno riscosso un enorme successo sia fra la stampa specializzata che fra i giocatori e vengono annoverati come tra i migliori esponenti del genere action. (it)
  • 플래티넘게임즈(PlatinumGames Inc., プラチナゲームズ株式会社)는 일본의 비디오 게임 개발사이다. 이 회사는 시즈(Seeds)사와 오드(Odd)사 간 합병의 결과로 2007년 10월 설립되었다. 이듬해 비디오 게임 배급사 세가 게임스는 , , 베요네타, 를 보유한 기업이 개발한 고유한 4가지 속성을 퍼블리싱할 것이라 발표하였다.이 파트너십은 나중에 를 포함하는 것으로 확대되었다. 그러나 대부분이 상당한 호평을 받았음에도 불구하고 이 중 어느 것도 상업적인 성공을 거두지 못했다. 회사의 주 목표는 새롭고 독창적인 지식 재산을 창출하는 것이며, 팀은 2010년대 들어 라이선스를 받은 더 많은 타이틀을 만들기 시작했다. (이를테면 액티비전과 함께하는 코라의 전설, 닌자 거북이와 트랜스포머 시리즈, 코나미와 함께하는 메탈 기어 라이징: 리벤전스, 닌텐도와 함께하는 스타 폭스 시리즈, 스퀘어 에닉스와 함께하는 니어: 오토마타.) 사원수는 2018년 기준으로 197명이다. (ko)
  • プラチナゲームズ株式会社(英: PlatinumGames Inc.)は、家庭用テレビゲームソフトの企画・制作を行う日本のゲームメーカーである。『マッドワールド』、『ベヨネッタ』をはじめとしたアクションゲームを得意分野としているほか、『メタルギア ライジング リベンジェンス』、『スターフォックス ゼロ』など他社シリーズの開発も手掛ける。 社名は「化学的に極めて安定、酸化されにくく、融点が高い」というプラチナの劣化しにくい性質に着目して付けられた。 (ja)
  • PlatinumGames – japońskie przedsiębiorstwo zajmujące się produkcją gier komputerowych. Główna siedziba firmy znajduje się w Osace. (pl)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. is een Japans computerspelontwikkelaar die werd opgericht in oktober 2007 na het samengaan van voorgangers Seeds Inc. en Odd Inc. Een jaar later maakte Sega bekend ontwikkelde spellen van PlatinumGames uit te gaan geven, zoals MadWorld, Infinite Space, Bayonetta en Vanquish. PlatinumGames werkte onder meer samen met Activision, en sinds 2013 met Nintendo. Het bedrijf werkte ook aan opvolgers in spelseries van andere ontwikkelaars. (nl)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. é uma desenvolvedora de jogos eletrônicos japonesa fundada em outubro de 2007 como resultado da fusão de duas empresas, Seeds Inc. e Odd Inc. Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba e Hideki Kamiya fundaram a Seeds Inc. depois da dissolução da desenvolvedora Clover Studio pela Capcom, enquanto a Odd Inc. foi fundada por Tatsuya Minami. Um ano depois da criação do estúdio, a publicadora de jogos eletrônicos Sega anunciou que publicaria quatro propriedades intelectuais desenvolvidas pela empresa: MadWorld, , Bayonetta e Vanquish. A parceria foi mais tarde extendida para também incluir Anarchy Reigns. A maior parte destes jogos foi recebida positivamente pela crítica. Apesar de a maior parte dos jogos da PlatinumGames ser baseada em propriedades intelectuais originais, a equipe também aceitou diversos contratos da Activision para projetos licenciados, a maioria recebendo críticas medianas. Desde 2013, a PlatinumGames mantém uma relação próxima com a Nintendo, tendo a publicadora fundado vários de seus títulos, como The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2 e Astral Chain. O estúdio também trabalhou criando novos jogos para franquias de outras empresas, tendo realizado a maior parte do desenvolvimento em Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance para a Konami, Star Fox Zero para a Nintendo e Nier: Automata para a Square Enix. (pt)
  • Platinum Games, Inc. (プラチナゲームズ株式会社 Purachina Gēmuzu kabushiki gaisha?), stiliserat PlatinumGames, är en japansk datorspelsutvecklare. Företaget grundades den 1 augusti 2006 under namnet Seeds, Inc. av nyckelmedlemmarna i Capcoms nedlagda studio Clover Studio: Shinji Mikami, och . Flera andra personer som har arbetat på Clover Studio arbetar numera på Platinum Games. (sv)
  • PlatinumGames (яп. プラチナゲームズ株式会社 Пуратина Гэ:мудзу Кабусики-гайся) — японская частная компания, специализирующаяся на разработке консольных игр. Основана в октябре 2007 года. Штаб-квартира расположена в Японии, в городе Осака. (ru)
  • 白金工作室(日语:プラチナゲームズ株式会社,英语:PlatinumGames Inc.)是由三上真司、神谷英樹、稻葉敦志所設立的SEEDS以及所設立的ODD合併而成,為一間製作家用電子遊戲機軟體的公司。 (zh)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. (яп. プラチナゲームズ株式会社, ромадзі: Purachina Gēmuzu Kabushiki Gaisha) — це японська компанія-розробник відеоігор. Вона була створена під назвою Seeds, Inc. 1-го серпня 2006 року колишніми ключовими працівниками . (uk)
  • 2007-10-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2007-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 308 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 3 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • プラチナゲームズ株式会社 (en)
  • 9510812 (xsd:integer)
  • 73133 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124947243 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • horizontal (en)
  • (en)
  • PlatinumGames FUKUOKA (en)
  • PlatinumGames TOKYO (en)
  • Former Capcom employees Shinji Mikami and Atsushi Inaba co-founded the company along with Hideki Kamiya and Tatsuya Minami. (en)
  • 2007-10-01 (xsd:date)
  • (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • 416 (xsd:integer)
  • Japan (en)
  • Atsushi Inaba .jpg (en)
  • Shinji Mikami April 2013 3.jpg (en)
  • (en)
  • Hideki Kamiya (en)
  • Takahisa Taura (en)
  • Atsushi Inaba (en)
  • Takao Yamane (en)
  • PlatinumGames Inc..png (en)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. (en)
  • プラチナゲームズ株式会社 (en)
  • ja (en)
  • 308 (xsd:integer)
  • 2022 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 2022 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • Seeds Inc. (en)
  • Odd Inc. (en)
  • Bayonetta (en)
  • (en)
  • Nier: Automata (en)
  • Vanquish (en)
  • The Wonderful 101 (en)
  • "That's how games are. Teams kind of burn themselves out and then they get all that feedback and they get recharged and then people say that they're ready to do it again. And Bayonetta was a really, really strong example of that". (en)
  • "I'm not really interested in working for a studio that isn't kind of a noisy, loud, clanking machine of people bumping into each other and trying to do their best, so if it's just kind of a machine that's there to make money and there to make games efficiently, it's not something that interests me". (en)
  • Purachina Gēmuzu Kabushiki Gaisha (en)
  • — Atsushi Inaba on Bayonetta's development (en)
  • — Atsushi Inaba, co-founder of PlatinumGames (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • 204 (xsd:integer)
  • 304 (xsd:integer)
  • 33.0
  • Platinum Games és una empresa desenvolupadora de videojocs japonesa. Fundada en febrer de 2006 per Atsushi Inaba (creador de ) i Hideki Kamiya (creador de Devil May Cry), sota el nom de SEEDS Inc., després de la dissolució de . L'empresa manté gran part del planter de Clover Studios, com , creador de Resident Evil. En Octubre 2007 la companyia canvià al nom actual. En maig del 2008, l'empresa va tancar un tracte amb SEGA, en el qual SEGA es comprometia a publicar quatre jocs d'aquesta. Els jocs en qüestió són Bayonetta, (Star Chasers en el mercat europeu), i . (ca)
  • بلاتينيوم غيمز (بالإنجليزية: Platinum Games)‏ هي شركة يابانية مستقلة لتطوير ألعاب الفيديو. تم تأسيسها عام 2006 بواسطة شينجي ميكامي، اتسوشي انابا و‌هيداكي كاميا وهم الأعضاء الرئيسيون السابقون في كلوفر ستوديو التابع لشركة كابكوم. من أشهر ألعابها لعبة بايونيتا. (ar)
  • Platinum Games (jap. プラチナゲームズ株式会社, Purachinagēmuzu kabushiki-gaisha, stilisierte Schreibweise PlatinumGames) ist ein japanisches Spielentwicklungsunternehmen. (de)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. est un studio de développement de jeux vidéo japonais basé à Osaka. Le cœur du studio est principalement constitué d'anciens développeurs issus de l'ancien studio interne de Capcom, Clover Studio, qui ont choisi de créer leur propre entreprise. (fr)
  • 플래티넘게임즈(PlatinumGames Inc., プラチナゲームズ株式会社)는 일본의 비디오 게임 개발사이다. 이 회사는 시즈(Seeds)사와 오드(Odd)사 간 합병의 결과로 2007년 10월 설립되었다. 이듬해 비디오 게임 배급사 세가 게임스는 , , 베요네타, 를 보유한 기업이 개발한 고유한 4가지 속성을 퍼블리싱할 것이라 발표하였다.이 파트너십은 나중에 를 포함하는 것으로 확대되었다. 그러나 대부분이 상당한 호평을 받았음에도 불구하고 이 중 어느 것도 상업적인 성공을 거두지 못했다. 회사의 주 목표는 새롭고 독창적인 지식 재산을 창출하는 것이며, 팀은 2010년대 들어 라이선스를 받은 더 많은 타이틀을 만들기 시작했다. (이를테면 액티비전과 함께하는 코라의 전설, 닌자 거북이와 트랜스포머 시리즈, 코나미와 함께하는 메탈 기어 라이징: 리벤전스, 닌텐도와 함께하는 스타 폭스 시리즈, 스퀘어 에닉스와 함께하는 니어: 오토마타.) 사원수는 2018년 기준으로 197명이다. (ko)
  • プラチナゲームズ株式会社(英: PlatinumGames Inc.)は、家庭用テレビゲームソフトの企画・制作を行う日本のゲームメーカーである。『マッドワールド』、『ベヨネッタ』をはじめとしたアクションゲームを得意分野としているほか、『メタルギア ライジング リベンジェンス』、『スターフォックス ゼロ』など他社シリーズの開発も手掛ける。 社名は「化学的に極めて安定、酸化されにくく、融点が高い」というプラチナの劣化しにくい性質に着目して付けられた。 (ja)
  • PlatinumGames – japońskie przedsiębiorstwo zajmujące się produkcją gier komputerowych. Główna siedziba firmy znajduje się w Osace. (pl)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. is een Japans computerspelontwikkelaar die werd opgericht in oktober 2007 na het samengaan van voorgangers Seeds Inc. en Odd Inc. Een jaar later maakte Sega bekend ontwikkelde spellen van PlatinumGames uit te gaan geven, zoals MadWorld, Infinite Space, Bayonetta en Vanquish. PlatinumGames werkte onder meer samen met Activision, en sinds 2013 met Nintendo. Het bedrijf werkte ook aan opvolgers in spelseries van andere ontwikkelaars. (nl)
  • Platinum Games, Inc. (プラチナゲームズ株式会社 Purachina Gēmuzu kabushiki gaisha?), stiliserat PlatinumGames, är en japansk datorspelsutvecklare. Företaget grundades den 1 augusti 2006 under namnet Seeds, Inc. av nyckelmedlemmarna i Capcoms nedlagda studio Clover Studio: Shinji Mikami, och . Flera andra personer som har arbetat på Clover Studio arbetar numera på Platinum Games. (sv)
  • PlatinumGames (яп. プラチナゲームズ株式会社 Пуратина Гэ:мудзу Кабусики-гайся) — японская частная компания, специализирующаяся на разработке консольных игр. Основана в октябре 2007 года. Штаб-квартира расположена в Японии, в городе Осака. (ru)
  • 白金工作室(日语:プラチナゲームズ株式会社,英语:PlatinumGames Inc.)是由三上真司、神谷英樹、稻葉敦志所設立的SEEDS以及所設立的ODD合併而成,為一間製作家用電子遊戲機軟體的公司。 (zh)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. (яп. プラチナゲームズ株式会社, ромадзі: Purachina Gēmuzu Kabushiki Gaisha) — це японська компанія-розробник відеоігор. Вона була створена під назвою Seeds, Inc. 1-го серпня 2006 року колишніми ключовими працівниками . (uk)
  • PlatinumGames (プラチナゲームズ株式会社, Purachina Gēmuzu Kabushiki Gaisha) es una empresa desarrolladora de videojuegos japonesa. Fundada en febrero de 2006​ por Atsushi Inaba (creador de Viewtiful Joe) y Hideki Kamiya (creador de Devil May Cry),​ bajo el nombre de SEEDS Inc., tras la disolución de Clover Studio.​ La empresa mantiene gran parte de la plantilla de Clover Studios, como Shinji Mikami, creador de Resident Evil. En octubre de 2007 la compañía cambió su nombre a PlatinumGames.​ (es)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. is a Japanese video game developer that was founded in October 2007 as result of a merger between two companies, Seeds Inc. and Odd Inc. Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba, and Hideki Kamiya founded Seeds Inc. after the closure of Capcom's Clover Studio, while Odd Inc. was founded by Tatsuya Minami. A year after the studio was founded, video game publisher Sega announced that it would be publishing four intellectual properties developed by the company: MadWorld, Infinite Space, Bayonetta, and Vanquish. Their partnership later extended to include Anarchy Reigns. Most of these games were met with positive reception. Over the years, PlatinumGames had developed an expertise in action games and one of their key philosophies was that the team would not follow conventional game desig (en)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. (プラチナゲームズ株式会社 Purachinagēmuzu Kabushiki Gaisha?) è un’azienda giapponese sviluppatrice di videogiochi. PlatinumGames è il risultato della fusione tra la Seeds Inc., fondata nell'agosto del 2006 da Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba e Hideki Kamiya, ex membri chiave di Clover Studio ed autori di titoli cult come Viewtiful Joe, Okami e God Hand, e la ODD Inc. (precedentemente ODD Ltd.), fondata da nel febbraio del 2006. (it)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. é uma desenvolvedora de jogos eletrônicos japonesa fundada em outubro de 2007 como resultado da fusão de duas empresas, Seeds Inc. e Odd Inc. Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba e Hideki Kamiya fundaram a Seeds Inc. depois da dissolução da desenvolvedora Clover Studio pela Capcom, enquanto a Odd Inc. foi fundada por Tatsuya Minami. Um ano depois da criação do estúdio, a publicadora de jogos eletrônicos Sega anunciou que publicaria quatro propriedades intelectuais desenvolvidas pela empresa: MadWorld, , Bayonetta e Vanquish. A parceria foi mais tarde extendida para também incluir Anarchy Reigns. A maior parte destes jogos foi recebida positivamente pela crítica. (pt)
  • PlatinumGames (en)
  • بلاتينيوم غيمز (ar)
  • Platinum Games (ca)
  • Platinum Games (de)
  • PlatinumGames (es)
  • PlatinumGames (it)
  • PlatinumGames (fr)
  • 플래티넘게임즈 (ko)
  • プラチナゲームズ (ja)
  • PlatinumGames (pl)
  • PlatinumGames (nl)
  • Platinum Games (ru)
  • PlatinumGames (pt)
  • Platinum Games (sv)
  • PlatinumGames (uk)
  • 白金工作室 (zh)
  • PlatinumGames Inc. (en)
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