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Monday, 16 August 2010

Ready for the Show

I am in the usual pre show tizz - getting ready for the Festival of Quilts. Actually I am nearly ready and I've done the most hated job - ironing the table covers. By the time I get them there, they won't look as if an iron has been anywhere near them.

d4daisy has a great display with work by most of our lovely authors, including a big piece from Jae Maries, some awesome stuff from Lynda and Carol, even a piece of Julia Caprara's work, many thanks to Alex. Jean Draper is also bringing me a piece of her work - she is still hopeful that her book will be out next year (her partner was taken seriously ill which put it on hold, but, thank God, he's much better now).

There is constant interuption to the flow of work due to multiple choice question sheets about the house move. Our solicitor says that she is nearly there, but the surveyers have yet to survey so anything could happen and I refuse to get excited. If we get as far as signing the contract I shall celebrate with a bucketful of champagne (and no there won't be a pic on the blog!).

I was clearing my camera card in readiness for the exhibition - full report on the show in September's WoW - when I found this photo of my friend Isabel wearing a jacket that she had made at a Lizzie Houghton workshop. It's nuno felt with habutai silk and it just looks terrific. Lizzie's book 'Felting Fashion' is a really good one and I missed it as the publishers, Batsford, didn't send me a review copy.


I also found this amazing graduate piece by Tiziana Tateo who achieved her degree with Opus. It is Sizoflor and puff paint with some zapping, and is based on the philosopher Schopenhauer's view of Maya's veil - the veil of illusion. Way back when I ran distance learning classes, Tiziana was one of my students and she has gone from strength to strength, with her work consistently included in prestigious exhibitions. Based in Italy, she says there is little opportunity for creative stitching, so our UK Distance Learning was just right for her degree. I'm including this piece in my talk on three-dimensional embroidery at the NEC Festival.


JP and Julie - look forward to seeing you at the show.

Thanks to all for good house wishes - I'll keep you all posted!

Dongles do sound rude, Jo. I remember when I had a proper job at an insurance company and had to investigate a new computer system which included a dongle. Reporting to my rather po-faced boss was a great trial and I used to get outside the door and explode with laughter. Geelong sounds like a great pressie - give my love to everyone.

It was good to see you, too Daniela - if the house thing goes through it will be a very fair deal all round, I think. Prices are dropping a little and I don't think that is too bad a thing (unless you have a big mortgage, then it's difficult).

When I come back after the FOQ I shall have some Flower Stitchers up for grabs so watch out for this month's special offer.


scooter said...

Maggie - I always look forward to your blog...there's always something interesting and something to make me smile. BTW - I finally found a copy of the "Beyond Paper" cd - from Stitches in Canada. I've only had a chance to look at it briefly since I got it a few days ago - but can see that I need to do some serious playing!

My husband and I are most likely moving to London for a couple years - for his work - at the end of 2010. I am hopeful that I will have a chance to meet you sometime. The thought that I might finally get a chance to take some workshops with some of the U.K. fiber artists that I admire makes me very happy indeed!

CG - San Francisco USA

Heather said...

The nuno felt jacket and veil are both so beautiful and unusual. Good luck with FOQ and house sale - it's a good job you are so busy or you'd be biting your nails to the elbow.

Jane said...

Those are both amazing pictures - I'll be at the FOQ on Thursday so I'll stop by.

Fibrenell said...

Hi Maggie
Tiziana's work is just beautiful. Since working under Sian with distant stitch I love to hear of success stories of students who've studied by correspondence.
Wish I could be at FOQ - have fun!

vintagerockchick said...

Could you not use crumpled silk tablecovers - it'd save all that ironing! Hope you enjoy 'Quilts' - I'm giving it a miss this year xx

tiziana said...

Maggie-So glad you liked my graduate work and so honoured you will include it in your talk at the NEC Festival.
Wish I could be there to listen to.

What a great opportunity for me your Distance Learning classes and the Opus Degree Course(now JC School of Textile Arts)!

embexelli said...

Hi Maggie, Hope the show went well! See you soon x