Just the carcases so far, so the pretty bit is yet to come. I have gone for a weird mixture of traditional oak and glitzy, shiny black and am now wondering if I was mad. I'll keep you posted.
We will probably have something watery somewhere in the garden, Heather. Smudge does like to watch the frogs. I shan't have fish - too upsetting, as the heron always gets them. We made fantastic compost at the last house but there is a severe lack of worms here so I had to order some on-line. The postman was horrified!
I am working on my next book which is about using photos, photocopiers and imaging programs and by-passing the need for drawin. Not that I think we shouldn't draw (and there will be a lot of ideas for taking the techniques and boosting drawings) but some folks just don't. It will be called 'Your Cheating Art' and if it fails as a book it will at least have a chance in the country music charts.
The piece below comes from a photo of our mate Bill, much changed. Don't think he'd know himself in the pic below.
I have printed it on fuzzy paper and started to stitch into it.
Hope it will be one for the FOQ talk too, Gilby. It will be great to see you there and, if I don't recognise you, just shout.